It’s That Man Again! – Razwan Ul Haq involved in forcing Islamic propaganda on the schools of Cumbria and the Lefty teachers were lapping it up.

Cumbria County Council – Another Islamic propaganda council


A while back I found a copy of a document that is quite scary if you are a parent and live in the county of Cumbria.

It seems that under the guise of ‘multiculturalism weeks’ the school children of Cumbria have been subjected to a quite considerable amount of Islamic evangelism, the content of which may not have been effectively communicated to the parents of those children affected.

The document, which is attached to the bottom of this post, shows that Razwan Ul Haq, a notorious promoter of, and apologist for Islam within our educational system was invited back in 2006 by a Cumbria school, St Michael’s Nursery and Infant School in Workington, to help plan an ‘Islamic culture week’.

This did not take the form of just informing the children of Islamic religious beliefs, but in my view crossed the line into brainwashing children into believing that Islam is OK and not at all a threat to their futures. This appalling example of forcing children to absorb Islamic propaganda was described by the Cumbria County Council document like this:

An Islamic Culture Week:

This project took place at St Michael’s Nursery and Infant School in Workington. As part of curriculum

enrichment, staff agreed on a ‘collapsed curriculum’ and organise three multicultural focus weeks per year.

It was decided that the first of these would be on Islamic Culture and would take place during Ramadan.

The Headteacher arranged for an Islamic artist and educational consultant (Razwan Ul-Haq Tel: 0777

3963 502) to come from Burnley to lead a day of INSET for all staff, including the secretary (who thoroughly

enjoyed the day). Razwan helped the staff plan the Islamic Culture Week. They examined aspects of

Muslim life, beliefs and culture which could be adapted for young children and had practical sessions on

Islamic music (chanting and call to prayer), calligraphy, painting and pattern making. Together staff

planned activities in all areas of learning in the Foundation Stage and in all curriculum areas in KS1.

The Islamic Culture week was launched by teachers showing their classes pictures of children from a range

of cultural backgrounds. They discussed ‘What’s the same about these children and you?’ then ‘What’s

different about these children and you?’

Members of the very small local Muslim community were involved in the planning and were invited to visit

the school during the week. They spoke to the children about their experiences as Muslims and dressed

staff up in cultural appropriate clothes. A 6th form pupil from the local secondary school came and taught

Bollywood dancing to each class. She showed traditional clothes and explained aspects of her life as a

Muslim, such as the difficulties involved in fasting during Ramadan and the joys of Eid parties and of Henna

hand paining.

The importance of the way progression for the different age ranges was handled is illustrated by the work

done on the prayer mat. Each class was shown a prayer mat and told how and why Muslims use them.

The mats were closely examined and touched by the children. In Nursery and Reception the children

experimented with paint to design their own prayer mats. In Yr 1 they decorated fabric with a range of

media to design their own prayer mats. In Yr 2 they wove paper strips to make a colourful prayer mat.

During the week all children participated in a range of activities in all curriculum areas, many of them based

on shape. They were:

RE/Multi-cultural awareness:

· Investigate poster pack pictures illustrating aspects of Muslim life (All-differentiated)

· Briefly introduce aspects of the daily life of a Muslim (All-differentiated)

· Investigate and explain Muslim artefacts (All-differentiated)

· Use a Persona Doll with the background of being a Muslim visiting Workington from Manchester.

Introduce a range of things to celebrate and challenges to be overcome

· Investigate the catalogue Mrs Ali uses to order saris etc. (All-differentiated)

· Make and eat culturally appropriate food for snack time: Monday -sweet rice; Tuesday –Naan bread

and poppadoms with curry dip; Wednesday-carrots and raisins; Thursday-saffron rice with savoury

sauce; Friday-curry flavoured twisters (Reception)

· Learn the importance of prayer and of washing beforehand (Nursery and Reception)

· Role play activities in a Muslim mosque and home which involve sequencing (Nursery and Reception)

· Reflect on the joys and difficulties of fasting (Yr 1)

· Make food for an Eid Party e.g. pomegranate and rose water salad; carrot, sultana and cinnamon salad;

Eid biscuits (Yr 1)

· Celebrate an Eid party (Yr 1)

· Discuss some of the 5 pillars of Islam (Yr 1 and 2)

· Debate the importance of the Qu’ran (Yr 2)

· Explore similarities between the mosque and other places of worship (Yr 2)

· Design a poster which shows what Muhammad (PBUH) taught about the natural world (Yr 2)


· Recognise basic shapes and how to fit them together to make geometric patterns (Nursery )

· Sort, match and count basic shapes (Nursery)

· Make tissue pattern shapes of Seal of Solomon (Nursery )

· Mix salt dough and cut out squares to form a Solomon seal (Nursery)

· Make repeated patterns form potato prints of Solomon Seals prints (Reception)

· Make mosques from building shapes (Reception)

· Design Islamic tile patterns on star shaped paper (Reception)

· Sing ’10 green Bottles’ and ‘Five Little Frogs’ using Punjabi numbers (Yr 1)

· Join up the Punjabi numbers to draw Punjabi numbers (Yr 1)


· Make prayer beads replicating a set pattern of colours (Yr 1)

· Make Seal of Solomon repeated pattern collage (Yr 1)

· Use one shape to make a Seal of Solomon (Yr 2)

· Mathematical investigation based on the Seal of Solomon (6 pointed star) (Yr 2)

· Count to 10 using Punjabi numbers (Yr 2)

· Join up the Punjabi numbers to make a shape (Yr 2)


· Dress up in culturally appropriate clothes and role play Muslim family life encouraging appropriate

speaking and listening (Nursery and Reception)

· Practice handwriting skills using Arabic letters and symbols (Reception)

· Write Allah in Arabic calligraphy on paper cut into the shape of a feather (Yr 1)

· Use The Tiny Ants and Seven New Kittens, by Gill Vaisey which are two traditional Muslim stories to

encourage children to reflect on the need to care for the natural world. Design posters to advertise The

Tiny Ants. Make a collage of kittens. (Yr 1)

· Write group acrostic poems based on ‘Allah’ and ‘Muslim’

· Research Muslim culture though books, internet, interviewing Muslims (Yr 2)

· Listen to and discuss a range of Muslim stories – for example some from (All – differentiated)

Art and Technology:

· Set up the sand tray as a small world play of a Desert as in some Islamic countries there are deserts


· Set up the water tray as a small world play of an oasis as in some Islamic countries there are oasis


· Using large construction blocks fit different shapes together to make a mosque (Nursery)

· Make patterns by potato printing the word ‘Allah’ (Nursery and Reception)

· Trace round hands and design patterns on them like Henna hand painting (Reception)

· Make Papier Mache Eggs like those from Rajasthan (Yr 1)

· Design a mosque with a minaret (Yr 1)

· Design mosques using rolled paper for the 2 pillars. (Yr 2)

· Make a collage to portray a mosque (Yr 2)

· Design borders for the Exhibition displays using Islamic patterns (Yr 2)

· Introduce Islamic Art –calligraphy and patterns (All – differentiated)

· Make Eid cards, with some opening left to right (All – differentiated)


· Introduce Indian Ragas and Islamic music from different parts of the world including fusion music and

Bollywood music. (All – differentiated)

· Play instruments in time to Islamic music.

· Listen to and discuss culturally appropriate music and tried to replicate it using a range of musical

instruments. (Yr 1 and 2)


· All year groups experience Bollywood dancing; simpler moves for Reception and Yr1 while Yr 2 learn

many more moves. This involves counting, concentration, awareness of body parts, and left and right

orientation in order to keep to the rhythm.”


This is an appalling example of how Islamic propaganda is being put out not just in Religious Education lessons but has been spread throughout the curriculum by Left wing educationalists. I fail to see how this level of propaganda is appropriate for nursery and infant school aged children and this spreading of the propaganda in such a widespread format makes it difficult for parents who are worried about this sort of thing to remove their child from it. If it was only present in Religious Education lessons then there are established rights for parents to remove their children from RE lessons. This incorporation of Islamic propaganda into every subject area removes an important right that should be reserved for parents and parents alone, the right to decide what, if any, religious propaganda their child is subjected to.

This case shows how vitally important it is for parents to be much more aware of what the teachers are teaching. It is very pertinent to mention that this appalling incident happened during the years of misrule by the Labour Party and the fact that Labour both encourages and approves of such an abuse of the rights of both parents and children, should make people think twice about voting for Labour candidates. Basically it has come to this: If you want an Islamic Goebbels, as a teacher, then vote Labour.

Cumbria County Council’s actions regarding Multicultural week are probably one of the best advertisements yet for the home-schooling of children. If you want to prevent your child from being lied to about Islam and you are not in the position to home-school, then you must be very aware of what your child is being taught and together with other parents, make a fuss about this sort of Islam promotion.

There is nothing wrong with teaching older children accurately and factually about the differences in what people believe, but Cumbria County Council have really gone too far with this.  

Teachers promoting Islam like this is the other Islamic Trojan Horse that needs to be dealt with, and dealt with soon.  These Quislings posing as teachers need to be informed by the DfE that no more of this wasteful and dishonest guff should be imposed on our children.



38 Ideas for Multicultural Week