The presence of Islam in France is now even affecting football fans.

No more of this sort of gathering in France, thanks to the presence of Islamic savagery. Hungary on the other hand can do this as they have far less Islam to worry about.


Up until recently it has been customary in countries like France to have ‘fan zones’ in cities and towns during major football tournaments such as the World Cup. In these areas footie fans can chill out, have a beer or a coffee and watch their nation’s team progress to either defeat or victory on the pitch on a big television screen.

However these days are now but a memory in France and it’s thanks to the presence of the violent ideology of Islam that this has happened. According to a report on the France 24 news site (H/T Religion of Peace), there is now a blanket prohibition on the erecting of big screens in French towns during the upcoming World Cup. The reason for this is of course, as you may have guessed, is because of the ongoing and worsening threat of Islamic savagery being visited on those standing watching the football on the big screens.

France 24, relaying a report from AFP said:

The threat of terrorist attacks in France has put paid to fans’ hopes of watching the World Cup on big screens in public spaces, France’s ministry for the interior announced Tuesday.

“I remind all publicly-elected officials of the fact that ‘big screen’ zones are completely forbidden in public spaces,” said a statement from the ministry.

France has been subject to several terrorist attacks in recent years, leading to an increased security presence all round.

This sort of ban on these sort of happy football-loving gatherings is a sign of how bad the situation has got regarding the violence that is coming from the followers of Islam. France 24 stated that the security situation is different from that in 2016, at the time of the Euro 2016 tournament, when public fanzones were allowed, but of course subject to a heavy security presence. This is pretty frightening. In the space of two years France has gone from a nation that could hold large public football events like this, abeit with the sadly necessary security to one where such gatherings are completely banned. This is just one indication of how much Islam and the violence that this savage ideology brings with it has degraded the once great nation of France.

It is interesting to compare the World Cup situation viz a viz public football fanzones in France, which has a lot of Islam with that of Hungary, a nation that has struggled and to a large extent succeeded, to keep the savagery of Islam out of Hungary. Whilst the French are forbidden to gather in public to watch the football for fear of some Islam-related atrocity, the Hungarians are free to gather in public squares, have a cold beer and watch the games. This dichotomy starkly illustrates the difference between the security situations in those nations that have kept Islam out and those who have naively let Islam in. Which nation would you rather live in, one that looks after its people as Hungary seems to be doing, or one like France where the people cower in the face of an imported Islamic threat?