Tragically, we’ve reached the point where you can either be a feminist, or you can stand up for women’s rights.

Recently the anti-Shariah campaigner Anne Marie Waters set out her stall with regards to Islam and women’s rights, and said that Islam Kills Women. It’s a provocative title no doubt, but sadly it’s pretty accurate. Across the world and especially in the Islamic world, women are treated as almost human, but not quite. The Islamic societies that Muslim women live in, can not merely be described as ‘patriarchal’, but instead in a much more truthful way, as grossly and dangerously misogynistic.

What I did find shocking about the piece, and why this piece by Ms Waters is so important, is the opening line. Ms Waters said: “I used to be a feminist, but I gave it up so I could speak out for women’s rights.” It’s tragic that we have come to this point where intelligent informed people like Ms Waters find that they have to say that there is a choice between feminism and women’s rights.

Although I’m male, I have no problem with the aims of earlier feminist waves, since I believe that men and women are equal and are of equal worth, for me that’s a no-brainer. Also women have the right to make decisions that affect their lives and to be subject to the consequences of their decisions, just as men are. If a woman freely decides she is going to be a Nun or an engineer or a physicist or a home-maker, then that’s her decision and she can reap the costs and benefits of her choice. I also believe that equality between sexes is not something that can be brought about by one gender only but by men and women working together. I have no time for the sort of separatism practised by some feminists in the past, I think that’s pointless. If you grew up seeing men and women working together and treating each other as equals, then you start to see the sort of 70’s feminist separatism for what it really is, which is a narcissistic and paranoid mindset that sees every human in the ‘out’ group as an enemy.

It should concern everyone who has an interest in women’s rights when what passes for British feminism seems to be primarily concerned with various bits of politically correct guff such Trans issues or other ‘first world problems’. It’s beyond criminal that those in the feminist ‘community’ who shout loudest about the rights of women, seem to be saying absolutely nothing about the appalling consequences of importing millions of misogynistic, violent Muslims to non-Muslim lands. Have such feminists not looked at the Islamic world and seen how women are treated there? Have they feared being called ‘racist’ if they speak out about FGM or Shariah punishments or the blatant and murderous misogyny of Islam? For whatever reason, Britain and indeed the world’s feminists have not exactly covered themselves with glory over the matter of Islamic misogyny. Although there have been some notable exceptions to the rule that feminists will ignore Islamic gyno-hatred, such as that provided by Phyllis Chesler, the bulk of Western feminists are notable by their absence and quietness when it comes to condemning Islamic misogyny.

It should not have to come down to a choice between defending feminism or defending women’s rights, it really should not. The fact that it has done so is purely because of the actions of feminists, especially Leftist feminists themselves.

Here’s part of Ms Waters excellent article:

I used to be a feminist, but I gave it up so I could speak out for women’s rights. Even before the “intersectional”, “how many genders are there?” lunacy took over, feminism was filled to bursting with types who think men are misogynists who all secretly want to rape us (this despite the fact that men are among the greatest supporters of women’s rights) and a happily married mother is some kind of traitor.

The kind of people, in other words, who nobody in their right mind could possibly get along with.

While I will always speak out for women to maintain our just civil rights, I do want Sharia Watch to spend significantly more time on freedom of speech (we will run an autumn campaign ‘Islam Kills Free Speech’) and the impact of Islam on children, but before I do, I intend to spend the summer doing something very important – informing the ludicrous feminists of today of something they desperately need to know: Islam Kills Women.

Islam Kills Women is a joint effort between Sharia Watch UK and  It aims to do one thing and one thing only, show the world just why it is that women are treated so utterly appallingly in every Muslim society on earth.

As well as producing articles from various writers and information packs and videos, I will challenge every feminist organisation in Britain to debate me, so that they can attempt to prove me wrong.  When they realise that they cannot do this, I invite them to stand alongside me at the culmination of this campaign – a protest rally to be held outside Parliament on August 20th.

Islam kills women not only physically – although of course it does – but it kills the spirit of far greater numbers.  From birth, girls are degraded and humiliated, most often by their own mothers.  These girls accept their status and then pass it on to their own daughters in an endless cycle of what can only be described as evil.

Link to full article here:

Readers should read the rest of this fantastic article from Ms Waters and distribute it as widely as possible, especially to those who are not as informed about Islam as maybe they should be. I’d also like to urge readers of this blog to support the campaign by Examine Islam and Shariah Watch against the pernicious ideology of Islam and its negative effects on women, not just in Islamic societies but in our own societies as well. If we do not stand up against this ideology today, then we may find it impossible to stand up to it in the future and those who will suffer will include our children and grandchildren as yet unborn.

Ms Waters then goes on to describe the theological basis for so much of Islamic misogyny and the crimes of Islam. She outlines the scriptural basis for stoning adulteresses, the Islamic acceptance of paedophilia along with domestic and ‘honour’ violence. Islam does indeed kill women and it kills them both physically and mentally. To be a woman in Islam is permanently to be part of a slave class. You might be a slave in a gilded cage, as is the case with some wealthy Saudi women, but you are in a cage nonetheless.

Islam is evil. There is no other way to describe it. Many other religions have some form of defined role for men and women which their adherents normally voluntarily agree to follow. If people choose such a life, then fine I’m not going to criticise a woman who wants to live the life of a Haredi Jew or as a member of a strict Christian sect, just as I’m not going to criticise a women for wanting to be a train driver or a bricklayer; her life, her choice. However, there is no choice in Islam for women at all. In Islamic societies a woman’s word is worthless, her opinions are worthless and often her actual existence is worthless. There is everything in Islam that feminists SHOULD be up in arms about, but for various reasons, including cowardice and an unwillingness to dispense with group-think, feminists are not. This is something that must really be considered as shameful.

I do hope Ms Waters gets to have her debate with some of Britain’s leading feminists on the subject of Shariah and Islamic misogyny. It’s a debate that would be interesting to watch. Someone like Laurie Penny for instance, who is loud and insistent in her feminism, as she is entitled to be, debating with Ms Waters would be a sight worth seeing. I’d like to see someone like Laurie Penny who has climbed aboard the ‘Islamophobia’ train justify if she can the appalling double standards with which western feminists, especially the Leftist kind, treat Islam and Islamic misogyny.