What the hell is going on in Britain’s mosques?

It's difficult to trust people who believe this.


The reason I ask the question above is that it is inspired by evidence that has been given at an ongoing trial at the Central Criminal Court in London of a Muslim man who is accused of plotting a terror attack on the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) and Heathrow Airport. Prosecution evidence being given by a young student at Islam classes taught by 25 year old Umar Ahmed Haque, told how he brainwashed children at a mosque in Barking, East London into thinking the Islamic State terror group were good, and to get his charges to want to ‘kill the Queen’. Haque denies the charges.

Now I cannot comment in too much detail about this particular trial as it is sub judice and I would not want to prejudice this trial by making too much comment about it. However what I will say is that it opens a window into what may very likely be going on in other mosques up and down the land. I find the sort of teaching environment and subject matter allegedly created by Haque, and described by one of the prosecution witnesses, very troubling. This is how Yahoo News reported this case:

A schoolboy said he wanted to kill the Queen after being brainwashed with Islamic State videos at a Barking mosque.

In video evidence, the 11-year-old told the Old Bailey that his teacher Umar Ahmed Haque, 25, held regular grooming sessions at the Ripple Road Mosque.

The teacher is alleged to have shown a group of boys videos of violence between Islamic State and Britain.

He showed us Islamic State are good,” The Times reported the boy as saying.

This alleged behaviour is appalling and something that you would almost never see in any other non Muslim place of worship in Britain. I have never in all my born days come across a church or a synagogue or Hindu or Sikh temple that has preached this sort of violence with this much intensity to their young. It is only Islam that does this.

Of course every religion, even today, has its nutters and fundamentalists and their belligerent shouters, but the sort who preach violence in these non Muslim faiths have been genuinely tiny in number. It’s not the same case with Islam. Violent hatred is much more mainstream in Islam than it is in other faiths and because of that, violence and exhortations to violence are much more likely to be manifested in the manner that Haque is alleged to have expressed them than they would otherwise be the case.

This case should cause an eye to be turned on what is likely to be happening in other mosques across the country. There must be many small Deobandi and other mosques of strict Islamic sects, like the Ripple Road one, that are pumping who knows what guff into Muslims. I wonder how many of them tolerate or encourage the likes of the defendant or even those much worse than he is alleged to have been?

In the case of Haque, someone in the Muslim community presumably spoke up and this is why the police started to pay attention to what was being said. However, what should be very concerning to everyone is how many of these small mosques are not reporting terrorist recruitment? Do we have a situation where ‘kill the kufar’ is the staple diet of Islamic education in these places? It would certainly not surprise to find out that this is the case. The sheer number of violent Islamic extremists, approximately 23,000 that the security forces have to watch and monitor did not come from nowhere. These extremists were created. It’s unlikely they were created entirely by ‘the internet’ as some of our politicians seem to believe. The sort of brainwashing that is required to turn ‘peaceful’ Mohammed into violent terrorist savage Mohammed can’t reliably be done remotely unless to the highly suggestible and is something that needs real life reinforcement. This reinforcement of the idea of violent Islamic religious supremacism comes in the form of the Islam that is being taught.

Across the land we have approximately 2,000 mosques and it is not beyond the realms of possibility that an unknown but possibly high number of them are in some way teaching hatred of non Muslims and fomenting sedition against Britons and Britain. Mosques who teach that the often base and violent actions of Islam’s founder Mohammed are to admired and emulated and that Islam’s violence is laudable are warping minds and helping to create the tens of thousands of ambulant threats of violence that Britain faces. This is not the action of the members or the institutions created by religions that can genuinely be called a religion of peace. I would not dream of using religious texts to justify violence against a neighbour who had given me no real cause to hate them, yet Islam does this all the time. We have had numerous cases where Muslim clerics, teachers and community leaders have been exposed for holding violently hateful views about Jews, Christians, gays and women. These exposures, too often of mainstream Muslims, have been shocking in the deep seated hatred they show for non Muslims especially. They are also a window on how Islam really thinks and about what Islam’s core ideology really is and it is plainly an ideology built on hatred of non Muslims.

Islam has over the last twenty or so years shown Britons that it is not like other faiths. It does not live peaceably with, or play nicely with others and unlike the members of other belief systems has not dealt fairly or honestly with the rest of us. Tolerance of those differences that don’t really matter such as which deity one subscribes to is in general a good thing right up until someone brings in a deity that says ‘kill, kill, kill.’ Islam’s deity does say ‘kill, kill, kill’ and its followers have repeatedly shown that they are willing to carry out that instruction. Because of that and because there is little sign that reform of this instruction will come from within Islam any time soon, it’s time now to stop tolerating this ideology to the extent that society has so far.

It’s certainly long past time to tolerate those weak politicians who in their turn continue to tolerate the unregulated mosques that are not preaching peace but are instead preaching hatred. The fire of terrorism and jihad has a seat and that seat is the mosques, it is these entities that are allowing those of ill intent towards us to teach their young to hate and it is these entities and the ideology that creates them, that need to face specific controls. These Islamic citadels of hatred need to be lawfully closed but to do that we need politicians who are up to the task and I see very few of those at the moment especially among those in parties represented at Westminster. We need to ask what the hell is going on in Britain’s mosques but I fear the answer would be one not to the liking of those who still cling onto the fantasy that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’.