Housekeeping – blog outage.

Yes, it's time for an upgrade.

Regular readers of this blog may have noticed a dearth of posts recently. Some may even have wondered whether the proprietor has been arrested by an officer from one of the growing number of Islam appeasing police forces. Sadly for this blog’s enemies and for various mendacious grievance mongering taqiyya artists that has not been the case.

In order to sort out some on going technical problems and cope with future needs, this blog has had to carry out some emergency IT repairs and also engage in an equipment, security and software upgrades (many thanks for those individuals who have helped with this). I have now (hopefully) ceased to bang my head against the desk over missing bits of code or normally active communications links that seemed to be doing a fair impression of ‘the Invisible Man’.

Normal service can now be resumed.

4 Comments on "Housekeeping – blog outage."

  1. argh do I see magnetic tapes?

  2. If all that equipment is running at 211 degrees, you must also have a huge air-conditioning plant, and an even bigger lekkie bill ! Good luck with the new equipment.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 18, 2016 at 10:39 am |

      Many thanks. It’s not so much the equipment that has been running hot during the upgrade, but more the operator. As regards cooling. it’s a good job PC;s and servers are not made with valves (vacuum tubes for my American readers), imagine the cooling needed for a server or a pc that used valves instead of IC’s??

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