From Elsewhere: The ultimate in stupidity – gays protesting for Hamas.

Queers for Palestine probably the most suicidal and stupid political campaign ever.

There are many people who have been so brainwashed by the false narrative that the terrorists of Hamas are ‘freedom fighters’, that they defend the indefensible. There are scores of idiot Lefties and those who get all their news from the BBC, who mistakenly think that Hamas are the underdog and not, as is the reality, a bunch of genocidal maniacs.

One of the most suicidally stupid mobs that have emerged from under rocks, to come out to support Hamas must be the ‘Gays for Gaza’ type groups. A group called Queers for Palestine has decided to completely ignore the violent murderous homophobia that exists in Islamic societies, including that of Gaza and instead have turned their ire on Israel, the ONLY country in the Middle East where Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals can live life in relative peace. Queers for Palestine fail to see that the object of their hatred, Israel, gives LGB people life, whereas death is often the punishment for being LGB in Islamic lands.

Here’s Milo Yiannopoulos writing on the Breitbart website on the monstrous stupidity of LGB people supporting Hamas. He points out that Tel Aviv is probably one of the most gay-friendly cities on the planet and a destination of choice for Gaza and West Bank Arabs, who can’t be open about their sexuality in their gay-hating Islamic culture.

Mr Yiannopoulos said:

In fact, friendly is an understatement. Israel is positively enthusiastic, as the only liberal democracy in the region, of underscoring its Western credentials and celebrating people of all backgrounds and preferences —provided they’re not insane militants who want to see the Jews scrubbed from the face of the earth, obviously. 

So you might imagine that gay Westerners, with an uncensored press and ready access to information about the torture and execution of homosexuals under administrations like Hamas’s, would be reluctant to support barbaric medieval homophobia. Surely they would feel a natural affinity to the permissive democracy in this conflict — not to mention how deliciously dreamy Israeli men are? 

Alas, not so. Witness the “Queers for Palestine” movement — a small group of homosexuals who have decided to support “Palestine” despite apparently knowing nothing about the history of this conflict, and despite the latter’s appalling human rights record and systematic persecution of homosexuals. Queer indeed. 

This is one of those times you catch sight of something or someone on the internet so mind-blowingly dumb, you need to do a few minutes’ research to make sure it’s not a wind-up. 

So this week’s prize for stupidity goes to the daft queens marching down their local High Street in support of a regime that wants them dead. Of course, some of the responsibility for this must lie with the BBC, Channel 4 and CNN — all of which downplay the ugliness of Islamist Palestinian society and ham up the suffering of its citizens to make Israel look like the bad guy. 

There’s even a conspiracy theory that Israel’s support for gay rights exists only to make the countries around it look bad. It’s called “pinkwashing,” and it’s an odd lie put about by brainless boobies who, despite the fact that if they ever actually went to the Middle East with their rainbow flags and terrible music they’d be lynched, support terrorists in Gaza no matter what against the evil Jewish state. Bitch, please

To be fair, the gays aren’t the only ones taken in. “Radical feminists” have also been spotted in London and elsewhere “showing solidarity” with their oppressed fellow human rights enthusiasts in Gaza. It’s almost too obvious a joke to make, but have these angry, spiky-haired four-foot Caledonian lesbians railing against Israel actually considered what their lives would be like if they’d been born in an Islamic country? 

Makes you laugh, doesn’t it? I’m happy to stump up for a plane ticket, incidentally, if one of these marchers wants to see for themselves how grateful the Islamist lunatics in Gaza are for the support of a load of preening, smug nancy-boys and their radfem mates. I wonder if any of them would actually be be brave enough to visit the culture they are so insistent on defending. Seriously, ladies. See if you can last twenty-four hours.”

Read the rest of this excellent piece at:

Queers for Palestine must be the most stupid, pointless and self-defeating entity ever to come out of the queer-Left, and that’s saying something. They are encouraging the same violent Islam that has driven dozens of gay businesses out of the East End of London. They are as out of place as brown sauce on fine caviar. I do hope that LGB people tackle these loons, who are not acting in the best interests of minority sexualities, nor in the best interests of free and open societies as a whole.

3 Comments on "From Elsewhere: The ultimate in stupidity – gays protesting for Hamas."

  1. some things are so dumb they can be funny.
    This is not one of them.
    its beyond dumb. its imbocilic
    I’m not sure if imbocilics a word, but i think it describes that pair of useless fucks holding that placard.
    look at them.
    if they’d reached the evolutionary stage of a turkey, surely they’d be voting for Christmas.
    and that’s probably banned in their beloved Palestine

  2. Furor Teutonicus | August 1, 2014 at 11:56 pm |

    Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving!

    There appears to be a serious disconect between poitics and reality these days.

    I am convinced, for instance, that throughout the whole Western world, the voter has NO idea that what he puts his “X” next to in the polling booth, can effect his life for the next five years.

    They moan like fuck about what Commyron/Clegg/and friends are doing, but STILL go out and vote for them. Germany is no different, and neither are Sweden, Norway or Holland.

    Do the public never bother reading manifstos these days? (for what they are worth)

    This “Gutt feeling and instinct” seems to have taken over their brains. All very nice, but what they do not realise, those feelings will not stop a 7,62 hollow point copper coated round going through the neck.

  3. are they aware that hamas would probably hang them upside down naked and beat them with sticks?

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