From Elsewhere: Good News from the USA. FBI drop association with mendacious greivance mongers



The US hate crime monitor, the Southern Poverty Law Centre, likes to present itself as a reasonable centrist organisation dedicated to stamping out hatred aimed at those who are different from the norm. The reality is very different. Like some of our own grievance mongers here in the UK the SPLC have over-egged the pudding and stepped over the line that divides murderous hatred from a contrary opinion. They were including groups like the Family Research Council a conservative social policy campaign, alongside groups like Aryan Nation and the KKK. Now I disagree with these Christian conservatives who don’t like gays, but unlike the Jihadists et al, these Christian groups do not want to kill gays, they are entitled to their opinion even though it is one which I do not support.

We’ve seen this sort of behaviour with our own mendacious grievance mongering taqiyya merchants in Britain. We’ve seen them include, for example, negative opinions of the ideology of Islam as ‘attacks’ or ‘hate crimes’.

The conservative news source Brietbart said:

Christian groups are celebrating with the news that the Federal Bureau of Investigation appears to have scrubbed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) from its hate crimes webpage, where the controversial group was listed as a resource and referred to as a partner in public outreach.

A letter to the U.S. Department of Justice, drafted by Lieutenant General (Ret.) William G. Boykin, Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council (FRC), calls such an association “completely unacceptable.”

Signed by fourteen other conservative and Christian leaders, the letter calls SPLC “a heavily politicized organization producing inaccurate and biased data on ‘hate groups’ – not hate crimes.” It accuses the SPLC of “providing findings that are not consistent with trends found in the FBI statistics.” Where the FBI has found hate crimes and hate groups declining significantly in the past ten years, SPLC claims hate groups have increased 67.3% since 2000. Where once SPLC’s hate list was reserved for groups like the Aryan Nation and the KKK, in 2010 SPLC started citing as hate groups those Christian groups that oppose same-sex marriage or believe homosexuality is not inborn, or are otherwise critical of homosexuality. Among the Christian groups targeted by SPLC was FRC.”

The Breitbart article continued:

Writing at the Harper’s Magazine blog in 2007, Ken Silverstein said, “What [the SPLC] does best… is to raise obscene amounts of money by hyping fears about the power of [right-wing fringe] groups; hence the SPLC has become the nation’s richest ‘civil rights’ organization.”

A critical analysis published recently by Professor George Yancey of North Texas University concluded that SPLC targets only those groups its leaders disagree with politically while leaving liberal groups who use extreme language alone.

A 2013 article in Foreign Policy concluded that SPLC exaggerates the hate crimes threat, saying SPLC is not an “objective purveyor of data,” instead calling them “anti-hate activists” and suggesting that their reports need to be “weighed more carefully by news outlets that cover their pronouncements.”

Read the rest of the article here.

It is really heart-warming news to see the FBI coming to their senses and dropping SPLC from their list of approved resources on hate crime. The inclusion in such official lists gives those organisations like SPLC an air of respectability that they do not deserve.

It is to be commended that the FBI have seen sense in this issue and we in Britain can only hope that our own police forces do the same. We must keep speaking up to make sure that entities like the police start to wake up to the fact that they have their own analogues of the money-grabbing SPLC organisation being recommended as ‘hate crime’ resources.

Maybe one day we will see the good news that Chris Sims the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police has at last pulled his head from his arse, and banished the fraudulent Tell Mama organisation or similar organisations from having any influence on the policing in their area.

The good news about this story is at least some Government organisations can see when they’ve been hoodwinked and then make a much needed correction in policy.