Fostering our own murderers. The guilty individuals and groups who imported the fake ‘children’ and alleged ‘junior jihadis’

Fire officers searching the tube train that was attacked on Friday (picture via Evening Standard)


If the press reports into the aftermath of the Parsons Green bombing are correct, it’s now almost 100% confirmed that the two Muslim men suspected of carrying out or organising the attack on a tube train were brought into Britain as ‘child refugees’. Press reports are also stating that both of these men, an 18 year old and a 21 year old from Iraq and Syria respectively, were fostered by the same elderly foster couple. The 21 year old has subsequently been identified as one of the Syrians that Britain generously took in and been named as Yahyah Farouk

The two suspects for the attack were arrested separately over the weekend, one in the departures lounge at the port of Dover and the other at a fried chicken shop in Hounslow. The 21 year old, who came to Britain from Syria, has had his property in Stanwell searched by anti-terror police. There has also been an extensive search at the home of the foster couple, Penelope and Ronald Jones MBE aged 71 and 89 respectively, which is suspected of being the last known address of the 18 year old Iraqi suspect.

Even though, by sheer luck, the Parsons Green bomb didn’t fully detonate and caused only minor injuries, it is likely that the incident will have far reaching political fall out. Those naïve people like Mr and Mrs Jones are going to be among the first to have to face public embarrassment over this case. They were long time foster carers who were honoured by The Queen in 2010 for their services to childcare and who came out of retirement in order to care for ‘unaccompanied child migrants’, and who became involved in a scheme to place ‘child migrants’ with carers in Surrey.

Mr and Mrs Jones have been made to look naïve and foolish by both the fact that they unwittingly harboured alleged terrorists posing as ‘children’ and also that they voiced support for the importation of such fake ‘children’. I doubt that their public image will ever recover from this faux pas. It’s likely that they will be known from now on as the ‘couple who fostered the terrorists’. But this outcome is primarily their own fault. It was they who decided to come out of retirement and virtue signal over this ‘unaccompanied child migrant’ situation. It was also they who chose to take the generous funding that the government dishes out to foster carers, especially for taking ‘difficult to place’ clients, especially clients such as fake ‘unaccompanied migrant children’ with jihadist attitudes. Basically people like Mr and Mrs Jones have been fostering those who wish to murder us.

It is to be hoped that there will be others who will end up suffering embarrassment over this case. The politicians who screamed blue murder about how immoral it was to not let in ‘child migrants’ are now going to be faced with the fact that at least two, and maybe many more, ‘child migrants’ are not cute orphaned toddlers, but hulking great young men with Islamic hate firmly planted in their hearts. Lord Alf Dubs is one of those politicians who should shoulder some but not all of the blame and the embarrassment for stoking up the ‘child refugees’ hysteria. This is because the ‘vulnerable child migrant’ hysteria was the result of a campaign by the pro-migrant, pro-Islam group Citizens UK, which was fronted up by Lord Dubs. This campaign and Lord Dubs’ involvement in it, went a very long way to convincing politicians to allow in ‘junior jihadis’ posing as ‘unaccompanied child migrants’, such as those allegedly involved in the Parsons Green attack.

I said that Lord Dubs is only partly to blame for the pressure put on the government to allow in ‘child refugees’, who are often turning out not be be children and in some cases being enamoured of the idea of murdering us. This is because I feel that on this issue he’s been nothing more than a kindly fool who has been used and abused by others, namely the Citizens UK group who mercilessly exploited Lord Dubs’ personal history as one of the Kindertransport children in order to get the government to sign up for what later became known as the ‘Dubs Amendment‘ to the Immigration Act. This amendment allowed ‘vulnerable unaccompanied migrant children’, whom the activists almost always erroneously referred to as ‘refugees’, in places like the Calais Jungle migrant camp to enter the UK.

Lord Dubs should take some of the blame for the entry of ‘junior jihadis’, since he went along voluntarily with those, like Citizens UK and their pro-migrant front group Safe Passage UK, which appears very much to have been ‘playing’ him for their own political ends. However, I want to be fair to Lord Dubs, who is an old man, and no doubt he meant well. I consider he has been misled by those using his personal story to play on his sympathies. We need also to look behind him to find where the bulk of the blame lies for the importation of the Parsons Green ‘junior jihadis’.

According to my investigations into the ‘let the children’ in’ campaigns, that have led directly to the importation of the alleged Parsons Green bomber; the bulk of the blame needs to be directed at those ‘community organisations’ who called for these ‘children’ to be imported. Groups such as Citizens UK who agitated over several years, sometimes loudly and using dishonest and emotive tactics, for the entry of the sort of ‘vulnerable child migrants’ who may well end up desiring our murder.

This blog has published extensive articles on Citizens UK, its policies, its funding, its aims and objectives and both this blog and other publications have noted the sinister closeness that their Executive Director Neil Jameson has with the extremism linked East London Mosque. You can find these articles by entering ‘Citizens UK’ into the search box on the front page. Citizens UK likes to promote itself as a network of community organisations working ‘for the common good’. Unfortunately I cannot see any ‘common good’ in some of Citizens UK’s campaigns, such as opening up Britain’s borders, whining about how disadvantaged Muslims are in public life, or campaigning for unaffordable ‘living wages’. Citizens UK have a reputation for backing all manner of projects that rarely benefit the average Briton, but invariably benefit migrants or Muslims.

Citizens UK also have significant political influence and leverage in Westminster and in local authorities, in both forums they have lobbied and sometimes allegedly bullied legislators, both national and local, into saying ‘yes’ to their ‘child refugees’. A significant amount of public money has been sent Citizens UK’s way and they have even managed to get candidates across different parties to sign up to one or more of Citizens UK’s aims. Apart from being angry at the waste of money (more details here) being spent on Citizens UK and their ‘services’, we need to worry about how Citizens UK corrupts democracy. It’s not good if all the major candidates that you are expected to choose from at an election are signed up to one or more Citizens UK policies, whether that be ‘living wage’ or letting in vulnerable ‘child’ refugees. It reduces electoral choice if whoever you vote for is carrying out the bidding of a troublesome left wing pro-Islam group like Citizens UK.

Citizens UK had and still have a high profile position in the ‘refugees welcome’ movement, for their pushing through of the Dubs Amendment and for the subsequent entry of the sort of ‘children’ who may well be contemplating blowing up our public transport. Because of this, Citizens UK need to suffer some serious embarrassment and public opprobrium over the IED at Parsons Green tube station incident. We should call them out on their misdeeds and their misguided and possibly malevolent policies. In addition, we must make sure that the politicians who are supposed to be representing us cease to give this troublesome group either funding or political house-room. Citizens UK have become far too big for their boots and are now more like a political party than a charity. We should not be allowing Citizens UK, which is in reality a relatively small group of well funded left-wing and pro-Islam activists, to call the political shots any longer.

Before this article departs from dealing with Citizens UK proper, it should be noted that this organisation, which shouted very loudly for the entry of these ‘vulnerable child migrants’, is starting to become more coy about this in recent weeks. They have relegated their ‘refugees welcome’ and ‘vulnerable child migrant’ stuff to a sub page on their website and have rebadged this activity under the name of their pro-migration front group Safe Passage UK. Maybe this is an indication that even Citizens UK themselves are starting to realise that the ‘refugees welcome’ guff is no longer working on the British public. Instead, and equally as worrying as their high profile pro-migrant whining, they may be concentrating on influencing the politicians who they may have already politically captured. These captured politicians may be all too willing to parrot the ‘refugees welcome’ lines fed to them by Citizens UK into the ears of ministers and other decision makers. This back-room influence by Citizens UK, something they seem to have a lot of, also needs to be removed, since they are pushing policies that many ordinary Britons would be horrified about, if they were the subject of open public debate.

However, no matter how bad, malevolent and misguided Citizens UK has been, especially with regards to the issues of Islam and migration; they could not have gained the power that they have achieved without the help of other groups. These other groups have been used by Citizens UK to give Citizens UK projects and campaigns a degree of legitimacy that they may not have otherwise have had. Citizens UK have taken great pains to cultivate the support of various religious leaders and religious groups and it is to these groups that we must turn now, they also deserve to suffer some level of embarrassment and public disdain. These religious groups have allowed Citizens UK to point to them to show they have support from a plethora of religious entities, both Christian and non-Christian. This has meant that even though Citizens UK policies may only be supported by religious leftists and the management of the religious organisations, not by the ordinary members, Citizens UK appear to be more broadly supported than they are in reality.

The Church of England, the Methodist Church, Reform Judaism, Masorti and Liberal Judaism all need to engage in a bit of self-examination following the Parsons Green jihad attack, because of their close association with Citizens UK. These religious groups have all given significant support to Citizens UK campaigns, including their Dubs Amendment and ‘unaccompanied child migrant’ ones. I need to say at this point that I completely understand the humanitarian reasoning behind those with a religious belief wanting to assist those whom they see, or who they have been told, are in distress. This is normal and admirable and a positive way to think and behave, entirely in keeping with religious teachings. However, these religious groups and individuals have been exceedingly naïve over this whole issue and the revelation that the alleged Parsons Green bombers may have been some of the very same ‘child refugees’ who they agitated to bring in must surely bring some degree of embarrassment to them.

This act of associating themselves with an organisation that campaigns for the entry of the sort of people that many Britons have had quite enough of thank you very much, deserves to be called out by the more politically sound members of these religious groups. It’s time for both the Christians and the Jews who occupy the pews in the various congregations of the movements who have aligned themselves to Citizens UK, to ask some hard and awkward questions of their Clergy, their Rabbinate and their management. This linkage between a group that doesn’t, despite its claims, fight for the common good and our religious organisations needs to be broken. Never again do I as a Jew want to see any Jewish religious organisation campaigning for the entry into the UK of people whose culture can be summed up in the phrase ‘let’s kill some Jews, it’s what Allah wants’.

What the Jewish groups have done by associating themselves with the open borders policies of groups like Citizens UK has not only tarnished the image of British Jews but has also broken the Biblical admonition to ‘keep the peace of the city in which you live’. Importing violent thugs or junior jihadis does not in any real sense ‘keep the peace of the city’ does it? I’m pretty angry at the naivety of Jewish religious leaders sitting down with an organisation that sometimes uses Jews as political cover, when their Islamic friends have been caught out spouting some of the most appalling Jew hatred. Bearing in mind that the Christian community is also under threat from Islamic violence across the world, I would hope some Christians also feel angry at their leaders campaigning for the entry of those from cultures that view Christians as mere kufar to be exploited and oppressed.

There are a number of people, whose involvement in the ‘let the children in’ campaigns that were run by Citizens UK and others, must mean they should take a share of the blame for the entry of those often fake ‘children’, who we may now be seeing starting to go ‘full Islam’ and try to kill people. As I said in a previous article, a Citizens UK front group Safe Passage UK has already imported 1150 of what they call ‘unaccompanied child migrants’. Even if only 5% of these are liable to engage in jihad, then this is still 57 people so far, mixed in with the allegedly peaceful majority, which means there is an awful lot of increased risk of Islamic violence to which groups like Safe Passage UK have exposed us.

Those who have pushed for the entry of these ‘unaccompanied refugee children’ must not be allowed to walk away scot free, if they’ve helped to import junior jihadis. Those groups like Citizens UK and similar ‘refugees welcome’ groups, who have promoted this form of open borders foolishness, need to face public disgrace at what they’ve done. In addition to that, those religious, social and political entities that have helped these ‘refugees welcome’ groups to bring in those whom not only do we not need or want, but who are a threat to us, do so very urgently need to be called out on their naivety and stupidity and if necessary publicly criticised for what they have done.

I can only hope that over time, as it becomes more obvious that violent jihadis have slipped into Britain under the guise of being ‘children’ that groups like Citizens UK and other shroud-waving pro migrant and pro ‘refugee’ groups will be stripped of their undue influence over government policy. I also hope that the religious groups who have surrendered to the sort of naïve emoting and dog and pony shows that Citizens UK have put on for them in order to gain their support and feed off of their legitimacy, wake up to how they’ve been used by an organisation that is revoltingly friendly with the sort of people who plainly want the rest of us either dead or enslaved. The religious groups who have blindly supported the ‘refugees welcome’ ethos in general and Citizens UK in particular have expressed the giving side of their faiths, but have not tempered that faith with any logical intelligence about the causes they are supporting. In their demented forced march to do good as they see it and to virtue signal, these religious groups have also not considered the negative effect that the objects of their altruism may have on Britons of all faiths and races. Last week the cost for their altruism, which is often paid not by the religious clerics or the pro-migrant activists, but by ordinary people, could have been far higher than a few burns and crush injuries at Parsons Green. It could have been carnage and mass murder.

It’s starting to become clear that the alleged bombers of the tube train at Parsons Green were some of the ‘children’ that we had been morally blackmailed by politicians, activists and religious leaders to take into our nation and support. By encouraging the import of people without checking that they were not problematical and finding out that in some cases they were not even children, the virtue signallers of the ‘refugees welcome’ and ‘let the children in ‘ movements have possibly endangered the lives of many more Britons than would otherwise have been the case.

Many of us warned our religious leaders, our politicians and others what could happen if these ‘children’ were imported to the UK. Our concerns were dismissed and we were sent away with shouts of ‘racist’ and ‘xenophobe’ or most disgracefully, ‘remember the Kindertransport’ by those who misuse and misrepresent history. We who counselled caution with regards to these ‘child refugees’ appear to be being proven correct. It’s now time for those who pushed the ‘refugees welcome’ and ‘let the children in ‘ movements to face the public criticism that has been so long in coming and has so sorely been needed.


Both suspects in Parsons Green bomb attack linked to the foster home run by Mr and Mrs Jones

Second property linked to one of Mr and Mrs Jones migrant foster ‘children’ searched by anti terror police.

Pro migrant activists take legal action to reinstate Dubs Amendment

Citizens UK website

Lord Alf Dubs wiki,_Baron_Dubs

Citizens UK seem to work for everyone except the ordinary British citizen. Information via this link on Citizens UK’s activities, staff, finances and political influence.

Citizens UK Executive Director Neil Jameson shills for the East London Mosque

Anglican church St James’s Piccadilly has become very close with Citizens UK

Reform Judaism considers Citizens UK to be a major social action partner

London District Methodist Church also becoming heavily dependent on links to Citizens UK

Masorti Judaism also has been seconded by Citizens UK to promote their ‘refugees welcome’ campaigns

Liberal Judaism the smallest and some would say the most Left wing of British Jewish movements has clambered so far up the fundament of Citizens UK that some are saying to me that LJ has behaved more like a fully owned subsidiary of Citizens UK rather than independent religious movement. A brief search of the LJ website shows that LJ appear to view Citizens UK as the only game in town when it comes to social action, something which is plainly not the case.

Some LJ Rabbonim have gone far too far with their support not only for the increasingly foolish ‘refugees’ welcome’ movement but also have become far too close to known Islamic extremists such as Shakeel Begg of the extremism linked Lewisham Islamic Centre.

Pro migrant leftists and foolish religious types have encouraged the return of violent migrants to Northern France by supplying them with food and shelter. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

2 Comments on "Fostering our own murderers. The guilty individuals and groups who imported the fake ‘children’ and alleged ‘junior jihadis’"

  1. F…211,

    To put it bluntly: ‘Them’s My Sentiments!

    Good on you!!!

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 18, 2017 at 4:47 pm |

      Thank you. I despise groups like Citizens UK I’ve seen them up close and personal and it hasn’t made me think any better of them.

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