I told you this would happen (Southampton edition) Muslims get a small taste of their own medicine


For at least 25 years the followers of Islam have bullied, lied, threatened, cajoled, corrupted and even physically attacked and terrorised the British people into accepting their ideology, even though much of the Islamic ideology is completely incompatible with British life. The followers of Islam and their non-Muslim Quislings have seen to it that any expression of distaste for Islam is silenced or even punished by the courts. We’ve been called ‘racists’ and ‘xenophobes’ merely for expressing a negative opinion about Islam and high profile opponents of Islam such as Tommy Robinson have been persecuted by an Islamopandering media and police service. Those of us who are opposed to Islam have been dismissed by non-Muslim Islamic Quislings as ‘backward’ and been told to ‘shut up and enjoy your enforced diversity’.

The result of the presence of Islam on our islands and the Establishment’s eagerness to pander to it, excuse it and even cover up its crimes, has been a growing, seething anger about this dangerous ideology, and the negative things it brings to the table. As I have so often said on here and elsewhere, many British people despise Islam, not because they are ignorant about it, but on the contrary because they know exactly what Islam really is. I’ve also warned of what could happen if there is not a political solution to the problems that Islam has brought here. I’ve no wish to see street violence over the issue of Islam, but that will be the result if politicians continue to ignore the justifiable complaints from Britons about Islam. Politicians who ignore these concerns are merely feeding the growing anger that will one day break out into open violence.

Unlike almost any other minority faith that resides peacefully in the UK and who keep their heads down and get on with their lives, Islam is always being pushed in our faces. We’ve had to endure Islamic Rape Gangs, Islamic terror, Islamic dietary preferences being forced on the rest of us. There’s been massive levels of Islamic electoral corruption along with Islamic infiltration of local government, the police, civil service, the armed forces, the NHS and the media. The result of this infiltration has been that these entities too often serve the interests of Muslims and not the rest of us.

Now it seems that some Muslims have been put on the back foot and have had a small taste of what they’ve been dishing out to the rest of us over the last quarter century or more. It appears, according to the Daily Mail that a planned public Eid event in Southampton on the South Coast of Britain has been cancelled due to what are being called ‘rising tensions’. The event, planned for East Park in Southampton was due to see over 2,000 Muslims engaging in intimidatory public prayer – too much of the Islamic public prayer is not for spiritual purposes but to intimidate local non-Muslims – but the organisers have cancelled it due to expected protests against it. Here’s part of the Daily Mail report with, as is usual policy for this blog, the original text in italics and this blogger’s comments in plain text.

The Daily Mail said:

A large Muslim festival was cancelled due to escalating racial tensions post Brexit.

I’d say that this antipathy to Islam on the part of non-Muslims has bugger all to do with Brexit and everything to do with distaste for Islam, its theology and the terrible behaviour of its followers.

Up to 2,000 people were expected to gather in East Park, Southampton, to celebrate Eid – the end of the holy month of Ramadan tomorrow and Tuesday.

Let’s just remind people that the ‘holy’ month of Ramadan is often accompanied by a very high death toll from violence. Ramadan is the most auspicious time for Muslims to attack and kill non-Muslims or others that they perceive as ‘kufar’. No other major faith has a death toll from religiously inspired violence associated with their major festivals. Not for nothing is Ramadan called by some Islamosceptics ‘the festival of skipping lunch and murdering people’.

But organisers the British Bangladeshi Cultural Academy have cancelled the event after far-right groups threatened to hold a protest in the city following the EU referendum vote. 

I’d like to inform the British Bangladeshi Cultural Academy that you don’t need to be ‘far right’ to despise Islam and all its works, you only need to be possession of a functioning brain.

Although the demonstrations, which include a rival anti-racist and pro-refugee march, are not linked to the festival or planned for the same day, organisers believe it is ‘for the good of all communities’ to cancel it. 

Members of the far-right Pie and Mash Squad, who describe themselves as ‘a group of people who love Pie n Mash and Britain the way it used to be’, along with a faction of the group called South Coast Resistance, say they will hold a demonstration in the city.

From what I can gather the Pie and Mash Squad is a relatively small organisation and if they’ve managed to get this intimidatory Islamic event cancelled, then they are really punching above their weight.

Posting on social media they encouraged demonstrators to ‘join us to celebrate Brexit and an end to mass immigration’.

They have also put up posts saying ‘no more refugees’.

Lots of people are celebrating Brexit both good people and people who are not so good. Having seen the damage and the crime that these alleged ‘refugees’ have committed I can understand why people say ‘no more refugees’.

A number of groups such as pro-refugee organisation Refugees Welcome and antifascist group Southampton AntiFa held a counter-demonstration in the same area, on Saturday. 

If you were looking to see who is most likely to kick off violently when confronted with those of an opposing view then look no further than the ‘refugees welcome’ lunatics and the thugs of Antifa. On so many occasions it is these groups who have started violence and members of these groups who make up the bulk of arrests when groups like PEGIDA and the EDL have their demonstrations.

Shere Sattar, chairman of the British Bangladesh Cultural Academy, said: ‘We have considered the political situation and unrest in UK after leaving the EU, the rise of racist activity and comments around other cities around the country, and Pie and Mash deciding to visit Southampton.

Looks to me that the local Muslims may be using the threatened visit of the Pie and Mash Squad as an excuse to cancel. It may be that there is much more local discomfort about this planned intimidatory prayer event than the local Muslims may like to admit publicly. They are also using the bullshit ‘massive rise in racist activity’ excuse as well. I’d like to ask Shere Sattar a question: ‘What ‘race’ is Islam’? From what I can see from news reports and other data, violent Islamic savagery can be committed by members of all races, the common factor in all this savagery is the ideology of Islam.

‘We the British Bangladeshi Cultural Academy with other organisations have decided that for the good for all communities in our city it would be best if we cancel the huge gathering in the city park for Eidul Fitre prayer.’

Good. It’s about time that Muslims understood just how disliked their foetid ideology really is.

Mr Sattar added that although the gathering for Eid, which is held to mark the end of the Islamic Holy Month of fasting, has been cancelled, they hope to hold other events in Southampton later this year.

In that case these other events also need to be peacefully protested.  Muslims need to learn just why many Britons of all races and faiths, find their ideology so objectionable.

He said: ‘We are positive that by September we are hoping all those activities would be at rest, so that we can continue with our normal lives and community activities without any interruptions.

We the British Bangladeshi Cultural Academy with other organisations have decided that for the good for all communities in our city it would be best if we cancel the huge gathering in the city park for Eidul Fitre prayer.’

Mr Sattar added that although the gathering for Eid, which is held to mark the end of the Islamic Holy Month of fasting, has been cancelled, they hope to hold other events in Southampton later this year.

He said: ‘We are positive that by September we are hoping all those activities would be at rest, so that we can continue with our normal lives and community activities without any interruptions.

It’s right that people should be allowed to live normal lives in peace but what about those areas that have been almost completely destroyed by Islam, such as Rotherham, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Bradford and parts of Birmingham? Didn’t the Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh residents of those areas also deserve to live in peace and not have worry about Islam? Of course they did. What about the shattered lives of the victims of Islamic Rape Gangs or of the growing number of those killed in Islamic terror attacks? What about them? What about our rights to live our lives unimpeded by Islamic violence, Islamic threat, Islamic corruption and Islamic rape? What about our rights to live freely and not have to worry about what Muslims and their Quislings will do to us? What about us and our rights? What are we, chopped liver?

I have very little sympathy for the Muslims of Southampton. If the followers of Islam are feeling discomforted then it is a discomfort that they have brought upon themselves. People, and especially those who either support or are ambivalent about Islam need to realise that many of us don’t hate Islam because of the skin colour of many of its adherents. Skin colour is something that cannot be changed and therefore is completely different from following an ideology which can be changed. Discrimination against people on the grounds of skin colour is wrong but it’s completely morally acceptable for me to discriminate against those with bad and destructive ideologies, such as Islam. As Martin Luther King Jr said, it’s right to judge someone on the content of their character and wrong to judge them on their skin colour. We hate Islam for what it is, for its twisted supremacist theology and the terrible behaviour of many of its adherents.

On this occasion it seems the Muslims of Southampton have got a very small taste of what they’ve been dishing out to the rest of us for far too long. The followers of Islam have brought opprobrium like this upon themselves.


Original Daily Mail story about the cancellation of the intimidatory Islamic prayer event in Southampton


Pie and Mash Squad blog (not been updated for a while)


Pie and Mash Squad Facebook page


7 Comments on "I told you this would happen (Southampton edition) Muslims get a small taste of their own medicine"

  1. Ian Haines | July 4, 2016 at 11:17 am |

    HEY, MUZZ!!! HOW DOES IT FEEL? You’re not so smug and arrogant, now, are you? Get used to it, because you caused this, yourselves!

    • Fahrenheit211 | July 4, 2016 at 11:28 am |

      Yes, Muslims have brought the hatred of the British people down on themselves. Throughout history there have been minority groups who’ve been blamed for their own oppression, but they’ve been blamed falsely. In the case of Islam however, they really HAVE brought opprobrium upon themselves. They really do commit massive numbers of the most appalling crimes, they really have tried to destroy peaceful nations. Islam’s followers really have corrupted local councils for the sole benefit of Islam and they really have taken the piss most gratuitiously out of naive people who try to help them. Islam kills. Islam kills individuals, cultures and nations.

      I used to give Islam the benefit of the doubt, but not any more.

  2. Oswald Thake | July 4, 2016 at 11:50 am |

    “A savage tribe and a primitive superstition.”

  3. I don’t know where you got that photo, but it isn’t Southampton. You can’t see the open sea from the city. There’s the whole length of Southampton Water and the Isle of Wight in the way.

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