Austria’s Muslims hold ‘medieval’ views. Does anyone expect the situation to be different in Britain?

We cannot safely and honestly live in peace with people like this we really can't.


There’s been a worrying survey done of Muslim ‘asylum seekers’ in Austria, which was undertaken on behalf of Austrian local authorities, This survey has revealed that a large number of Austrian Muslims hold views about Jews, gays, women and non-Muslims, which are hate-filled and have been described by the Brietbart news site as ‘medieval’. This survey carried out in the town of Graz has found Muslims holding views that are like a cultural chamber of horrors with wife beating, anti-Semitism, hatred of non Muslims, hatred of gays getting large amounts of support. Also, these Muslims report an increasing sense of religiousity among them.

This increase in religiousity among the ‘refugee’ Muslims in Austria should really give the West and the Austrians in particular great cause for concern. Increased religious observance and commitment is not so much of an issue when the religions concerned are at their heart peaceful, such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism and others. But, when the community that is becoming more religious is an Islamic one and their culture, ideology and theology is based on the hatred of and the idea of exhorting violence against non Muslims, then Austria and the rest of us, have a problem. Islam is not a religion of peace, never has been and unless drastic reform is made to it, never will be. Oh of course there are individual Muslims who are not hateful or violent and who respect the rights of others, but they seem to be in a definite minority position and do not represent the ideology of Islam as a whole. They also are decent people not because of the precepts of Islam, but in spite of it. The peaceful Muslims that exist also do not represent the type of Islam that is being preached in Austria’s mosques and it is these factories of violence, jihad and hatred that are a major part of Austria’s Islam problems. Unless the Austrians tackle the incitement to violence and hatred being pumped out by the mosques then it will be very difficult for the Austrians to deal with the growing problems of Islamic extremism.

Some of the figures from the survey quoted by Brietbart are truly shocking. Here’s just a taster of what Austria’s increasingly troublesome Islamic community believes. Even some of the majorities that show relatively less Islamic hatefulness, are also only bare majorities with a significant minority of Muslims favouring Islam inspired hatred of others. For example: 44.2% of Austrian Muslims hated Jews and blamed Jews for the world’s problems, 44% of Muslim women said they would not shake hands with a man, 44% of Muslim men supported the idea of violence towards errant wives, 51.7% hated gays and 70% of Austria’s Muslims attended mosques weekly with a further 55% believing that ‘unbelievers’, that’s you and me folks, would ‘burn in hell’. What should also worry the Austrians and especially those who live in Graz is the revelation by the Brietbart article that the town has 20 mosques and out of that figure 11 are under constant police surveillance due to their links to extremism and jihad. These figures are truly shocking and do not in any way represent what could reasonably be called a religion of peace, in fact it’s more like the views you would find in a hate filled death cult.

The situation looks very bad for Austria with a large number of their Muslim population openly admitting to views that will ultimately damage Austria and Austrian society. However we in the United Kingdom should not assume that our position is any better. In Britain according to survey of Muslim social attitudes carried out in 2016 showed that similar attitudes exist in Britain’s Muslims. That survey revealed that 35% subscribed to ‘Jewish plot’ type conspiracy theories, 4% believed that suicide bombings were acceptable, 39% believed women should always obey their husbands, 51% wanted to criminalise homosexuality and 23% believed that Islamic areas of the UK should be under Shariah and not civil law. The situation in Britain with regards to Muslims holding hateful views and wanting policies that conflict with British law and culture is slightly less than that in Austria but is still bad and is likely to get worse. We are seeing similar medieval views on society held by British Muslims as is held by many Austrian Muslims and because of the influence of the mosques these views are unlikely to be moderated any time soon. In the end it needs to be realised that it is impossible to coexist with people who despise and flaunt our laws and customs so blatantly as the followers of Islam have done. You also can’t coexist with those who harbour the desire to murder us and our children. Our politicians need to start to recognise that with Islam they are not dealing with the sort of problems that can be solved by more muscular integration policies, but only by treating Islam for what it is in reality which is a hostile ideology that desires the subjugation of its own adherents and those outside of Islam. Throwing money at often expensive and ineffective integration policies is doomed to failure. What is required is specific legal restrictions on Islam and its followers. Unless our political classes start to treat Islam for the threat that it truly is, then I predict little apart from conflict, violence and the sort of social upheavals that should be confined to dystopian literature. Action is required against Islam before Britain ends up in a similar or even worse situation as some other European nations have found themselves in because of the baleful and destructive presence of the ideology of Islam.