One man lots of votes. Islamic corruption writ large in Tower Hamlets.

Rahman T Shirt2

Over a century and a half ago in Britain there was a movement, the Chartists, that passionately believed in the idea of ‘one man one vote’. They also, among other things, believed in the secret ballot and parliamentary constituencies of equal size. Despite the Chartists being dismissed by the establishment of the day, the idea of an honest secret ballot with universal sufferage and fair parliamentary boundaries has since become the cornerstone of British democracy.

However, there is one place in the United Kingdom where the foundation stones of democracy, that were laid by working class movements like the Chartists, have been pulverised into tiny pieces. That place is the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets, for those who do not know is an East London borough where Bangladeshi Islamic interests and the interests of the South Asian Islamofascist group, Jamaat e Islaami, have over the years, taken precedence over fair and honest governance. For at least a decade to my knowledge Tower Hamlets has been sinking deeper and deeper into the mire of Islamic corruption. The fruits of this submerging of Tower Hamlets into Islamic drek have been public money steered towards Islamic groups that can provide political backing for the Islamist Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, a local environment that is becoming increasingly hostile towards Gays and Jews, and the forcing out of what remains of the families of the traditional residents of the East End. Now we find out that in one ward in the borough 25% of the postal votes appeared to be filled out by the same person. In Lutfur ‘bent’ Rahman’s rotten borough it seems as if one man one vote is not enough and one man one quarter of the votes is the order of the day.

The situation regarding Islamic corruption in Tower Hamlets and other Islamically ‘enriched’ areas of the UK should make us angry. It took centuries of protest, counter-protest, oppression and fighting back against oppression in order to create a fair and transparent voting system. Various groups and individuals have over the years rallied against the property qualifications, the bought votes, gender discrimination and gerrymandered constituencies that plagued Britain’s representative system for far too long. We will have thrown down the drain all the work of those who helped to make our electoral system honest, if we continue to tolerate the sort of Islamic electoral corruption that we see in Tower Hamlets and other Islamic enclaves.

By importing the ideology of Islam, and allowing its most lunatic elements to establish themselves, Britain has let in the perpetrators of some of the worst electoral abuses this country has seen since the establishment of a system of truly universal sufferage. Islamic electoral corruption whether that be of the ballot box stuffing kind as has been revealed happening in Tower Hamlets, or the more subtle corruption of politicans by making them over reliant on the whipped mosque vote, is an intolerable attack on our electoral system. Not only does such corruption advance an Islamic ideology that is increasingly a clear and present danger to our own safety and security, but it encourages a listless apathy about politics and the electoral systems. If you know your voice is going to be ignored or deluged in sackloads of fraudlent votes, then you may feel that there is no point in voting thereby further entrenching the power of electoral corruption. That is a prospect that nobody should relish.

Islamic corruption of the sort we see in places like Tower Hamlets needs to be rooted out with extreme prejudice because if we do not do this then such corruption will eventually rob us of all we have, and all we are.


Brietbart story of the appalling levels of Islamic electoral corruption in Tower Hamlets

Stephen Timms MP, an MP who is over-reliant on the whipped mosque vote.

2 Comments on "One man lots of votes. Islamic corruption writ large in Tower Hamlets."

  1. English...not many of us left. | February 15, 2015 at 12:24 pm |

    Islamic electoral corruption?
    It’s what they do, isn’t it?
    Genetic programming I think.
    Or just plain corruption… 🙂
    Whatever, never EVER trust them,
    ANY of them, they all read the same book.

  2. The thing I hate most about Miliband is that he makes Cameron look good.Why, oh why can’t we have Paul Weedon as P.M.

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