The problems in our local councils do not begin or end with Joyce Thacker.

Joyce Thacker disgraced public servant. Sadly she’s not the only one of her type out there.

When the head of child protection in Rotherham, Joyce Thacker, resigned from her post following the uncovering of the scandal of Islamic rape gangs many of us expected that she would get some sort of pay off. What we did not expect was that the pay-off would be so huge. The British taxpayer is having to cough up £40,000 to Thacker in compensation for her having to resign. This is despite there being many questions that she has not adequately answered about her behaviour in Rotherham. There have also been allegations of poor performance in some of her previous appointments, most notably in Bradford, where it is said that she threatened to sack any youth worker who brought up the subject of organised gangs of Islamic rapists operating in that town.

To give someone like Thacker, who has a proven track record of political malevolence, as evidenced by the removal of foster children from an experienced foster family because the couple changed their allegiance from Labour to UKIP , such a payout goes against all principles of natural justice. Of course there are times when a leader falls on their sword because of the wrongdoing of junior staff, and sometimes severance payouts can be justified, but not in this case. This is not a situation where someone senior symbolically carries the can for the mishaps that happened on their watch, there are credible suspicions that Joyce Thacker knew that Islamic Rape Gangs were targeting children in Rotherham and did nothing about it and said nothing about it. At the very least she should have voiced concern to her superiors, the elected councillors with responsibility for child protection or to the local member of parliament. She could even have voiced her concern anonymously to the Press. There were lots of things she could have done but did not. Her loyalties plainly lie with her politically correct ideology and not the children she was supposed to be protecting.

Joyce Thacker is just one example of the breed of local government officers that put political correctness before their duty of care to those who they are responsible for. From the later years of the Major government onwards, these politically correct cowards and traitors have caused untold levels of harm to ordinary British people in councils up and down the land. They have ignored massive amounts of rape and paedophilia because they didn’t want to discomfort Muslims or to make the policy of multiculturalism look bad and have indulged in social engineering experiments that have had dire consequences. These ideological obsessives  were responsible, for example, for the policy of banning trans-racial adoptions, which has meant that many Black and minority ethnic children have languished in poor quality and often dangerous children’s homes because there are not enough Black foster and adoptive parents to take them. This cadre of politically correct council and social services officers have also put off thousands upon thousands of potential adopters on the spurious grounds that the potential adoptive parents are too Christian, too Jewish, too old, overweight, or who smoke, are not Left wing enough or are not conversant with whatever the latest social work fad is. It is a well known fact that looked after children have the worst educational and social outcomes of the lot, and our politically correct social work departments have been complicit in keeping these children in environments that are dooming them to failure, drug addiction, prison and often early deaths. How many children could have their situation improved or even have their lives saved if they could be taken out of the children’s homes that are no good for them, and placed with loving, caring adoptive families? It must be very many.

Although it sticks in the craw that Thacker has got a £40k payout it is good that she has gone. However, there are many more council and social services officers just like her, probably doing similar damage in almost every council in Britain. Such people rise up the career ladder and when they are able to, hire people in their own warped politically correct image thereby perpetuating the problems and the damage.

We’ve reached the end of the road in expecting councils in general and social work departments in particular to reform themselves. It has never happened and will never happen, the cost of not toeing the ideological line is too great and those who are in thrall to politically correct dogma are too deeply embedded within the system. It is time for root and branch reform of local authorities especially Children’s Services and Social Services Departments so that sensible and caring people, who are not contaminated by dogma call the shots. The cult of political correctness has been a disaster all round, and its victims can be found in our prisons, our drug and alcohol treatment centres, our mental hospitals and sleeping in shop doorways.

There are many more ‘Thackers’ out there and for the sake of all of us, and those children who have nobody to speak up for them, it is imperative that they are removed so that they can no longer inflict their half-baked ideas on a country that is growing tired of seeing them wreak havoc.

At the very least it is time for a Royal Commission looking at the structure of local government, the services it provides, the hiring practices of councils and the growing evidence that there is deeply embedded corruption within our local government. Doing nothing about local government should not be an option.