From Elsewhere: Murderous Islamic Jew hatred in Paris


There is an Estate Agent’s phrase, or rather a euphemism, to describe violent Islam dominated shitholes and that phrase is ‘vibrant and diverse’. The problem is for some people, especially Jews, having an area made ‘vibrant and diverse’ by Islam can end up being a death sentence. This is because Islam’s Jew hatred isn’t something grafted on to the ideology at a later date for political reasons, or is the fault of a few misread and misinterpreted bits of scripture, as it is in Christianity, it’s part of the core of Islamic ideology. ‘Kill the Jews’ is as much a commandment in Judaism as ‘keep the Sabbath’ is in Judaism or ‘love thy neighbour’ is in Christianity.

The latest Islamic murder of a Jewish person has occurred in a suburb of Paris where a Muslim suddenly went ‘full Islam’ and pushed a 66 year old woman, a director of a nursery school, out of a third floor window and killed her. Although the authorities are trying to pin this murder on ‘mental illness’, the fact that the murderer shouted out the Islamic war cry ‘Allah hu akbar’ should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that this was an Islamic killing. If there is any mental illness being suffered by this assailant then that mental illness is called Islam.

Here’s Front Page Magazine’s reportage of this latest and disgraceful Islamic murder of an innocent.

Daniel Greenfield of Front Page Magazine said:

Sarah Lucy Halimi was thrown out of the window of the third floor Paris apartment while she begged her Muslim killer to spare her life.

The 66-year-old director of an Orthodox Jewish nursery was woken from her sleep when she was violently beaten by her twenty something Muslim neighbor who then dragged her to the window.

She died on the street outside the building where she had lived for thirty years.

The killer had allegedly shouted, “Allahu Akbar”. In the tragic comedy of denial that every Islamic terrorism investigation inevitably becomes, the authorities are still hunting around for his motive.

The media claims that her Muslim killer, like every other Muslim terrorist in the past two years, was mentally unstable. According to official reports, he was incoherent. According to other accounts, he told the police that he had followed the commands of the Koran. He certainly would not have been the first.

The street where Sarah Lucy’s broken body lay was the Rue de Vaucouleurs. It’s close to Belleville, a neighborhood whose name means “Beautiful town”, but which is better known these days as one of France’s “Zones Urbaines Sensibles” or “Sensitive Urban Zones.”

Or, without the euphemisms, parts of the beautiful town are really a “No Go Zone”. Or, if you prefer the official descriptions, a vibrant, colorful and multicultural community full of delightfully exotic foods.

Two years ago, smirking media reporters had a field day visiting Belleville to show that FOX News reports about No Go Zones in France were nonsense. “Look, at the couscous restaurants and colorful scarves, there’s nothing to worry about.”

Unless your delightfully multicultural Muslim neighbor decides to shove you through a window while shouting one of his religion’s exotic genocidal epithets about the Jews and all infidels.

Belleville was once home to many Jews. Then Jews from North Africa fled there after Muslim takeovers deprived them of the civil rights they had briefly enjoyed under French rule. And their Mohammedan oppressors followed. Some years back, the JTA ran one of its cheerful Islamophilic pieces about Belleville. “In one Paris neighborhood, Jews and Muslims live as they did in North Africa.”

That is indeed true. Just not in the way that the JTA would like its gullible readers to believe.

Yonathan Halimi, Sarah Lucy’s son, describes the killer’s family as being known for its anti-Semitism. “One day, one of the killer’s sisters pushed my sister down the stairs, and the next time she called her a dirty Jew,” he described. Sarah’s brother said that the killer called Sarah and her daughter, “dirty Jews”.

This is how Jews and Muslims lived in North Africa. This is how they lived everywhere under Muslim rule. Now this is how Jews and Muslims live in Paris and anywhere else settled by Islamic migration.

Mr Greenfield added:

A war against humanity is underway. It began long ago. The killers shout, “Allahu Akbar”. And their victims fall from New York City skyscrapers and third floor Parisian apartments. They are run over in London and Nice, shot in San Bernardino and Paris and blown up in Boston and Brussels.

We must remember all of them. And we must win the war.

Read the rest of this tragic and anger-inducing article via the link below

These imported Muslims contain within them the motivation for our own murders and the murders of our neighbours whether these neighbours be Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh or whatever. This violent and intolerant ideology called Islam and the equally intolerant savages that this ideology spawns is a threat to all of us. Nobody who consider themselves to have any sense should be denying this threat now. This disgusting ideology needs to be robustly countered and not excused or covered up by calling these murders tragedies caused by ‘mental illness’.

The Torah says that life, subject to a few exceptions for criminals and those who come to attack the innocent, is sacred. This is the complete opposite of what the Koran and the Hadiths says. Islamic scripture calls for the death of infidels and life for those non-Muslims in areas ruled by or controlled by the followers of Islam is often nasty, brutish and short. Death, death and even more death are the core values of Islam.

Islam is not a religion of peace no matter how many deluded Left wing Jewish Rabbi’s and Christian clerics say it is, Islam is instead a religion of death. Now this accursed ideology has caused the death of an innocent woman, who was dragged from her bed and murdered by this Islamic savage in the most appalling way, merely because she was Jewish.

The ideology of Islam has created hostile ghettos where no non-Muslim is safe and we should no longer lie to ourselves and say that ‘vibrant and diverse’ means anything other than ‘Islamic hell-hole.’

It only remains for me to say to the family of Madame Halimi, Baruch Dayan haEmet, Blessed is the Eternal G-d, the True Judge.

I pray that this woman’s death, and the deaths of all those who have died at the hands of Islamic savages, are avenged if not by humans, then by the Eternal One.

As Mr Greenfield says in his piece, we are at war and it’s a war that we must win.