On Ed Miliband’s keynote speech.

If Britons are not careful we could end up with this man as our Prime Minister after next May.

Yesterday, the Labour leader Ed Miliband made his keynote speech to the Labour party conference and it was a very poor speech from a very poor leader. Parts of it even sounded like it was put together by a committee of the great and not so good. It was nothing more than soundbites and fury, signifying nothing at all.

It was full of all the nonsensical and empty phrases that we have come to expect from Miliband such as: ‘restoring faith in the future’, and ‘Britain can do better than this’. He extolled the virtues of Britons working ‘as a team’ but failed to comprehend that many of Labour’s policies when last in Government were divisive and, in some cases, downright dangerous. The use of the Obama-esque phrase ‘togetherness’ was empty rhetoric from a party devoid of sensible policies, committed to more tax and waste and still in thrall to the failed ideology of multiculturalism.

It is what Miliband left out that will raise eyebrows. I listened to the speech and there was no mention of one of the greatest threats to our nation, that of Islamic extremism or the negative effects of excessive immigration, and neither was there mention that the huge fiscal deficit that Britain suffers from, was left behind by Labour the last time they had the opportunity to misrule us. Most worryingly, there was no mention of Rotherham and the fact that it was a Labour council that allowed Islamic Grooming Gangs to sexually assault, rape and torture 1,400 British girls, all for the chimera of ‘community cohesion.’

His much trailed ‘ten year plan’ for recovery was nothing more than the same Labour shit, but with different gravy poured over it. His six national goals are empty of common sense or practicality. His first goal is yet another unfunded or uncosted promise to raise the minimum wage and a laughable promise to help hard working people. If Miliband really wanted to help hard working people, he would be promising to reduce the burden of the state on taxpayers and reduce the competition for jobs that excessive immigration has brought. Despite the guff about ‘hard working families’, Labour is still at heart, a statist welfare party.

The second goal is stated as ‘fair shares’ in a growing economy. Those of us who have experienced Labour’s definition of ‘fair shares’ know that Labour is anything but fair to the hard working or fair to the deserving poor.

Ed’s third goal is the promotion of yet more unscientific Greenery. ‘Removing carbon’ from Britain’s electricity generating system will achieve nothing, apart from raising the price that ordinary people pay for their energy. ‘Green Technology’ has been proved to be an utter failure at the task of meeting Britain’s energy needs, yet Miliband thinks that the public should vote for him and his party, in order that such policies can fail again and once more impoverish our people.

The fourth goal relating to education and the future of our young people could be summed up as ‘we’ll pay employers to take on apprentices’. No mention, of course, about the extra taxes to be raised from ordinary people, in order to pay for this scheme. It wouldn’t take much of a cynic to believe that the number of young people who will be assisted by this scheme will be minimal and most of the money allocated to it will be swallowed up in administration costs and in providing high paid jobs in Quangos for Labour supporters.

Ed’s fifth goal ignored the elephant in the room that is immigration. He has failed to understand that much of the pressure on housing is coming from either excessive immigration itself, or from people trying to escape from places ruined by Labour’s policies in this area. Fiscally this goal translates as: the taxpayer will shell out for more homes to house those who really shouldn’t be here in the first place. There would be much less shortage of housing had not Labour, when last in Government, propped open the door of this country.

The sixth goal also fails to take into account the affects of unsustainable levels of immigration on the National Health Service. Miliband’s Labour party has failed to comprehend that if you let in 5 million extra people to a country that has healthcare free at the point of delivery, then the NHS will be put under pressure. I’ve recently had the displeasure of spending a fortnight in one of Labour’s ‘Shariah Shitholes’ and have seen yet again with my own eyes how British people who have paid tax and national insurance for decades, are fobbed off with substandard NHS treatment, whilst the congenitally damaged products of incestuous Islamic cousin marriage get a gold standard service for their ailments.

This was a terrible speech from an incompetent leader of a Labour party bent on yet more destruction. Ed Miliband’s father, Ralph, may or may not have been ‘the man who hated Britain’ as the Daily Mail called him, but Miliband junior is a wrecker of the worst kind. The lesson that I learned from Ed Miliband’s speech was that Britain’s future is not safe in Labour hands.

If you want the whole country to look like Rotherham, or have a health service as badly run as that in Labour run Wales, or have to flee your home because of imported often Islamic savagery, then vote Labour. If you don’t want that outcome, then make sure that you mark your ballot paper in 2015 next to almost any name other than that of the Labour candidate.


The full text of Red Ed’s speech.


2 Comments on "On Ed Miliband’s keynote speech."

  1. If I was at that conference I’d have retreated to the back for a quiet wank until he’d finished speaking. What a rubber-faced bore.

  2. Your observations of Millibands speech are of course totally correct, but when it comes to the Conservatve party conference will “It’s nothing to do with Islam” Dave say anything different ?

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