A sick church doing a sick thing

Sll Saints Church in Kingston Upon Thames which is the site of the latest Islamopandering abomination committed by the Anglican church,a birthday party for the Islamic 'prophet' Mohammed.


Although I’m not a Christian myself, I can, because I’m educated about theological matters, tell the difference between an essentially peaceful and humane first century Rabbi called Jesus and a violent, raping, paedophile warlord called Mohammed. Unfortunately, it seems that the Christian clerics at a church in Kingston Upon Thames, clerics who I must say re much better educated than me, cannot tell the difference between Jesus and Mohammed.

An Anglican parish church, part of England’s Established state church, in the south west London suburb of Kingston Upon Thames has recently committed what to my mind is an appalling act of stupidity, dishonesty and appeasement. All Saints Church in Kingston hosted an ‘interfaith’ service where not only did they mark the beginning of the Christmas season, but they also celebrated the birthday of the Islamic ‘prophet’ Mohammed with cake and Islamic prayers in the church. This is an appalling and stupid act of appeasement of Islam and has to my mind been rightly condemned as such by those who seem to know more about the nature of Mohammed than the clerics at All Saints appear to know.

Here’s part of an article from the Christian Institute, a British Christian organisation that fights for the rights of Britain’s Christians and helps to highlight incidents of utter stupidity like that at All Saints Kingston.

The Christian Institute said:

A Church of England church in London has come under fire for holding a joint birthday celebration for Jesus and Mohammed.

The “Milad, Advent and Christmas Celebration” took place on Sunday at All Saints Church in Kingston upon Thames.

In a promotional flier, the church said the service was “Marking the birthday of Prophet Mohammed and looking forward to the birthday of Jesus”.

The hour-long service included time for Islamic prayer and was followed by the cutting of a birthday cake.

Prominent Christian blogger Archbishop Cranmer castigated the church for its lack of reverence for Jesus.

He said the church was “rejoicing in both, eulogising both, solemnising both, glorifying both, honouring both”.

Cranmer questioned this “sensitively missional” approach, saying that exalting Mohammed in churches effectively proclaims that Mohammed is greater than Jesus.

He wrote: “Every time a church accords Mohammed the epithet ‘Prophet’, they are rejecting the cruxifixion, denying the resurrection of Christ, and refuting that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, for Mohammed denied all of these foundational tenets of the Christian faith.”

The church organised the event alongside the Kingston Inter Faith Forum and the South London Inter Faith Group.

Read the source site for the above text via the link below:


Despite not being a Christian even I can see that honouring Mohammed as a ‘prophet’ throws up tricky doctrinal issues for Christians. It’s also a theologically, morally and historically ignorant thing for this church to do. This is because this event rode roughshod over the plain and obvious differences between the peaceful Jesus character and the violent Mohammed one. This church ignored the vast difference in moral codes that those who have followed either the path of Jesus or the path of Mohammed have created. All Saints church has also shown gross ignorance of Islamic history and of the history of the relationship between Christianity and Islam and have also decided to turn a blind eye to the ongoing persecution of Christians by the followers of Mohammed.

A brief look at the list of the organisations affiliated or promoted by one of the groups behind this religious foolishness at All Saints is the ‘South London Interfaith Group‘ shows the usual naïve fools and foolishness that we have sadly come to expect from all too any of Britain’s interfaith groups. The second group behind the religious monstrosity in Kingston is the Kingston Inter Faith Forum. This, group is, like the South London Interfaith Group, is made up of the usual suspects, the appease-everyone-for-peace Quakers, the so liberal that their brains have fallen out, Christians and Jews, some nice but dim Buddhists and some Muslims probably spouting Taqiyya to promote Islam. Both the groups behind this abomination of a church service represent the dangerous and suicidal ‘kumbaya’ method of interfaith writ large. Such people do not have the best interests of you and I at heart. What matters to them most of all is spiritual and temporal virtue signalling to their compatriots, even if such virtue-signalling ends up getting ordinary Britons killed or harmed by religions which should never be included in the family of decent peaceful faiths.

There is nothing wrong to my view in members of different faiths that share a relatively similar moral or ethical code coming together around the things that unite them. It is perfectly acceptable to me for example for a Jew to stand up in a Christian pulpit and read from the Decalogue or from the Psalms in an interfaith service, as we share these two things (and much else) and a morality in common. In an attitude of mutual respect it would also not be wrong to host a vicar on a synagogue Bimah to read and affirm that which we share. Similarly a Christian or other member of a peaceful faith can be welcomed into a Hindu or Sikh temple to share that of their moral codes which they have in common. This is is true interfaith, this is truly meeting on shared common religious grounds. However it is difficult to see how an ideology like Islam, which is violent, destructive, misogynistic, oppressive and fascistic has any common ground with Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism or even Quakerism.

The sort of interfaith service put on by All Saints church in Kingston was not an example of best interfaith practise, it was a religious abomination. It was deliberately ignoring key differences between Christianity and Islam and honouring Mohammed a man whose followers are murdering Christians even today, will disgust many, it certainly disgusts me and I’m not even a Christian. This was not a proper and well thought out act of interfaith, this was an act of appeasement of Islam carried out by a bunch of deluded mostly middle class religious activists and aimed at convincing the ignorant that Mohammed is just like Jesus, something that is very far from the truth.

2 Comments on "A sick church doing a sick thing"

  1. Philip Copson | December 10, 2017 at 9:49 pm |

    This is just pre-emptive “best-be-on-the-safe-side” surrender by the standard bunch of irreligious lefties, self-important fools, and powerless social inadequates for whom claiming to be “a Christian” is a way of deluding themselves that they are that way by choice: “Don’t hurt me – I’m a coward.” is the advert in the sub-text.

    Should an atrocity ever happen in Kingston, they will hurry out to urge the victims to “forgive” their attackers.
    After all, pushing the innocent and bereaved to “forgive” the murderers is so much easier for everybody than actually doing anything about it…..

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