Speak your mind about Islam day. Remember you can speak about this because others sacrificed much to enable you to do so.

Landing on the coast of France under heavy Nazi machine gun fire are these American soldiers, shown just as they left the ramp of a Coast Guard landing boat, June 6, 1944. CPhoM. Robert F. Sargent. (Coast Guard) NARA FILE #: 026-G-2343 WAR & CONFLICT BOOK #: 1041


Today, 6th June, is the anniversary of the day in 1944 that tens of thousands of young men stepped off of landing craft onto the beaches of Normandy in order to hit back at a tyranny that had enveloped and engulfed the continent of Europe. This tyranny had murdered and enslaved millions and had all but snuffed out the flame of freedom that had been slowly nurtured in Europe since the Enlightenment. Those young men, ordinary people plucked from ordinary life to do an extraordinary job, built a bridgehead from which the tyranny of Nazism could be fought. Some of those young men, too many of them, did not return to their loved ones and they died fighting not just for the freedoms of their own generation but for that of future generations as well.

Because these young men died for our rights to be free of oppression and tyranny it is especially apt that on this day we exercise one of the rights that they bought for us with their blood and that is the right to speak freely about the world. We should recognise that on this day it is right that we speak out against the current tyrannies that afflict the world and in particular the tyranny of Islam.

I very much doubt that those who fought on the beaches of Normandy could have conscieved of a time when Europe would again be threatened by tyranny. However it is tyranny we face again, but this time we face the combined problems of the tyranny of Islam and those non Muslims who collaborate with this terrible and destructive ideology.

If we shy away, especially on this day, from talking about the damage that Islam has done to our societies then we will have negated and discarded the sacrifices of those who came before us. Brave people did not die so that we should be craven cowards who merely stand by whilst our societies, our cultures, our nations and even our peoples are being destroyed. We must speak up against and stand up against Islam before it is too late. We must speak about the horrors that have been perpetrated against us in the name of Islam. We must speak about the mass rapes, the jihad terror, the corrupted governments and local authorities and the areas of our towns and cities that have been turned into cultural wastegrounds completely dominated by Islam. We should no longer consent to be silenced by fears of giving offence or by the bullies of the Left many of whom are not fit to lick the boots of those who fought for our freedom many years ago.

We must speak of the horrors that Islam has afflicted upon us with the passion of an evangelist. We must speak with friends and colleagues and family members and tell them the truth about Islam and that truth is that it is not and has never been ‘a religion of peace’. We must speak our minds about Islam and we must speak the truth about it even when that truth offends.