Germans fighting back against Islam

fighting together

A good sign that the Germans have, post reunification, grown mature as a nation and put the murderous aberration of Nazism behind them, is the growing confidence of young Germans who are learning to speak up against the negative contribution that Islam is making to German society.

A new German political movement has sprung up, aimed at dealing with both the problems that Islam has caused and the false doctrine of multiculturalism that has too often facilitated the growth of Islam in Germany.

The Identitaire Bewegung movement is a reaction against an Islamic minority in Germany that doesn’t want to see themselves as German, often makes no financial contribution to the German economy, are addicted to welfare and has also been implicated in a rise in crime and anti social behaviour.

The Bare Naked Islam site said that young Germans are taking the lead from their French counterparts in speaking up against the depredations of Islam. This has brought out the anti-German political Left who are predictably screaming ‘racist’ at the new German Identity movement.

Bare Naked Islam said:

Germans have grown hostile to the Muslim presence recently, with a heated debate on the Muslim immigration into the country. A recent poll by the Munster University found that Germans view Muslims more negatively than their European neighbors.

In August 2011, Germany’s daily Der Spiegel had warned that the country is becoming intolerant towards its Muslim minority.”

Quite rightly in my opinion, the Identaire Bewegung movement has stated that they believe in ‘100% identity and 0% racism’ which nails the Leftist lie that being anti Islam is synonymous witih ‘racism’. The modern Germans have gone out of their way to be welcoming to others and slay the beasts that sullied Germany’s past, but this policy of welcome has been exploited by the followers of the ideology of Islam which now bullies German citizens, German businesses and German politicians.

Over the last 70 years or so Europeans have learned that it is not the colour of a person’s skin that should be judged, but instead people should be judged by both the content of their character, and the ideology that they follow. The followers of Islam come in all colours and therefore to attack the ideology of Islam is not the same as attacking people for the colour of their skin. To give a non-religious example, in the past many people openly followed Communism and the adherents of the murderous system of Communism were not restricted to people of one particular race. Islam, like Communism is an equal opportunity bastard of an ideology. Like the former Eastern Bloc nations had to be cleaned of Communism after 1989 and the post War Germans had to be de-Nazified, other European nations need to learn to both de-Islamise themselves and support those who wish to leave Islam and stay safely out.

We in Britain need to learn, as the Germans and the French are learning, that it is NOT racist to attack Islam and many wish to see a ‘European reconquista’ where the Islamic ideology is put back in the midden of detritis where it truly deserves to be. The Germans are starting to speak up both to and against their leftist politicians and that should be an example to us all. If the Germans can do it in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, why cannot we in Britain do the same in London, Birmingham and Manchester? If the Germans are having to accept that multiculturalism has failed then so should we in the UK.

Links and translations

Bare Naked Islam article on the German identity movement

German Identity movement website (in German)


Electronic translation of the above article for the benefit of this blog’s German speaking readers. Elektronische Übersetzung des obigen Artikels zum Wohle dieses Blogs deutschsprachigen Leser.

“Ein gutes Zeichen, dass die Deutschen haben, ist nach der Wiedervereinigung, als eine Nation gewachsen und legte den mörderischen Aberration des Nationalsozialismus hinter ihnen, das wachsende Vertrauen der jungen Deutschen, die lernen, sich gegen den negativen Beitrag, dass der Islam in der deutschen Gesellschaft machen werden .

Eine neue deutsche politische Bewegung entstanden, soll im Umgang sowohl mit den Problemen, dass der Islam verursacht hat und der Multikulturalismus, die allzu oft das Wachstum des Islam in Deutschland hat erleichtert.

Die Identitaire Bewegung Bewegung ist eine Reaktion gegen eine islamische Minderheit in Deutschland, die nicht wollen, um sich als Deutsche sehen, macht oft keinen finanziellen Beitrag für die deutsche Wirtschaft sind die Wohlfahrt süchtig und hat auch in dem Anstieg der Kriminalität und verwickelt Sozialverhalten.

The Bare Naked Islam Website sagte, dass die jungen Deutschen die Führung von ihren Kollegen in Französisch sprechen sich gegen die Verwüstungen des Islam auf ihr Land. Dies hat sich die anti-deutschen politischen Linken, die vorhersehbar schreien “rassistisch” an der neuen deutschen Identität Bewegung gebracht.

Bare Naked Islam sagte:

“Die Deutschen sind gewachsen feindlich gegenüber der muslimischen Präsenz vor kurzem mit einer hitzigen Debatte über die muslimische Einwanderung in das Land. Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Umfrage der Universität Münster gefunden, dass die Deutschen view Muslime stärker negativ als ihre europäischen Nachbarn.

Im August 2011 hatte Deutschland das tägliche Der Spiegel davor gewarnt, dass das Land wird immer gegenüber seinen muslimischen Minderheit intolerant.

Zu Recht meiner Meinung nach, hat die Identaire Bewegung Bewegung erklärte, dass sie glauben, in ‘100% Identität und 0% von Rassismus Rassismus ‘, die die Linke Lüge, dass als Anti Islam steht witih Nails “. Die modernen Deutschen haben aus dem Weg, um anderen zu begrüßen gegangen und töten die Tiere, die Deutschland in der Vergangenheit beschmutzt, aber diese Politik der Begrüßung wurde von den Anhängern der Ideologie des Islam, die nun Tyrannen deutsche Staatsbürger, deutsche Unternehmen und deutsche Politiker ausgeschöpft .

In den letzten 70 Jahren oder so Europäer haben gelernt, dass es nicht die Farbe der Haut einer Person, dass sie auf beurteilt werden sollte, sondern die Menschen sollten sowohl vom Inhalt ihres Charakters, und der Ideologie, dass sie folgen beurteilt werden. Die Anhänger des Islam in allen Farben und damit die Ideologie des Islam anzugreifen, ist nicht das Gleiche wie Menschen anzugreifen für die Farbe ihrer Haut. Um einen nicht-religiösen Beispiel zu geben, in der Vergangenheit viele Menschen offen gefolgt Kommunismus und die Anhänger der mörderischen System des Kommunismus waren nicht auf Menschen einer bestimmten Rasse beschränkt. Islam, wie der Kommunismus ist eine Chancengleichheit Bastard von einer Ideologie. Wie die ehemaligen Ostblockstaaten hatte der Kommunismus nach 1989 gereinigt werden und die Post War Deutschen mussten entnazifizierten, müssen andere europäische Länder, um sowohl de-islamisieren selbst lernen und unterstützen diejenigen, die verlassen Islam sicher aus bleiben möchten.

Wir in Großbritannien müssen lernen, wie die Deutschen und die Französisch lernen, dass es nicht rassistisch ist, den Islam anzugreifen und wollen eine “Reconquista”, wo die islamische Ideologie wieder in den Misthaufen der detritis gelegt wird, wo es verdient wirklich zu sehen, . Die Deutschen beginnen zu sprechen sowohl zu als auch gegen ihre linke Politiker und das sollte ein Beispiel sein für uns alle. Wenn die Deutschen können es in Berlin, Hamburg und München zu tun, warum können wir nicht in Großbritannien das gleiche tun in London, Birmingham und Manchester? Wenn die Deutschen mit sich zu akzeptieren, dass Multikulturalismus hat dann so sollte nicht wir in Großbritannien.”

11 Comments on "Germans fighting back against Islam"

  1. Furor Teutonicus | April 1, 2013 at 11:32 am |

    The translation leaves a lot to be desired, but….not TOO bad.

    Yet again, we see the same old pattern. Any party/Movement (Bewegung), further right wing than Mother Theresas left tit, is immediately branded “Neo-Nazi”, or similar, by the media, and other commy scum, here.

    There is another new party “Alternative Germany”…. I will look up a link. But they have not even put out a manifesto yet, and all of a sudden, the papers are full of “This extreem right wing party”!!

    • Fahrenheit211 | April 1, 2013 at 12:22 pm |

      Thanks for the info on the translation Furor, I always worry about using electronic translations in case I’m accidentally insulting someone’s mother or something because the electronic translation has either got it wrong or can’t cope with certain English language idioms.

      It sounds from what you are saying that a lot of Germany’s media is a bit like the BBC, broadly left with a fear of alternative points of view.

      • Furor Teutonicus | April 1, 2013 at 8:34 pm |

        XX It sounds from what you are saying that a lot of Germany’s media is a bit like the BBC, broadly left with a fear of alternative points of view.XX


        As you have pointed out, Germany has … a “history”, and now your basic “Joe on the street” is TERRIFIED to be linked with “Neo-nazis”, or, indeed any other “Extreem right” group.

        All the media has to do is brand a group as such, and suddenly, no one wants to know.

        I was of voting age, and read all the printed crap, during Magie Thatchers reign. SERIOUSLY, “Alternative Germany”, “Pro Deutschland”, “Identity movement”, “Die Freiheit” and many others are NO more “Right wing” than Thatcher. (FAR to “Left” in my opinion)

        BUT…. the media treat them like the second coming of Hitler, and the public in general accept the description!

        • Fahrenheit211 | April 1, 2013 at 8:50 pm |

          The same smears have been used in Britain to tarnish counterjihadists. The Leftists try to say that if you oppose Islam then you are a racist which for many of us is very far from the truth. Unfortunately there are some racist groups like the BNP and similar who have jumped on the counterjihad bandwagon in recent years and as you say people really don’t want to be thought of as associating with such groups, often for very good moral and political reasons. This does appear to be changing and there appears to be a growing acceptance that you can hate or be concerned about the vile ideology of Islam without judging people by those things, like the colour of their skin, that they cannot change.

          The ‘Diversity Industry’ has a lot to answer for by conflating the ideology of Islam with people who just happen to hail from the Indian Sub Continent, which is cheesing off Britain’s Sikhs and Hindu’s who unlike our Islamic ‘guests’ have made a positive contribution to the UK since they arrived.

          I think many British people are getting fed up with the shout of ‘racist’ coming from the mouths of the Left everytime Islam is challenged and such a ‘snarl word’ is beginning to lose its effect.

          Britain’s Conservative Party is considerably to the Left of rightist groups elsewhere such as Frances Front National but the way the leftist media such as the BBC and the Guardian carry on you would think that the Tories were being run by clones of Oswald Mosley which they most certainly are not.

  2. Patrick J O` Maracou | April 17, 2013 at 12:43 am |

    I hear and see just what is happening in Germany and the U K,we here in Australia are being invaded by countless thousands of muslim so called refugees from every islamic country.We have a red flag waving labour government that just lets them in ,they go on welfare and stay on it and are given houseing over the local population.If you say anything about islam the press will not print and the polititians on both sides just ignore peoples concerns.I want my country back keep Australia Australian.Patrick

    • Furor Teutonicus | April 17, 2013 at 8:25 am |

      Totaly agree. North West Europe, and the British Commonwealth/(ex) colonies /and the U.S should stick TIGHTLY together. (I would even include India, on the fringes).

      • Fahrenheit211 | April 17, 2013 at 12:42 pm |

        Maybe what is needed is a union of the free to oppose the union of the ‘unfree’ which is another definition of the Organisation of Isalmic Countries.

      • Furor Teutonicus | April 17, 2013 at 6:03 pm |

        I also have aquaintances from Nigeria, Botswana and Kenya, who think similar.

        Do not forget the will power of the Africans in this fight.

        • Fahrenheit211 | April 17, 2013 at 6:12 pm |

          Yep and it can be argued that the Africans have suffered and are still suffering horrifically from the impact of Islam.

  3. It’s very fashainable to pick on germans. (I’m not german.) i remember a story in my country about 8 years ago. a guy sat down with a german tourist, both men having a beer and talking. when a guy comes up and tells the german “We won the war.” or something like that and the guy drinking with the german got embarrased and the german tourist said. “In this country every second person say’s that to me.”
    I repect what our grandparent’s did in ww2. but being an asshat to every german has to stop. everyone has relatives who are black sheep and if we were all judged guilty for there actions, well very few of us would be out of prision would we?

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 11, 2013 at 7:37 am |

      Yep. I agree we shouldn’t bully the Germans, using the past as a analogy or making fun, is one thing but the modern German is not the same as in the past. The modern German is not going to invade Poland again for example. The Germans did, I believe, over compensate for their past actiobns and therefore embraced the disaster of multiculturalism and this is why Germany has a serious Islam problem.

      Part of the reason why it is fashionable to pick on Germans is not WWII or WW1 but German influence in the European Union, and influence that is resented by both the poorer nations of the EU and also by those elsewhere in Europe who find themselves at the sharp end of European legislation and policies which many believe are either inspired by or for the benefit of Germans.

      Britain and Germany do face a similar threat from Jihad, this is indeed a fight that we need to fight together.

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