Widnes residents fight back against imposition of asylum centre

Protesters outside the former Widnes care home that the council wishes to turn into an asylum centre.


The people of Widnes Cheshire have been comprehensively dumped on by those who should be representing them, protecting them and looking after their interests. The local Labour council for the area, Halton, has decided to allow a former care home to be converted to accommodation for ‘asylum seekers’. Also the local police have got on the act by ‘warning’ people about the language they use when criticising this plan. In Widnes it seems neither the council nor the police seem to care one jot about those who will suffer greatly from the imposition of this asylum centre, an plan that local people do not need or want.

However, despite the local Labour council arrogantly agreeing to the building’s conversion into a home for the sort of violent thugs, rapists, jihadis and ponces who we’ve seen ‘enriching’ places like Sweden and Germany with violence, rape, jihad etc, the local residents are trying to fight back. A group of Widnes residents who fear, probably quite rightly, that the presence of this centre will bring crime and adversely affect house prices, are going for judicial review of the decision by Halton council.

The Daily Express newspaper revealed that the residents of Widnes are not going to take this lying down and after all who can blame them, this area is their home we are talking about, a home that is likely to be comprehensively trashed by this centre and it’s potentially dangerous inmates. Here’s part of the Daily Express report on this latest development in yet another case where arrogant political figures and equally arrogant police chiefs have treated local people with valid objections to an asylum seeker centre, like dirt. As is normal policy for this blog the original text from the Express is in italics whereas this blog’s comments are in plain text.

The Daily Express said:

An application was made to transform the former Lilycross Care Centre in Widnes, Cheshire, into a centre to house 120 refugees in August last year – and the plans were given the go-ahead by council planning bosses last Monday, January 16.

This is yet another sad example of a Labour dominated council forcing these fake ‘refugees’ onto local people who have serious and justifiable worries about how this will affect them.

The ‘Save Lilycross’ residents’ protest group is now seeking a judicial review into Halton Borough Council’s planning committee’s decision in a bid to spark a U-turn amid fears of rising crime rates and dwindling house prices once the centre is up and running.

Opening up this building as an ‘asylum centre will do great damage to the local community and it’s outrageous that the Labour council have prioritised the rights of these so called ‘asylum seekers’ at the expense of the local people who they should be prioritising.

Campaigners have also questioned the “morality” of using the centre to house asylum seekers while they claim up to 60 pensioners who would have been treated at the care home, which was closed down by the Care Quality Commission in 2015, are forced to ‘bed-block’ in nearby hospitals.

As well they should. This is a moral matter. The council have put the rights of the undeserving streets ahead of the deserving local residents. The council have shown callow arrogance in approving of this project that they must know will bring nothing but heartache, loss and degradation to the area. There are alternative uses for this building that would have still given the owner a profit, such as a ‘half-way house for the elderly between hospital and home’, as some are suggesting that the building could be converted for use as. The local authority should have considered the views of those that they are elected to serve and refused permission for this change of use. This is yet another example of how the Labour party, despite all their protestations to the contrary, are plainly not on your side or on my side but on the side of those who will most likely do Britons a lot of damage.

Derek Williams, from the Save Lilycross group, said: “There is quite a lot of anger that we will be getting 120 neighbours every three-to-four weeks.

Not just that but they will be getting 120 different thugs, potential rapists and closet Jihadis every three to four weeks. These people will not be ‘neighbours’ they will be destroyers.

“One of the main problems is that it is a really rural location so there will be buses transporting the people to assessment centres and mosques and they should be in a city centre location where they can integrate with society.

I have to disagree with Mr Williams at this point. It’s not that these ‘refugees’ should be placed in cities but they should never be allowed on UK soil in the first place. Why should British cities, many of which have suffered greatly from successive government’s policies of uncontrolled levels and inappropriate types of immigration suffer even more than they do already. It’s not that these fake ‘refugees’ should be ‘somewhere else’ in the UK but that they should be kept out full stop. They will not ‘integrate’ in any meaningful way if the experiences of other nations who’ve taken in these ‘refugees’ is repeated with the ‘refugees’ that the UK has taken,

“There is also the risk that people coming into the community before they have been assessed could be bringing an element of criminality with them.

I think the word ‘could’ is superfluous here. They ‘will ‘ bring trouble.

“A lot of residents have invested heavily in the area and are worried that the development will bring a negative impact on the local community while the council are not getting anything from it.

“One man has remortgaged his house and has seen the price of his house fall by five per cent since the plans were announced.”

5% is a lot to lose on the value of a property merely on the strength of an announcement. I foresee similar or even greater losses being incurred by other residents if this plan goes ahead.

More than 4,000 people had signed petitions and objected to the plans and more than 120 members of the ‘Save Lilycross’ residents pressure group turned up to the meeting and were left furious after council chiefs approved the plans.

I bet they are furious. The council have imposed this asylum centre in the teeth of local opposition and have treated those living in the vicinity of this planned centre with utter contempt.

Once the care home closed its doors, owner Abid Chudary successfully applied for it to be turned into an interim asylum seekers centre run on behalf of the Home Office by Serco.

The planning documents suggest 120 asylum seekers will be required to share just six bathrooms at the property while bus transport will be provided to asylum seekers who will be treated at the centre.

It may be within Chudary’s rights to put in the application but it was the responsibility of the council to stand by the residents who will be adversely affected by the asylum centre plans and refuse planning permission. Sadly the council have sided with Chudary and have thrown the local residents to the wolves.

The locals, who will find that their homes and families will no longer be as safe if this asylum centre goes ahead, are quite right in taking this matter to the courts. But they shouldn’t have to be taking this sort of action, by rights they should have expected their council to stand up for them and block this application. I hope that the residents fighting this asylum centre plan win. I would therefore urge all this blog’s readers to support the residents and their fight against this monstrous and dangerous imposition in any way that they can. I wish those fighting these plans good luck and they are going to need it as they are fighting not only the council and Chudary, who seems to care little about the effects of his plans on local people, but also the Home Office who are dumping these dangerous ‘refugees’ on communities up and down the country.

The residents who are merely trying to preserve their way of life, a way of life they’ve worked hard for and they should have expected the council to represent them and the police to protect them. That the residents reasonable concerns have been brushed aside by the council and the police have threatened people with arrest for speaking harshly against this asylum seeker centre plan, should tell us all we need to know about those who rule us and those who police us.


Original latest story about the Lilycross Care Home scandal


Labour sell Widnes residents down the river and approve plans for asylum centre


Labour council in favour of converting former care home into asylum centre


Local Cheshire police chief says ‘shut and stop complaining’ about ‘refugees


Senior police officer seems to sing from same hymn sheet as the local Labour council
