ISIS savages declare war on our children.

ISIS scum


How much and what will it take to get our Islam appeasing politicians to wake up to the scale of the Islamic violence and extremism problems that countries like the United Kingdom face? What about the latest horrific and worrying threat from the savages of ISIS to ‘burn children with oil’ accompanied by calls to attack children in maternity hospitals and nurseries? Will that wake the politicians up? Will this appalling declaration of war against the weakest among us, our children startle into sensibility the likes of Theresa May and Amber Rudd?

I pray to the Eternal One that such such violence never arrives on our shores and I’d hope that if such a terrible attack happened the politicians, including those mentioned above would grow some metaphorical balls and deal with the problem. Sadly, I suspect that these politicians would not do this, would not do the right thing, would not say ‘enough is enough’ and truly mean it. Those who govern us would probably do what they’ve almost always done after just about every other Islamic atrocity that we’ve suffered in the UK which is to lie about Islam and threaten people with arrest if they criticise this foul ideology that preaches for our murder. The politicians would stand there, among the mangled bodies of our children and say ‘Islam is a religion of peace’, whilst at the same time sundry police officers would be uttering dire warnings of what might happen if we ‘offended’ the followers of the savage ideology that murders kids.

The ISIS savages, who it should be remembered have been enthusiastically supported by elements in the Islamic communities that have been allowed to establish themselves and fester in Britain, are political and religious psychopaths. ISIS and other similar Islamic groups kill without discrimination and for whom even children are not a forbidden target and take as their inspiration the very same book, the Koran, that is followed by Britain’s Muslims, yet the connection between Islam and Islamic violence is studiously ignored by the governing classes in the United Kingdom. Our government continues to appease, pander to and flatter Islam in the hope that that will increase ‘community cohesion’ and thereby stop Muslims from killing non Muslims, but it is a policy doomed to failure. Appeasing a bully, and Islam is a bully, is never a means of acquiring real and lasting security and a stable society as always the bully will want more and more from you in exchange for a dubious ‘peace’.

The threat made to our children should be the last straw for both government and people when it comes to Islam. A threat to burn children in nurseries and maternity hospitals with boiling oil should elicit a massive and hostile response to Islam from the government and its security agencies. But, with a governing class like the one we currently have, it’s unlikely that this is what we will get. Instead we will get more appeasement of Islam, more pro-Islam propaganda and more lies about how Islam is a ‘religion of peace’. In the event of a boiling oil attack or even a Beslan-style attack on a British nursery, school or other place where children gather, we would not be able to rely on our government to deal harshly and justly with the community that produces such child murdering monsters, in order to reduce the likelihood of such an incident ever happening again. A ‘British Beslan’ would not result in the necessary but robust actions needed to keep British subjects safe, but would be yet more crocodile tears, lies about Islam and threats to those who have the temerity to speak up against Islam. We have a government that is increasingly unfit for purpose because we have a government that favours the followers of Islam over just about everyone else and which refuses to either effectively protect the non Muslim Briton from Islamic violence or protect the rights of Britons to voice their concern about Islam. This dangerous situation will continue until we the people do something about it and refused to vote for the same politicians, Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem, who have brought these Islamic problems to our shores and thereby facilitated those who want us and our families dead.