Picture Post: This is what a real statesman looks like

A true statesman or woman and a proper national leader that’s what Bibi Netanyahu is.  He is a man who is aware of both his country’s and his people’s history, who recognises that his nation faces an appalling enemy which desires his people’s extermination. Who understands that there are some people, in Israel’s case the ‘Palestinians’ who cannot be negotiated with in good faith, and who will lie and cheat at every available opportunity and who see concilliatory moves for peace as nothing more than weakness. If only other free countries could have leaders like him.

Instead we in Britain and the United States get…….these clowns.

David Cameron, who cannot bring himself to identify just who and what the enemy of Britain is, who has no desire to make Britain free of unnecessary control by the EU and who is a worthless dilettante who cares bugger all for Britain or its people.

Or Ed Miliband whose party helped to engineer many of the problems which Britain suffers from today. A party that covered up a monstrous number of Islamic rapes, which is in thrall to political correctness and which put its placemen in almost every Quango, Government department and charity which you may care to name.

Or Nick Clegg, who is in charge of a party that is so utterly bereft of morality, ethics or probity that it is surprising that it is still functioning. A party that cannot say no to the EU even when the policies of that benighted organisation are hurting Britain.

Or Barack Obama, a man completely unfit for the position of President of the United States of America. An Alinskyite shit-stirrer whose time in office can be briefly summed up by the question: “Whose side is he on, because he certainly doesn’t seem to be on ours?”

Both Britain and the United States need decent leaders who will put their own nations first, who will not flood their countries with backwards savages which eat away at the inheritance built up by previous generations and who who don’t hate their own people.  Unfortunately, unlike some countries, mainstream politicians in both Britain and the USA are worthless, self-servers who care nothing for the people they are supposed to lead.