How much more will a tolerant nation, tolerate?

At the time of writing, the death toll in the Islamic attack on the beach resort of Sousse is being put by the Tunisian authorities at 37. Most of the dead, judging from various reports, appear to be holidaymakers from different European nations, including fifteen from the United Kingdom. May all the precious souls of these innocent victims of Muslim jihad rest in peace.

Another day goes by, and again there is yet more Islamic horror, more death caused by Muslims following their accursed Koran. It’s even more carnage, to add to an already long list of terrorist attacks, mass rapes, enslavement of women, random attacks on non-Muslims and all of the other negatives that can truthfully be associated with Islam. Too many Muslims themselves truly show by their actions, the lie of the phrase ‘Islam is a religion of peace’.

There are no certainties in life, but I’m going to predict a couple of things. Firstly the families of those lost will grieve, then David Cameron will say ‘Islam is a religion of peace’. Following that, we will have a mass of media reports eulogising the lives of those who were lost, whilst quietly burying the true root cause of the slaughter, which is Islam itself.

The above pattern has become wearily familiar and occurs with few changes every time that non-Muslims, or non-Muslim nations, are attacked by the followers of Islam.

Apart from the grief, the media refusing to address the true root cause of the terror and David Cameron doing a passable impression of Chamberlain at Munich; there is another thing that is a near damn certainty, and that is the British will continue to be tolerant, even when faced with ideologies that, for reasons of self-preservation, they really should be a bit more intolerant about.

Despite the wounds that this country has suffered because of the loss of its citizens, I predict that there will be few if any mosque burnings, few Muslims attacked merely for being Muslim. I also predict that mendacious grievance-mongering taqiyya artists, like Fiyaz Mughal of the Tell Mama group, will be reduced to describing people having a disagreeable opinion of Islam or giving a hijab’d woman a dirty look, as evidence of a major ‘backlash’ against Muslims. The number of attacks on Muslims or Muslim property following 9/11 or 7/7 or the butchering of Lee Rigby were tiny.

It’s a good bet that there will be few instances of bacon flung at imams, or Muslim graves trashed, nor mobs of angry Britons looking for Muslims to ‘teach them a lesson’. It is most likely that there will be no mass boycott of shops or businesses run by Muslims. We will continue to be tolerant of difference. It is a tolerance born of a folk memory of religious upheavals and the knowledge that thankfully we’ve left the world of heretic burning long behind us. However, there is a danger that if we don’t speak the truth about Islam, which is still engaged in the practice of burning those who some Islamic groups see as heretics, then we could be tolerating ourselves to death.

Toleration is, in my view, a good thing. Ideally it’s a two way street and tolerance, especially the British kind, is what makes Britons, even after some traumatic religious conflict, mostly able to live together with those who believe and behave differently from themselves. It’s this tolerance, created partially by previous religious conflict, that created a nation described by the refugee from Nazism Sigmund Freud as ‘lovely, wonderful, tolerant Britain’.

But British tolerance, just like the contents of a pint beer glass, cannot last forever. At some point there will be a sudden snap, caused by something that the followers of the ideology of Islam have done, something that cannot be lied about by politicians anymore, or denied or pushed under the carpet. When this happens this British tolerance for those aspects of Islam that many are starting to find intolerable, will disappear as quickly as a puff of cigarette smoke on a windy day.

If the authorities do not get a grip on jihadism, and the the multitude of other problems that are created and nurtured within Britain’s Islamic communities, then they may find that the government may face a push back, both against the Muslims and against the authorities. They will face that thing that has created fear in British governments throughout the ages, the phenomenon of angry mobs, such as appeared during the Gordon Riots. Tolerance is not a resource that is in unlimited supply, at some point a critical mass of British people, from a variety of non-Muslim backgrounds, will say ‘enough is enough’. They’ll say enough mass rapes, enough terror, enough no-go zones. Then the unrest that this blog has so often warned about happening, could happen.

The more often people like David Cameron say things like ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ after the latest sick-making Muslim atrocity, the more angry Britons will get, at such a bare-faced and obvious lie. We know that describing Islam as peaceful is as dishonest as a politician in the 1940’s saying ‘Nazism is an ideology of peace’ or ‘the vast majority of Nazis are moderate Nazis’. We need honesty from our politicians about Islam, because lying about the nature of Islam is dangerously counter-productive. The authorities MUST get grip on Islam, be honest about it and stop appeasing it. The sort of civil unrest that could occur as an alternative to a welcome outbreak of Islamo-realism among our politicians just doesn’t bear thinking about.

3 Comments on "How much more will a tolerant nation, tolerate?"

  1. Vincent Bate | June 28, 2015 at 6:25 pm |

    These savages have to understand they will never achieve a world caliphate because human beings want to be free. Communists, Nazis and a raft of other lunatics and murderous crackpots have all failed for exactly the same reason. Islam will only ever dominate that backwards and barbarous part of our world where it already has ascendancy. If you approve of that kind of brutality and uncivilised mindset and behaviour, sod off and go to those places. We don’t want you here and won’t miss you for a second! Go!

    • Unfortunately the backward ideology is spreading everywhere so fast and the world leaders set targets re climate change. Climate change also seems to be the Pope’s new religion- does he care about beheaded Christians at all? Britain is so tolerant that it doesn’t even realize that it is dying of tolerance.

      • Fahrenheit211 | July 1, 2015 at 11:20 am |

        Agreed that the uncivilising effect of Islam is spreading. I also am concerned that ‘climate change’ (as if the climate has ever been static) is occupying too much of world leaders minds. This current pope is a socialist and like so many other leftist clerics the socialism is displacing the spirituality of his religion.

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