Jack Letts – He made his bed, so let him lie in it.

Jack Letts who by dint of his monstrously bad decisions including joining ISIS, is now a prisoner of the Kurds.


The parents of a middle class boy turned Islamic convert and then a violent jihadi are planning on suing the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office for failing to bring their little jihadi home to the UK. Jack Letts, aged 21 is being held by Kurdish forces after allegedly escaping from ISIS held territory earlier this year. His parents, John and Sally, claim that they have had no contact with their son since July the 8th and alleged that he was being tortured by the Kurds because he fought for ISIS.

Whilst I feel some sympathy for Mr and Mrs Letts, after all what decent parent would not try to rescue their child from danger, the bottom line is that Jack Letts has been the architect of his own destruction. It was him alone who decided to convert to the death cult which is Islam and it was by his own volition that he travelled to ISIS held territory in 2014. Of course some may feel that Jack Letts has been young and daft in doing what he did but there’s young and daft on one side and outrageously stupid on the other. Normally, being young and daft can mean getting a moped or having a shit haircut or spouting ill thought out political opinions or even making some questionable relationship decisions. It does not commonly take the form of joining a death cult founded by a murdering nonce and then swearing alliegance to ISIS, probably one of the worst faces that the murderous cult of Islam shows to the modern world.

As I see it there were numerous stages where the calamity that Jack Letts now finds himself in could have been avoided. Firstly he should have left the cult of Islam well alone and maybe if he’d been furnished with honest information about Islam instead of the lies that paint it as a ‘religion of peace’, then maybe he would have been more wary of it? I wonder where the parents were when he decided to throw his lot in with the Bearded Savagery of Islam? Did they try to dissuade him or tell him the truth about Islam or did they merely indulge his choice of political and religious path? If they just left him alone to follow the death cult of Islam without at least pointing out its deficiencies, then I’m afraid that the parents should shoulder some portion of the blame for his situation. Secondly, why didn’t one or more people from the vast majority of peaceful integrated Muslims that we are told makes up Britain’s Islamic community do their utmost to prevent Jack Letts from going down the road he has done? Surely,with so many peaceful and loyal Muslims I the UK someone could have given the nod to both the authorities and the parents of Jack Letts that Jack was going down a dangerous path? That this did not happen does make me wonder just how many Muslims would stand up against Jihad and hand the likes of Jack Letts over to the authorities and how many others would celebrate the existence of a newly minded Islamic savage jihadi? I suspect that the answer will not be one that the Coexist mob will find all that palatable.

As I said earlier I do feel some sympathy for the parents of Jack Letts but let’s face it, he’s committed treason by fighting for the very Islamic enemy that British troops are fighting against. There must have been numerous opportunities in Jack Letts journey from middle class schoolboy to raging violent jihadist, where he could have been diverted or more importantly have diverted himself away from the path he was on.

Unfortunately the cold hard facts about this case is that Jack Letts chose the path of evil himself. Nobody as far as I know forced him to convert to Islam and neither did anyone force him to become a Jihadi. To a large extent it could be said that Jack Letts has made his bed and now he must lie in it, no matter how uncomfortable it may well be.

To conclude: In my opinion there is really only one good reason why Jack Letts should be brought back to the UK and that is to serve a significant term of imprisonment for joining up with ISIS. Jack Letts parents and legal team say that he may well be suffering torture and inhuman treatment at the hands of the Kurds and that is regrettable, but on the other hand look at it from what may be the Kurds point of view. Here they have a foreign fighter who actively chose ISIS and it is the Kurds, along with members of other groups in the Syria and Iraq region who have suffered greatly from the depredations of ISIS. They have in their hands a representative of the forces that killed and maimed their people, they quite rightly may want to try this man themselves rather than hand him over to the British authorities? If Jack Letts is brought back to the UK then he should serve a significant term of imprisonment both as punishment for his poor decisions and his choice to align himself with Britain’s enemies, but also to act as a deterrent to other similar misguided teenage adventure seekers.

Jack Letts could have been safe and well in the UK, but every decision he has made has brought him to this awful point. He appears to be in a really bad place at the moment but he and we need to remember that the person who put him there is mainly Jack Letts himself.