France again assailed by Muslim violence. Violence Macron is not fit to tackle.


I try, both for personal reasons and for reasons connected to conserving my own sanity, to have a day off each week from the world of Islamic savagery. I try to have a day where I do not look at news, videos or articles about Islam whether that it is about Islamic culture, Islamic theology or the massive amount of violence, hatred crime and destruction that accompanies this ideology wherever it goes· I find that six days a week is enough Islam and Islamic savagery for anyone. Whenever I switch the computer on when my day off is over on Sunday morning or Saturday night, I expect to be greeted with, and often find, some tale of Islamic violence and horror. This morning is no exception.

I awoke this morning to find that it was the French capital city Paris that has been afflicted by the latest example of a Muslim who has decided to go out and kill for ‘Allah’. One person is dead and at least four others have been injured after a Muslim with a knife want out and stabbed and slashed at random people, shouting the Islamic war cry ‘Allah hu Akbar’ whilst he did so. There were according to news reports, horrific scenes at the site of the attack in the 2nd Arrondisment of Paris. People who were enjoying a night out in an area of the city known for its restaurants and high end shops, suddenly had to run from the knife-wielding Islamic savage who was attacking random people. One woman was described by witnesses as having neck and leg wounds that had been inflicted by the savage. There were also scenes that could probably accurately described as panic as people fled from the savage and tried to hide from him. In one case according to Sky News a rumour went round that the murdering Muslim savage had got into a restaurant where people were sheltering and frightened people blocked the doors trying to get out.

Thankfully, the French police cornered the savage and shot him dead before he could bring even more carnage to the streets of Paris. But, although we should congratulate the French security services for killing this savage, we should remember that there are many more like him in France, Muslims with the potential to go ‘full Islam’ and kill for ‘Allah’. The French police in killing this savage have taken down a pawn in a much larger game than just this lone Muslim murderer. Until France confronts with honesty the true nature of the ideology of Islam and the threat it poses and does something concrete about it then things will not change. We will continue to see attacks like this, popping up anywhere innocent people congregated and whenever a Muslim decides to go ‘full Islam’ and commit acts of terror and murder.

I look at the French President Emmanuel Macron’s response to this attack and I see nothing really there in his words. It’s the usual empty ‘thoughts and prayers’ crap that we’ve become far too used to and accepting of over the last few years following acts of Islamic violence. Mr Macron’s statement does not give me confidence that he understands the extent of the problem France faces from Islamic violence. Mr Macron’s statement that France will not give one inch to the ‘enemies of freedom’ is disingenuous bearing in mind that he presides over a nation where whole towns and especially suburbs, are falling prey to jihad, Islamic extremism and Muslim separatism. Of course Mr Macron has made token attempts to address the problems caused by Islam but they are attempts that are probably doomed to fall way short of the mark. The sad fact is that many French Muslims will find the hatred, supremacism and violence that the Koran exhorts Muslims to undertake will be a much greater draw for them than anything the French state can cook up to encourage Islamic ‘moderation’. I do not get the impression that Mr Macron is the right sort of character to sort out a problem, that of allowing a hostile and violent fifth column to grow in the nation, that successive French politicians have either ignored or perversely encouraged.

These attacks in France are sadly not going to be stopped until Islam and its violent followers are stopped by whatever means, including harsh ones, that the French state feels necessary. I do not see Emmanuel Macron as the person for the job of doing that. He’s the person who the French voted in presumably because he looked or gave the appearance of being ‘a safe pair of hands’, but under his stewardship of the nation and after incidents such as this, Mr Macron looks like a ditherer who can only mouth empty platitudes.

Until the governments of France and those of the rest of Europe get to grips with the reality of Islam, this ugly religion of violence, hatred and death, and confronts it we can be guaranteed that we will continue to see attacks like this. How many more of Europe’s mothers need to grieve for their murdered children before this awful and unwanted death-cult is finally and definitively tackled?