It’s time for a few unpleasant predictions.

The growing revelations about the extent of imported Islamic crime in Europe and especially crimes of a sexual, violent and terroristic nature, has shocked the continent’s people to the core. Even those who may have been previously tolerant of Islam, are getting a nasty and rude awakening about the true nature of Islam and the sort of people it creates.

It’s not just the highly publicised (for a change) mass Islamic sex attacks in Cologne that is doing this, but the news that these attacks were not isolated ones as this and other types of Islamic sex attacks have been reported right across Europe. Adding to the growing anger about the attacks and the continual quality of life issues caused by Islam, there is also shock and disgust being felt at those who quite frankly can only fairly be described as ‘Quslings’ for Islam. There is for example a stomach-churning realisation that there are far too many police forces, politicians and journalists who have abandoned any pretence of looking after or keeping informed the people they should be informing or protecting. Time after time we see European politicians, journalists and others who have chosen to protect Muslims, even criminal and troublesome ones, at the expense of everyone else.

The list of behaviour by those who should know better, and which can rightly be described as ‘treason against the people’, grows longer by the day. In Britain we have an ongoing and serious problem with Muslim Rape Gangs that the police would prefer they didn’t have to deal with and which the BBC does its very best to not cover in nearly enough depth. Sweden, for example, has seen Islam transform it from a safe nation a beacon of equal rights for women, into one where women live in fear of Islamic rapists and where the police and journalists even covered up a mass sex attack by Muslims at a music festival attended by a lot of 12 to 18 year old girls. What is even more shocking is that in the case of the Muslims attacking children at the music festival is the political reason that the police and journalists gave for not highlighting these crimes and that is that the authorities didn’t want to encourage Swedes to vote for Sweden’s equivalent to UKIP, the Swedish Democrats.

But as we all now know only too well, Muslims do not only bring sex-crime to Europe. They have brought terror, disruption, corruption, misogyny, Jew-hatred, welfare poncing violence and so much more. Despite much of the mainstream media wishing to play down these Islamic negatives, with the help of social media and quality alternative media sources such as Brietbart London, information about the crimes of Islam has steadily leaked out and spread among the populations of European nations. As the information flows among the peoples of those nations afflicted by Islam so also does the anger grow.

This anger is now finding an expression and we are starting to see violent resistance to both Islam and Islam’s Quislings on the political Left most notably in Leipzig in Germany and in Italy where local people in Salerno, angered by the rape of a 14 year old girl by a Pakistani Muslim ‘refugee’ stormed the asylum centre and almost lynched the Islamic savage who committed the crime. As awareness of the sort of Islamic scum that has been imported and pandered to spreads, so will resistance to it.

My predictions for the coming year are not happy ones. I predict many more acts of violence against the Islamic invaders and against those who pander to them. The people of Europe are disgusted at what has been done by Muslims to their continent and they are increasingly vocal in expressing this anger. I’ve noticed non-Muslims much more willing to speak their minds about Islam and the vehemence of this speech is very great partially due to the fact that people have previously felt that they have been forbidden to speak negatively about Islam and the problems it brings.

It’s fair to say that neither the Islamists nor their Quislings will take this fight back lying down. The media will continue to paint anyone who objects to Islam, no matter how peacefully expressed the objection, as ‘far right’. We will also see many more arrests for bullshit ‘hate crime’ offences where there has been no actual assault, but a Muslim thinks that they’ve been ‘disrespected’. We will also see the State, which has been heavily penetrated by Islamists and the political Left, targeting those individuals who speak out, in a similar manner to how the British state targeted the activist Tommy Robinson. We will continue to see the scales of justice being bent in favour of Muslims with those Islamic hate preachers allowed to continue to pump out their hatred whilst those who campaign against Islamic hate, marginalised as much as the state can manage.

We will also see those who speak up and speak out against the Islamic enemy victimised in social situations by those people who have bought into the lie that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’. Those of us who belong to religious organisations such as the Church of England or Reform or Liberal Judaism, where the upper echelons of these groups have been completely captured by the political Left, will probably find ourselves excluded from communal religious life merely because we’ve spoken the truth about Islam to our respective religious powers. Groups like the Socialist Workers Party and similar will send their thugs to disrupt our demonstrations, harass our partners and children in an effort to get us to shut up and enjoy the suicidal ‘diversity’ that they have helped to impose on us.

The next year, and in fact for the foreseeable future, the civilised world will see conflict, not just between the savagery of Islam and the people of the free world, but also with the Quislings for Islam who will viciously attack those who speak up against Islam in order to cling on very tightly to the power that they’ve garnered for themselves. All non-Muslim nations, especially those who have foolishly allowed Islam to establish itself and metastasize will see conflict and violence.

The sad thing is that a lot of this predicted conflict could have been avoided. It could have been avoided by primarily not allowing Islam to infect non-Muslim nations and not bowing to demands to give Islam and the hateful Shariah Law a protected position. The politicians and others who should have known better and who forgot the hate-filled violent nature and history of Islam have created this dire situation, but it’s the people who will suffer from the effects of this stupidity.

People who are rightly opposed to Islam need to be aware that we are about to enter what could be termed ‘interesting times’.


Lynch mob go after Pakistani savage who raped a teenage girl in Italy.

Swedish police hid mass sex attack against children at a music festival

1 Comment on "It’s time for a few unpleasant predictions."

  1. We had a good little Continent here, stodgy and silly but capable of renewal at any time. Increasingly, it is messed up.

    Do what we have to with the invaders, then do twice as hard to the Quislings.

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