The violent Left at Westminster should not be given a free pass.

A banner from the potentially violent Trot group that is currently protesting outside Portcullis House


I am old enough to remember when the Old British Left, the Left that was more rooted in Methodism than Marx and which was made into political flesh in the form of the Labour Party, despised the European Union. I can distinctly recall the greats of Labour’s Left such as Anthony Wedgewood-Benn and Peter Shore being suspicious of the EU on the grounds that it was a ‘bosses club’ and a threat to sovereignty and therefore not good for the working classes. The EU as the old Labour Left saw it would be a supranational government of powerful corporations which would in their view produce policies that would be inimical to the ideas of socialism and workers rights. Although I no longer subscribe to socialist ideas, I’ve seen them fail so dismally on so many occasions and in so many places, I still concur with the ‘bosses club’ hostility to the EU that the Old Labour Party subscribed to. The old, long dead socialist opponents of the EU may have been wrong about economics, but they were 100% correct in their assessment of the EU as a potential oppressor of nations and of peoples.

However, that was back then in the 60’s, 70’s and 1980’s when there were members of Labour who really did think about how policies, including international ones would affect British workers. Fast forward to today and the Labour Party is a very different animal from what it was back in Shore and Benn’s time. Labour is no longer a workers party but is instead a party of the middle class Left, minority cry-bullies, Jew haters and Islamic interests. It has also become a party where violent thuggery is all too often tolerated.

There is no more solid evidence of modern Labour’s tolerance for thugs and plastic middle class Bolsheviks than the presence and activities outside Portcullis House in Westminster of a bunch of Remain supporting Momentum-linked protestors. This group, Movement for Justice by Any Means Necessary are, according to a Guido Fawkes report, a bunch of Trotskyites with links to Labour’s Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, John McDonnell. The Guido report states that these Trots are intimidating Parliamentary staffers as they go into and out of Portcullis House and that the activities of these Trots are giving cause for concern for workers on the Parliamentary Estate.

I think that the Parliamentary staffers, who are not elected representatives but merely ordinary bods who work for MP’s or who keep the Palace of Westminster running, are right to be concerned about the activities of this group. I’ve met and conversed with enough Trotskyites over the years to know that they are not democrats or even in some cases reasonable people who can be debated with or find common ground with, they are revolutionaries. Worse too many of them I’ve found are revolutionaries who are filled with a sense of their own self importance and have no qualms about using or approving of violence in order to get their way.

The use by a Trot dominated group of the term ‘by any means necessary’ in their name is one that rings alarm bells for me. It does suggest that this group are amenable to or approve of acts of political violence. The worry about this group is compounded by the fact that on three occasions during an interview between the leader of Movement for Justice by Any Means Necessary and the radio presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer in 2017, the group’s leader refused to disavow violence.

There are apparently a number of complaints that have been made by Parliamentary staffers about this group shouting and screaming at them. OK I admit that they are not mobbing individual members of staff or Members of Parliament like some other groups have done recently and which has created a media furore, but this group of Trot Remainers do pose a potential problem. The group’s name, which is highly suggestive of a group that approves of violence plus the failure of the leader to disavow violence and their conduct, should put them beyond the pale.

Whilst I support the right of both Brexiteers and Remainers to protest outside the Palace of Westminster and its environs and even to boo or cheer various MP’s as they enter and exit the building, I think that those who approve of political violence, such as this Trot group are starting to cross the line now. They are harassing people who are not elected representatives and who therefore should expect to face some public criticism for their actions, this bunch of Tarquin Trots (I say that because I bet most of them are middle class) are going after people who are just doing a job for what they are being paid for. I would guess that a lot of those that they are shouting at are not even part of the party political system and may well be just non political administrative or service workers.

This ‘by any means necessary’ lot look to me like the Socialist Workers Party on steroids and that’s bad news for anyone who believes in democracy and not violence and revolution. I predict that this group will at some point in the near future become a locus for political violence. I can well see them physiclaly attacking peaceful Brexiteers or those who they perceive as Brexiteers, including Parliamentary staff.

There is now more than enough evidence from what I can see for the police to if not banish this group from the Westminster area forever, but to move them to a location where they cannot harass Parliamentary staff nor physically attack their political opponents. I certainly feel that in the interests of peace and fairness that this ‘by any means necessary’ group needs to treated with as much harshness and as much public scorn as other groups that have behaved somewhat badly have been treated. I really don’t mind that much if you want to stand opposite the Palace of Westminster in a Yellow Vest or an EU flag top hat, everyone should be allowed to peacefully protest, but these particular Trots are likely to represent a problem because they are unlikely to want to protest peacefully.