Guest Post – Bullying and denial of reality by LGBT groups.


This blog is delighted to feature again as a guest post an article by Evangeline. For those who haven’t read Evangeline’s work, including this NSFW piece called ‘Dudes With Boobs’, some background· Evangeline is a tranny but one who is looking aghast at and is critical of some of the excesses coming from the LGBT movement, a movement dominated at present by the authoritarian social wreckers of the far Left.

In this latest piece by Evangeline she takes issue with the fact that extreme lengths are being gone to in order that those who identify as Trans can deny the reality that there are only two genders and that it possible to completely and fully transition from one gender to another. Although it’s possible to create a simulacrum of the opposite gender it’s impossible to change a person’s DNA. It really is a case of XX is XX and XY is XY.

So without further ado or delay here is Evangeline’s latest guest post entitled Men Don’t Bleed (From Their Vaginas)

Men Don’t Bleed (from their vagina s)

There’s a recent trend that is seeing US universities installing tampon dispensers in their gents bathrooms to facilitate transgender men who are on their period. The only problem with this is that men don’t have vagina s, nor do we experience monthly bleeding. At one university, in response, someone defecated on one of the tampon machines in protest. And rightly so, do protest. Don’t expect men to lie down and have their bathrooms painted pink in order to accommodate trans men who aren’t electing to have everything associated with the female removed from their bodies. If you keep your womb, you’re a woman. If you remove it, you’re still a woman but at least you”ll have committed to your new role of being a man and therefore no tampon dispensers will be necessary in the gents’ restrooms. Peace will reign. There will be no confusion and no need for men’s spaces to be compromised.

What’s the big deal? I’ll repeat myself. Men don’t have vagina s. This is the latest little bit of LGBT bullying that sees it continue its war on men. Some spaces are and always should be ‘men’ or ‘women’ only. Lines in the sand are good things. There are differences between the sexes, and these should be embraced not erased. There’s a certain type of bonding that goes on in these spaces that is agreed and which is almost ritualistic – women sharing make-up at a mirror and confiding in each other or gossiping, while the guys are involved in horseplay after a sports’ game and whipping each other with wet towels (to give a very stereotypical example). Does a trans man with a vagina really expect to participate in these type of events in traditionally male spaces? And does a trans woman with a penis really expect not to scare or upset or offend (I hate to use the word) genetic females in their collective but private spaces?

The trans push that would see anyone who identifies as a member of the opposite sex is a bullying one, particularly in the US (but sure to very quickly come to the UK). People are being sued or fired for misgendering someone and not calling big hairy Harry ‘she’ or ‘her’, instead of the obvious ‘he’ that he is, no matter how high his heels and no matter how much makeup he wears. Trans people forget that the people in the spaces that they demand entrance to have rights also, and I’d go as far as to say that they don’t care about the rights or the feelings of the people in the public rooms that they demand entrance to. Trans demand respect but they don’t give any, it’s simply a constant bullying and policing of people’s language and an invasion of their spaces. Respect is a two-way street and trans people need to learn to give some respect in return. We are living in a world gone mad. A recent news story shouted out ‘First Man in the UK to Give Birth’. Words are losing their meaning. This wasn’t a man, it was a woman on hormones with a big hairy chest and a baby suckling on her hairy teat (hairs can get stuck in your throat, again no regard for the child’s safety). The headline, if this story even made it to the news should have read ‘Woman on Male Hormones Give Birth’, and a deeper discussion should have ensued. Instead we were left with the impression that men can push kids out of some non-existant hole in our bodies. We can’t, because men don’t have vagina s.