More stabby Muslims. Austria this time.

The State Flag of Austria


The alleged perpetrator of a series of horrific stabbing attacks on random people using the public transport system in Vienna, Austria, has been revealed to be – surprise, surprise, or rather not, to be an Afghan Muslim. Police are holding this particular savage on suspicion of carrying out the attacks that took place on Wednesday evening and which has led to four people being wounded. All of the victims of this Islamic savage are said to be in a critical condition in hospital.

Breitbart London said:

Police in Vienna have arrested an Afghan migrant after four people were stabbed in the second district of Vienna in two separate incidents, although police are not confirming the man is a suspect in both.

Four people have been stabbed in two separate locations, by the Nestroy metro station and the Praterstern train station Wednesday evening according to Vienna police. The first attack saw a suspect stab a man along with his wife and seventeen-year-old daughter and flee, while the second involved the stabbing of a Chechen migrant Die Presse reports.

Investigators confirmed the arrest of the Afghan migrant in connection with the second attack but are still investigating whether or not the arrested man was responsible for the first attack.

It’s nearly always a Muslim behind these sort of attacks isn’t it? Either someone born into and steeped into this savage ideology, or some lunatic fraggle who has chosen Islam as life-path, although in the case of Islam it’s more a death-path than a life-path. Yet again we have what looks very much like a Muslim going ‘full Islam’ and trying to kill or maim as many innocent people as possible.

The Austrian police are of course saying at this stage that they are not sure of the motive for these stabbings but to be quite frank it’s bound to be related to Islam somewhere along the line. It’s either he was inspired to do this by the ideology of Islam itself, or he’s an individual who has been catastrophically mentally damaged by being brought up in an Islamic culture. In any event, there are four people who have been left with life changing injuries and may not even leave hospital alive at all, because of this savage.

This savage would not even be in Austria at all had it not been for the lunacy of the ‘refugees welcome’ movement and the left wing politicians who backed it. But for those who mistakenly believe that violent savages like this one are suitable to be mixed into our hitherto relatively peaceful and ordered societies, four people would not have been attacked in this manner. This savage should never, have been in Europe he should have been repelled at the borders.

People have been horrendously injured in yet another Islam related attack of the sort that are occurring all over Europe. At what point and after how many future deaths and disfigurements at the hands of these savages will our governments start to do something the danger that these often unstable and violent Muslims represent? The virtue-signallers of the ‘refugees welcome’ movement and leftist politicians have brought in far too many people who have nothing but ill will and ill feeling towards the rest of us. It is time now, beyond time in fact, for governments to sort out, by whatever legitimate means necessary, the Islamic problems that they themselves have imported and nurtured.