Video – Venezuela. The socialist disaster that Jeremy Corbyn admires rather too much.


If you watch just one podcast this week then make sure that you watch Sargon of Akkad’s first class video about the ongoing tragedy of Venezuela. It is absolutely superb and tells the story not of Venezuelan socialism going wrong, but of how socialism in Venezuela has turned out exactly as much as a failure as socialism has always turned out wherever it has been tried.. In this video Sargon sets out the history of Venezuela’s decline, the reasons for it and the atrocious life it is creating for Venezuelans.

Since socialists were elected in Venezuela in 1998 they have turned one of the most urbanised countries in South America and one which sits atop of some of the world’s richest oil reserves into a basket case. Socialism has created a country where citizens now eat out of rubbish bins, where cancer patients die in agony because the hospitals cannot afford pain killers and a nation where toilet paper is probably worth more than its currency.

Venezuela is a living, or rather slowly dying, proof that command economies do not work, that nationalisation brings corruption and failure to businesses and that socialism always ends in horror, starvation and terror. This video by Sargon tells the whole story of the tragedy of Venezuela in an engaging, well researched and balanced way. This is a video that I would consider compulsory viewing for anyone wishing to see what sort of nation those who admire the current Venezuelan regime, those such as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for instance, wish to create in the UK.

Watch this video and be horrified at socialism and its effects. Even better show this video to one of your socialist friends (if you have any that is) and hope and pray that it wakes them up to some sort of awareness of their socialist folly. This video, by someone like Sargon, who is very much the Classical Liberal, is very difficult for a socialist to just dismiss as ‘right wing propaganda’ both because of who has produced it and the political current they come from. Socialists will also be at a loss to counter this video as much of the information contained within is difficult to challenge on factual grounds, it is well researched and accurate.

Venezuela is dying because of socialism and it is shameful that in Britain, Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is led by a man who wants to bring the Venezuelan disaster to the United Kingdom. Britain deserves better than Jeremy Corbyn and the Venezuelans certainly deserved better than to be murdered and starved by socialism.