Do you want to peacefully protest the Quisling Christian clerics of Worcester? If so this could be your chance to do so.

A view of Worcester Cathedral (pic from Wikipedia)


A few weeks ago this blog published a story about an appalling episode of naïve ‘interfaith’ knobwittery from members of Britain’s established Anglican church. According to reports in one of the local newspapers for the city of Worcester, Anglican clerics had come out and backed a plot to impose a huge mosque on the site of a former school car park.

Although I’m not a Christian, I was extremely perturbed and concerned by the boot-licking way that a number of Christian clerics from Worcester praised this new imposed mosque-strosity. I was astounded that so many vicars and deacons and other church functionaries backed this plan for what looks like some sort of megamosque / ideology promotion base. Do these clerics know anything about the levels of hatefulness and violence in Islamic theology and ideology? Do they know about Islamic history or the position of Christians in Muslim lands? If these clerics are ignorant of such things then that means that they are hopelessly naïve and misguided. But, if they know about the position of Christians in Muslim lands and about the content of Islamic ideology and still support it, then they are being dishonest. They would also be acting in a manner that is difficult to be describe in any other way than as treason against their fellow Christians.

When I wrote the article about the Quisling clerics of Worcester I hoped that there would be some sort of peaceful protest against these appalling, unwanted and disruptive mosque plans and against the clerics and their misguided views. Now I find out that the English Defence League is putting together a demonstration on the 21st July 2018.

This is your opportunity to peacefully protest against this mosque and the naïve clerical fools who are supporting it. I will do my best to get there for this protest as I believe that this mosque is not going to bring any benefits to the local non Muslim citizens and also believe that too much of the interfaith crowd have too much of a blind spot when it comes to Islam.

You can read more details of this planned protest via the link below: