From Elsewhere: Surveillance of Muslims in Japan

A Japanese Muslim


The Daily Caller website is carrying the story of how a group of Japanese Muslims have lost a fight in that nation’s courts to stop widespread surveillance of their community. Because of a very real threat from terrorism from the followers of the religion of rape and murder the government of the Empire of Japan have for years been keeping a close eye on their relatively small number of Muslims.

This is in my view an entirely sensible thing for the Japanese government to do. This is because wherever there are a significant number of Muslims there is more than likely to be terror plots.

The Daily Caller said:

Muslims in Japan lost a lawsuit over the government’s surveillance of them in May, with the court saying it’s a “necessary” counter-terrorism tactic.

Japanese police have monitored places of worship, halal restaurants and Muslim organizations for years in what they label a counter-terrorism measure. A 2010 leak of 114 Japanese police files quickly spread across the world with 10,000 downloads in 20 countries. The files contained personal information of 72,000 Muslims in several countries, showing just how widespread the surveillance is.

A group of 17 Muslims living in Japan sued the government for infringing on their constitutional rights. The Muslims eventually received close to $900,000 in compensation, but the country’s Supreme Court still finds the profiling and surveillance tactics “necessary and inevitable” to prevent terrorism.

Read more:

It appears that the Japanese government is very much less squeamish about religious profiling for security reasons than are many other governments, including that of the United Kingdom. This wary attitude to profiling for reasons of political correctness is providing Muslim radicals and Islamic terrorists with a readily exploitable loophole. It also puts the rest of us in grave danger.

My own personal opinion is that profiling Muslims and having 24/7 audio/video surveillance of all British mosques, maddrassas, Islamic ‘cultural’ centres is something that could and should be done in the UK. For too long Muslim radicals have, in the words of Mao Tse Tung ‘swum like fishes in the river’ of the wider Muslim community. Also too often this wider Muslim community has played faithlessly with the rest of us and not given up these radicals to the security authorities.

Not profiling Muslims and not keeping a close enough eye on them may make the politicians feel good and may tick a few politically correct boxes, but it endangers the rest of us. We should approach our politicians, by email, social media, by snail mail letter or by in person visits to their constituency surgeries and ask, nay demand, that they support close surveillance of all premises used by Britain’s Muslims for communal purposes.

We should no longer consent to be left in the dark about this dangerous fifth column.