Question: What meal does the Labour MP for Rochdale order in an Indian restaurant? Answer: A Chicken-Chaser Danczuk.

Simon Danczuk the Labour MP revealed by the Sun newspaper to be a 'chicken chaser'

UPDATE: According to ITV news Dodgy Danczuk has been suspended from the Labour party over the issue of iffy text messages to a teenager. Unfortunately the party did not see fit to suspend him over his record of outrageous Islamopandering.

We’ve recently seen a considerable amount of personal and political scandal associated with the Labour MP for the heavily Islamised parliamentary constituency of Rochdale. He has a reputation for ignoring the major cause of the ongoing problems of child sexual exploitation, which is Islam and Muslims, yet spending a lot of time on historical abuse where it is impossible to bring about a conviction. He was also very involved with the Labour MP Tom Watson’s most likely false allegations against the late Lord Brittan, for which Watson later had to apologise to the Brittain family. Danczuk has also had a very high profile private life with an ex-wife known as ‘the selfie queen’ and a relationship with another local councillor. Danczuk has also been seen outrageously pandering to the Muslims of Rochdale by helping them to celebrate the birthday of a notorious 7th century paedophile and warlord called ‘Mohammed’.

You’d think that a person who is so much in the public eye as Danczuk, and who must know that there must be many people out to get him, that he would be a bit careful about who he communicates with and how he communicates. Unfortunately for Danczuk he seems not to be able to do that and because of his inability to control either his urges or his communications he’s now been revealed by the Sun newspaper as a bit of a ‘chicken-chaser’ which means he tends to go for women who are much much younger than himself.

The Sun said:

LABOUR MP Simon Danczuk bombarded a 17-year-old girl with a string of vile sex messages.

Danczuk, 49, who has campaigned against child abuse, targeted Sophena Houlihan after she asked for a job. His lover saw the messages then dumped him.

The sleazy MP asked the 17-year-old if she wanted a “spanking”. He also told performing arts student Sophena Houlihan how “horny” he was in a string of lewd texts.”

Read the rest of this piece here:

It’s never a good idea if you are in the public eye to say ‘yes’ to every person who says they fancy you or to hit on to those who may be regarded by others as inappropriate for you to hit on to, this is because there is always the danger that someone, somewhere will talk. Sadly, Danczuk, as we see, has a long and ignominious reputation for getting things wrong in this and other areas. He’s conducted his relationships very much in the public eye, and has painted himself, probably for political advantage, as ‘noncefinder junior’ both of which are an open invitation for tabloid journalists to do some digging into a person’s private life, as hypocrisy always sells papers.

Although there is no suggestion either from myself or from the journalists at The Sun that Danczuk is a paedophile or an ephebophile, his behaviour with regards to this 17 year old does call into question his judgement. I really don’t care who he shags or how he shags provided that the partners he chooses are over the age of consent and the activities he involves himself in are safe, sane and consensual, but Danczuk opened himself up for this exposure by the sending of explicit texts that were bound to come out in public sooner or later. To communicate in this way with the girl in question raises huge questions about his ability to say and do the right thing.

We do not know at this stage whether or not Danczuk was the instigator of this sex text exchange or whether he was the victim of a honey-trap, but this situation would not have occurred had Danczuk been a bit more circumspect with how he behaved. There are a multitude of adults with whom Danczuk could have got his jollies with, but to choose someone whose immaturity meant that revelation of the texts was more or less certain, really shows him up to be a stupid, self-centred man who is unable to control either his urges or the expression of them.

This incident, along with the pandering to Muslims and the chaotic love life carried out in the glare of publicity, shows us all that Danczuk is completely unfit to be an MP but perfectly suited to being the puppet of the sex and rape obsessed Muslims of Rochdale.

Muslims and Danczuk a true case of birds of a feather flocking together. Parliament would be a better and indeed cleaner place without the presence of Simon Danczuk the notorious chicken-chaser of Rochdale.  Danczuk is an idiot and we have more than enough idiots in positions of power already.


Original Sun story about Danczuk and the 17 year old girl

4 Comments on "Question: What meal does the Labour MP for Rochdale order in an Indian restaurant? Answer: A Chicken-Chaser Danczuk."

  1. Having seen a picture of the young lady in question and his ex-wife, the man has appalling taste in the opposite sex, which is the least of his issues.

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 31, 2015 at 2:13 pm |

      I don’t know. The ex-Mrs Danzuk isnt’ really that unattractive, many people will have woken up after one night stands with partners who are far worse in the looks department. In my opinion, the question of ‘taste’ really should be aimed at those who choose a none too attractive,Islamopandering, party hack such as Simon Danczuk as a bedmate.

  2. English, still here... just. | December 31, 2015 at 2:26 pm |

    Sleaze… thy name is politician.

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 31, 2015 at 2:42 pm |

      No matter how sleazy he is at least Danczuk doesn’t appear to act like ‘the Member for Islamabad West’ Stephen Timms MP

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