Look what a policy of ‘diversity’ and of ‘inclusion’ for alien savagery has brought to the UK


I’ve often heard Left wingers, when speaking about their home towns, especially if they are from smaller and more homogenous towns, say that what their place of birth needs is ‘more diversity’. They say the word ‘diversity’ like it’s a good thing, a virtue and something to be aspired to when in fact ‘diversity’ policies have often made life dangerous and unsafe for many ordinary Britons.

When I’ve challenged these Lefties on why they want more ‘diversity’ I’ve often got back whiny self centred answers along the lines of ‘The local Christians don’t like gays and took down gay club night posters’, or ‘the locals won’t accept that I’m a non binary trans person’ or ‘it’s terrible here everyone’s so ‘white” or some other cack like that. I’ve also had Lefties say whether directly to me or within my earshot, learned phrases such as ‘diversity is good because diversity is a good in itself’. However, these lefties can never properly explain to my satisfaction how it’s a ‘good thing’ to allow in our society those such as the followers of Islam, who don’t just dislike LGB and T people, but will kill them, or as happened in Muslim dominated Tower Hamlets, drive the gays out of the area with violence or threats of violence.

Also Lefties who bang on about women’s rights can’t perceive the madness of treating ideologies that believe that women are mere chattels, as having belief systems that are compatible with our own. They are patently not. Some lefties for example will decry the existence of a virtually non existent gender pay gap, but will hypocritically ignore such things as Islamic misogyny, even when it’s right under their noses.

There is also a lack of nuance among the Left when dealing with the whole subject of religion. There are left wingers who will bang on about the iniquities of Christians or say that all religions are equally evil yet cannot comprehend that not all religions are equal and not all cultures are equal or that some religious paths are more dangerous than others.

So for those Lefties out there who are praying for ‘more diversity’ and who are under the delusion that ‘more diversity’ will make the world better, let’s take a look at some incidents or alleged incidents that have occurred in those areas that have been ‘enriched’ by ‘diversity’. Let’s look at the reality and if you are favourable to the idea of ‘more diversity’ then you can tell me if you want more of what ‘diversity’ is bringing to the United Kingdom.

How about a lost girl allegedly brutally raped by a bunch of Afghan Muslim savages in the county of Kent? This young woman only stopped in at a Muslim-run kebab shop in Ramsgate to ask for directions and according to prosecutors, she ended up being gang raped by a bunch of Islamic savages.

Here’s part of the report on this story from Breitbart:

A jury in Canterbury Crown Court has been told a lost 16-year-old was “passed around like an entertainment device” by four Afghani-origin men after asking for directions at a kebab shop in Ramsgate, Kent.

In a closing speech reported by KentLive, prosecutor Simon Taylor alleged that Tamin Rahani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20, Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and a 16-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons raped the intoxicated teenager after luring her into a room above the 555 Pizza takeaway.

Every single orifice had been penetrated by the group of men, while others watched, laughed and joined in themselves,” Mr. Taylor said. He added the gang held her down on a “grubby mattress” and guarded the door “so she knew there was no escape”.

A lost woman, just looking for directions and then gets raped. This is what ‘diversity’ has brought to Ramsgate.

Or how about the other things that ‘diversity’ has brought to once peaceful areas such as the ethnic cleansing of gay venues from East London by violent Muslims? This has been brought by ‘diversity’ and a policy of ‘inclusion’ for violent savages. Or maybe you consider that the epidemic of acid attacks that are plaguing Britain and which are closely associated with the followers of Islam, especially Bangladeshis, is a ‘price worth paying’ for a ‘vibrant and diverse’ society? All of this, the rapes, the violence towards gays, the acid attacks and many other horrors, have been brought to the UK by Islam with the assistance of those who have consistently called for ‘more diversity’.

Those who still call for ‘more diversity’ and especially those who call for it in places where it has not yet afflicted are either idiots or traitors. If they are calling for more diversity because think that it may protect them from having their feelings hurt when someone ‘misgenders’ them or doesn’t automatically respect them or their lifestyles, then they are idiots. Such people obviously do not know what ‘diversity’ really means in reality. Those of us who have lived in Islam dominated ‘diverse’ areas and have seen and experienced the violence, the misogyny, the hatred of gays know what ‘diversity’ is all about and it isn’t all that good.

I’m convinced that those who mindlessly spout on about ‘diversity’ have not got a clue what they are talking about or understand what ‘diversity’ really means to people at the sharp and negative end of it. I’m also convinced that those who know that with ‘diversity’ comes destruction of often ancient and relatively well run advanced societies, but who still promote the idea are worse than idiots, they are evil. Such people know that ‘diversity’ means horrific problems for the existing citizens, but they go ahead and impose diversity anyway. Idiots can be educated but the die hard ‘diversity’ ideologues they can’t be educated, they just need to be fought or mocked depending on the target.

‘Diversity’ kills and it kills because it imports and assists the ideology of Islam, which in turn kills women, kills gays, kills children and eventually kills nations. ‘Diversity,’ of the sort called for by the Left, is a form of societal suicide which ends up destroying the very freedoms that leftist claim to support.

14 Comments on "Look what a policy of ‘diversity’ and of ‘inclusion’ for alien savagery has brought to the UK"

  1. profreedan | May 24, 2017 at 2:39 pm |

    You show yourself to be ill educated. Advocating for diversity isn’t wanting bad things to happen.
    As for your views that Muslims hold attitudes hostile to gays, yes many do but your belief that all Muslims wish to kill gays is ridiculous.
    To call people you disagree with a traitor shows your level of immaturity.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2017 at 2:45 pm |

      Oh you are back are you.That’s nice. I’m sorry I didn’t reply before but I was distracted writing about the children murdered by the Left’s Islamic ‘pets’.

      Those advocating for diversity may not be intending bad things to happen, they may be naive or stupid, they may think, like doctrinaire Communists or Fascists, that they are ‘doing the right thing’. The problem is these diversity policies are having a large number of nasty unintended consequences as anyone who is not blinded by ideology can see. What other word than traitor would you use for someone who knows that their policy or ideology will destroy communities, including the community that nurtured them, yet still go ahead with the policy anyway?

  2. profreedan | May 24, 2017 at 2:41 pm |

    You decry Muslims for their hate of gays but doubtless you’d defend Christians and their freedom of speech to attack homosexuality.
    What is the betting that you defended Asher bakery?

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2017 at 3:02 pm |

      You are not comparing like with like. Christians may dislike homosexuality, they may speak from their scripture passages that decry homosexuality but they will rarely murder gays. Now I disagree with the strict reading of the Christian and the Jewish texts about homosexuality, but at the end of the day all you will get from the majority of Christians who are hostile to homosexuality is a few words, not much more than that. In my experience both Christians and Jews who are opposed to homosexuality will speak their opinion and move on, the worst that would happen is blanking or getting ostracised These people will rarely kill for their belief. On the Islamic side Gays are being murdered in the middle east, another Muslim murdered gays at Pulse nightclub,gay Muslims in the West fear violence from other Muslims, Islamic countries have very harsh anti gay laws. You cannot compare the attitude to gays from Christianity, Judaism and Islam and say that they are alike, they are not.

      As regards Asher bakery my belief is that if there is to be freedom for gay lifestyle, which there should be, then there must also be freedom to disagree with that lifestyle either in whole or in part by those who do disagree. Private individuals who have done no harm and who are peaceful should not be forced by the gun of the state to do that which is hateful for them to do. I don’t want the government to force me to eat bacon or cheeseburgers because those things are hateful and offensive to me and I should no more be forced to eat cheesburgers or a bacon sarnie than Ashers should be forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

  3. profreedan | May 24, 2017 at 2:57 pm |

    Your hypocrisy over Muslim and Christian anti gay bigotry is demonstrated here,.


    Would you have defended that bakery had they been owned by Muslims? Heck no you would have demanded that the owners be deported and Muslims banished from the UK

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2017 at 3:11 pm |

      Nothing wrong with what I said. Arrogant and intolerant LGBT activists, who are a minority but a loud one among LGBT’s, are indeed going to piss people off and possibly throw away many of the gains for the community that has come from tolerance. As I said previously there is a world of difference between the Christians who merely refuse service and the murderous attitude of Islam to gays. I would have no problem with a muslim from one of the small peaceful branches of Islam politely declining business on conscience groups, but the peaceful branches of Islam don’t make up the majority do they? This undercurrent of anti gay violence i Islam may explain why the activists targeted the low hanging fruit of a Christian bakery who the activists could bully using various bits of equality legislation, instead of Muslim bakery, where the proprietors may instead of politely declining business, as Ashers did, get all medieval on these activists arses.

  4. profreedan | May 24, 2017 at 3:47 pm |

    For some reason I am having issues replying to you on wordpress.

    I have heard this argument countless times, that because Christians do not kill gays their homophobic bigotry may be excused and overlooked.
    So the Weston Boron Baptist Church yelling GOD HATES FAGS is of no concern as they don’t kill gays.
    As for Ashers Bakery I ask if they were owned by Muslims would you defend their right to not bake a gay wedding cake?
    Or would you as I suspect be screaming that Muslims hate gays and demand they be deported?

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2017 at 3:57 pm |

      Tech problems happen.

      I’ve also heard Lefties bring up before the subject of Westboro Bapist and it is a non argument. WBC, which is less a church movement and more an extended bunch of inbreds, have as much in common with mainstream Christianity, even those branches that take a critical view of homosexuality, as chalk has with cheese. As regards Ashers, depends what sort of Muslims ran it doesn’t it? Muslims from mninority peaceful branches would probably peacefully decline the business but it’s more likely that the baker would be a more conservative Muslim and thereby more likely to be violent. As I’ve said before Sunni and Shia are a problem, the Ahmadiyya and Ismailis are not even if they hold views thatI don’t agree with. I still say that these activists targeted Ashers rather than an Islamic bakery as they thought that Ashers would consent to being bullied and would roll over. Try that on an Islamic bakery and the activists were more likely to get a kicking.

  5. profreedan | May 24, 2017 at 4:14 pm |

    Your comment about Islamists giving gay people a kicking shows why homophobia must be challenged.
    I am against any business refusing to serve gay people regardless of their faith.

    As for your overall view on diversity and multiculturalism I trust you practise what you preach. You must never let foreign non English food pass your lips. If you do that’d make you a traitor

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2017 at 4:25 pm |

      Keep ranting your buzzwords if it makes you happy. It don’t bother me. However for the record I wouldn’t refuse to serve a gay wedding but it’s right in a free society that others have the right not to cater for one if they so choose. Just as a strict traditional Christian may feel uneasy about catering a gay wedding I also don’t want to be forced to cater for an Islamic event. I want the right, as should be he case in a free society to say ‘fuck off I don’t want your money’ to a potential customer. The way the equality laws are being enforced is no different from the govt saying ‘bake the fucking cake’ and holding a gun to the head. If we support rights for gays then we have to also support the rights o those who peacefully disagree with the gay lifestyle. The problem that is thrown up by these ‘equality’ laws is that they place one groups rights over another. Why should the rights of gays not to be ‘offended’ be placed above the right of a Christian, Jew or one of the small peaceful branches of Islam to obey the voice of their conscience?

      As regards my overall view of ‘diversity’ and the cult of multiculturalism then I’m afraid I do like foreign food, especially fish and chips a dish, or at least the fried and battered fish part of the dish, brought to these Islands by Sephardic Jews from Portugal.

  6. profreedan | May 24, 2017 at 4:33 pm |

    You go on about Islam and Muslims killing gays yet you consider homophobia to be a mere buzzword.
    So what would you call gays being thrown off rooftops in Muslim countries if not homophobia?
    That’s what I love about people like you. You scream that homophobia is a buzzword invented by lefties yet you go and point out actual cases of homophobia, I.E gays being killed in Muslim countries.

    Yes you eat foreign foods which makes your commitment against diversity hypocritical. But you don’t eat curry as it’s made by grubby evil Muslims so I’ll give you that.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2017 at 4:50 pm |

      There is a world of difference between disliking someone’s lifestyle and killing people because of it, which as I’ve taken pains to explain, sums up the major difference between how Christianity Judaism and Islam deals with the issue of homosexuality. Actually I make my own curry, and I’m pretty good at it, that way I can either make it a vegetarian one or a kosher one and most importantly I’m not putting money into the hands of Muslims or the jihad that might be funded from Halal certification fees if I ate in an ‘Indian’ restaurant. The problem with the word ‘homophobia’ is that it implies that anyone who disagrees with a particular lifestyle has some form of psychiatric problem, which is not the case it’s merely a difference of opinion. The misuse of the word ‘phobia’ in this way which reminds me of the old Soviet Union where objecting the excesses of the ‘workers paradise’ got people sent to asylums, because after all if the SU was perfect you’d have to be ‘mad’ to want to reject it. However, I sometimes use the word ‘homophobia’ for want of a better and more widely understood word, but it’s not the perfect choice of word by any measure. Maybe we need a word for people who have principled and peaceful objection to a particular lifestyle that does not have the pseudo-clinical connotations.

  7. profreedan | May 24, 2017 at 4:56 pm |

    So let me get this straight you despise Muslims and do not wish to give them a penny of your money. And you believe all Muslim curry restaurants are Islamic Jihadists fronts that fund Jihad terrorists?
    Do you advocate a mass public boycott of Muslim businesses?
    You still eat curry which is non English food. So you are not practicing your commitment against diversity

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2017 at 5:14 pm |

      Actually giving money to Jihad fighters who are not being supported by anyone else is an accepted part of Islamic charity culture along with funding those who spread Islam. Some money from Halal certification fees may well end up in the hands of those with views at odds with my own and who may be a threat to me and mine. No doubt some, but not all of course, Muslim owned businesses are funding Jihad either voluntarily and openly, or at one remove by way of generalised Zakat giving to shady Islamic charities. I choose not to patronise Muslim businesses or buy stuff that is Halal unless I have zero choice as we the case with my son’s baby milk, which was halal certified, much to my disgust. If others wish to boycott Muslim businesses then that is their own personal choice, but what you need to remember is that the choice that people have in where to spend their money is a legitimate one in a free society.

      As for the curry then it’s just one of a number of dishes that Britons have picked up a taste for on our various travels, like as I said before, fish and chips. We’ve got the recipe now so maybe we don’t need to import the chefs to cook it for us as we can cook it ourselves, which reminds me of a famous old comedy sketch: From 1:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB0ZOu_EZ2M

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