Justice comes at last to Sabine McNeil one of the key players in the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse hoax


Child sexual abuse is a most terrible and horrific thing, whether it occurs in families, or is committed by those in authority over a child, or by one of Britain’s growing number of Islamic Rape Gangs. Crimes against children, especially sexual crimes, quite rightly bring about feelings of extreme anger among the public towards those who commit such crimes. Because of that justifiable anger and the damage that these crimes do to their victims, we expect that the courts establish whether an allegation made against a defendant is true, and to impose punishment if the allegation is proven by the Crown.

It is right and proper that those who act on any psychological propensity they may have to commit sexual crimes against children are punished by the courts for what they have done. As a former court reporter I sat in on dozens upon dozens of sex offence cases, some contested and some where the defendant admitted guilt. These offenders deserved the gaol terms they got because of the nature of their offences and the deliberate way targetted their victims.

I only saw one case during my time in the courts where a hospital order rather than gaol would have been appropriate for a sexual offender. This case relates to a man who, following a family tragedy that robbed him of most of his family, had himself been abused so much by the surviving relatives that took him in that it twisted him. His experience turned this man into an abuser whose modus operandi was hanging round public toilets and picking up young men who were below the then age of consent for homosexual sex of 21. The rest of the nonces I saw truly deserved to be banged up for extensive periods. The purpose of the courts with regards child sex abuse is to punish those who act on their twisted lusts and offend against children and also to protect children from those who have become predators. My experience was that the courts mostly when I observed them, fulfilled that duty.

Sex crimes have terrible effects on those who have had such crimes committed against them. This is something that has been increasingly recognised by society as the years have gone by. However as public awareness of sexual crimes and their effects on victims have grown there has arisen a heinous phenomena, one just as damaging to the victims of it as it is to the victims of many other crimes. This phenomena is that of the sexual abuse hoax.

Over the last few decades there have been a number of these hoaxes burst out into the public consciousness. These cases have included the ‘Little Rascals Daycare Case’, ‘The Hollie Grieg hoax’, ‘Pizzagate’ and the background issue to this article, the ‘Hampstead Satanic Abuse hoax’. All of these hoaxes had profound negative effects on the innocent people smeared by these hoaxes with in some cases families having to move away from their home areas because the mobs whipped up by the hoaxers. In the case of the Pizzagate hoax, one man brought along a firearm to shoot the ‘satanic paedophiles’ that he wrongly believed were operating from a particular pizza restaurant. These hoaxes also as well has having individual human victims, can also suck up incredible amounts of police and social services resources, resources that may be far better spent tackling real sexual abuse instead of imaginary or fake abuse.

Why these hoaxers do this can vary and is a matter for debate. Some do it for attention, some for twisted religious reason, some to con money out of the gullible and some because they may in their own minds truly believe their own delusions, or the sometimes extraordinary stories that they are fed by hoaxers further up the food chain. What I believe should be beyond dispute is that those who perpetrate or facilitate, or help to publicise obvious hoaxes by treating them as truth, are harming others and in some cases may even be harming the very children that they purport to want to protect.

These hoaxes and those who carry them out should be deplored and condemned, in fact I would go as far to say as those who promote and instigate these hoaxes are evil. These hoaxes should at the very least be ignored and seen by the public for what they truly are, which is the child sex crime equivalent of a Nigerian 419 fraud designed to reel in the gullible. The worst of these hoaxers I believe should be brought before the courts and prosecuted for what they’ve done. I believe that prosecution is especially appropriate when defendants have released into the public domain the names of alleged child complainants, or who have stalked and harassed innocent people or encouraged such behaviour in others.

On Friday, at Southwark Crown Court in London, the Law caught up with one of the key players in the promotion of the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse hoax. Sabine McNeil, 74, was found guilty by a jury of stalking four parents whose children had been incorrectly named as being part of a ‘Satanic sex cult’ based in Hampstead. She was also found guilty of six of 17 charges of breaching a restraining order which was put in place by a judge after a witness intimidation case against McNeil and another woman collapsed in 2016. McNeil will be sentenced at the court by Her Honour Judge Sally Cahill next week. I suspect that there is a strong possibility that McNeil will be given a custodial sentence because of the severity of the offences and the damage that the hoax has done to a great many innocent people.

What McNeil and her associates have done over the entirety of the life of the Hampstead hoax is to pillory the innocent, place blameless people in the firing line of self styled ‘paedo hunters’ and ‘protectors of children’ who were in reality,when it comes to the Hampstead case, little more than mobs whipped up with lies. What McNeil did is a world away from shouting political abuse or cracking jokes at the expense of political figures such as Dianne Abbot for example at someone in the public eye or making credible allegations of wrongdoing backed by evidence. Sabine McNeil helped to destroy lives with her and and her associates actions/

McNeil continued to promote the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse hoax even when it was proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the allegations made were false. The police investigation into the alleged ‘Satanic abuse’ found no corroborative evidence of such abuse. Venues claimed to be used for abuse did not exist, other children named by the primary minor complainants denied any abuse had taken place, ‘suspects’ named by the two claimed victims in police interviews were also found not to exist. In addition to this the two children who made the initial complaint of abuse in Hampstead told police that they’d been coerced into their initial statements by their stepfather and they withdrew their statement.

The statement the children gave painted an extraordinary picture of baby eating, murder, ritual blood drinking and cult members wearing baby skin shoes and wearing necklaces made from the skulls of infants. Such extraordinary claims quite rightly required extraordinary evidence but when the police searched for evidence, they found nothing at all and the police investigation uncovered not a nest of evil Satanists, but an equally evil hoax. It was all complete and utter bollocks. There was no ‘Satanic cult’, no baby cannibalism, no rituals, nothing. It was nothing more than a hoax and the man behind this hoax, the children’s stepfather, a small time criminal by the name of Abraham Christie, brainwashed his stepchildren into believing there was ‘Satanic abuse’ going on and it was these children’s account that was given to the police. It was therefore these false allegations by Christie’s step children, who for legal reasons can only be referred to as P and Q, that started the police investigation and kicked off the whole disgraceful episode of the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse hoax.

McNeil’s trial at Southwark Crown Court has been a long and complex one that lasted 18 days and was also one in which there were necessary reporting restrictions in place in order to protect the identity of the minors involved in it, a restriction that has its roots in the 1933 Children and Young Persons Act. However, the law, even when it is used to protect children and the innocent, was completely ignored by various ‘troofers’ and other promoters of dubious and easily disprovable ‘Satanic Ritual Abuse’ stories. During the trial the various ‘troofers’ and those still deluded enough to believe that there was a Satanic Abuse issue in Hampstead, made various blogposts and videos that identified the children at the heart of the case. This in English law is an absolute no no. There is an absolute ban on naming or identifying children and young people who have made complaints of abuse, even fake complaints such as were the case with Hampstead.

Because of that breach of the law the Judge gave warnings to the public gallery in McNeil’s trial to not breach the reporting restrictions, a warning that was ignored by the ‘troofers’. There were to my knowledge at least two bench warrants issued by HHJ Cahill for breaches of the reporting restrictions, one for Belinda McKenzie, another prime mover in the Hampstead hoax and the You Tuber Paul Rogers aka ‘Eddiesok’, a man on the fringes of the nationalist politics scene and who also promotes various ‘illuminati’ conspiracy theories and similar sorts of guff. Both of these warrants were executed and the individuals were brought before the court at Southwark.

‘Eddiesok’ was given a two month suspended prison sentence after being found guilty of Contempt of Court by another judge, not Judge Cahill, at Southwark. This sentence against Eddisok is to my mind perfectly legally justified as there can be no excuse for naming or identifying in public minors who were mentioned in court. When Tommy Robinson was done for contempt of court there was some degree of doubt as to whether this was the correct route for the court to take, and in any event Mr Robinson had not identified any minors involved in the Islamic Rape Gang case that resulted in his incarceration. But, in the case of Eddiesok, I have few doubts as to whether the conviction was correct. If he identified minors associated with this case in public, then guilt of contempt of court is plainly obvious. Eddisok was also banned from Southwark Crown Court for the duration of McNeil’s trial.

As I said earlier, this has been a long and complex trial that involved a great many witnesses, documents and digital media needing to be produced to the court by both the Crown and the defence. It was not the sort of case that could be covered in great detail by the small number of agency reporters who are based at Southwark as this is not the only case that they are required to cover. It’s also not a case where a commercial agency could guarantee they could make money out of, it’s a sad and murky case after all, so it would be fiscally risky to sit a reporter in McNeil’s case each and every day.

However, there have been citizen journalists who have taken the time to monitor and report on this case closely and have provided us with as much detail on the case as was possible without breaking the Contempt of Court Act. I speak here of the pseudonymous writer El Coyote of the Hoaxted Research blog, who for each of the 18 days that this trial took to conclude, provided a day by day account of McNeil’s trial. El Coyote’s reporting of this case was not only done within the law but was also exemplary with regards to matters such as detail and clarity. El Coyote also reported on some of the ludicrous and ‘out there’ antics of the ‘troofers’ I would strongly advise readers of this piece to visit the Hoaxted Research blog and read El Coyote’s account of the trial. It is a classic example of how long form court reporting should be done.

I have been gripped by the McNeil case and by El Coyote’s reporting of it. Part of the reason for my interest is that I know the damage that the Hampstead Hoax did to innocent people and I wanted to see how the case against McNeil would progress and whether the Law could offer some sort of redress for those targetted by McNeil and her associates. Another reason for my interest is I have noticed that these ‘Satanic Abuse’ scammers have started to try to expand the audience for their utter wibble by trying to insinuate themselves into the putative nationalist politics movement in Britain. As a civic nationalist myself I look on with absolute horror at these scammers pushing their guff at various demonstrations and see them as a dangerous distraction from other more real issues such as Brexit and the ongoing problems caused by extremist Islam. At this time, those who consider themselves as civic nationalists should not be entertaining the sort of fraggles who promote the false and laughable idea that there is a ‘Satanist’ under every bed and that Britain is governed by ‘Satanic paedophiles’. I shun such types at nationalist and patriot demonstrations because I know that they are a combination of liars and the deluded and damage the public image of the nationalist and patriot political current. Maybe it is time, now that one of the prime movers of the Hampstead Hoax has been convicted, for other sensible and well informed nationalists to start doing the same. There are I admit, bad things going on in the UK at the moment, just as bad things have gone on in the past, but we will not as a nation sort out the real problems we face if we tarnish ourselves and he nationalist movement by taking note of the ravings of Sabine McNeil and those like her. If we are to deal effectively with our current problems, then we need to base our criticisms of government and authority on truth and not on lies and certainly not base our criticisms on claims that are plainly nothing but hot air.


I would strongly advise readers to read the day by day accounts of the McNeil trial by El Coyote for the most accurate picture of what went on in the courtroom and the court environs at Southwark. To start you off here’s a link to Day One of the trial.


Newspaper report on the Hampstead Satanic Abuse Hoax from the Ham and High local newspaper


From the Fahrenheit211 blog. Why citizen journalists should be aware of hoaxers feeding them false and unprovable stories


Another ‘tin foil hat’ story, that of the Shaw case unravels


Rational Wiki on the origin of the various ‘Satanic panics’ that have cropped up in recent decades


One of the innocent people targetted by the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse Hoax gives an interview to the BBC


Finally the Family Court judgment, written by Mrs Justice Pauffley, that finally crushed any idea that there was Satanic Abuse going on in Hampstead.


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