Another example of why peace can never be truly achieved between Israel and the Arab Muslims

A still from a 'Palestinian' TV show aimed at children


Like any other reasonable and thoughtful person, I would love there to be peace in the Middle East. However, I’m realistic enough to know that it takes two sides to both want peace and the end of conflict for such a peace to be solid and lasting.

Sadly, as we see time and time again, the ‘Palestinians’ or rather their leadership, not only refuses to countenance a decent and honest peace for this generation, but is corrupting future generations of Arab Muslims in the area with genocidal hatred for Israel and for Jews. The ‘Palestinians’ are feeding hatred and incitement to their kids as can be seen from a recent article from Palestinian Media Watch (h/t ROP).

The article lists a great many of the television programmes and other media aimed at Arab children put out by ‘Palestinian’ outlets, nearly all of which foster in children an admiration of Islamic martyrdom and a bloodthirsty hatred of Jews. How on earth can peace ever be achieved with the sort of Islamic savages who corrupt children in this way? The answer is as I see it is that peace with such a people is virtually impossible.