From Elsewhere – Video – Autistic man arrested for ‘hate speech’ for injudicious comment about Islam


I’ve just seen a horrifying video on the Grannyopterix You Tube channel that should make every decent Briton ashamed of what our police forces have become. Grannyopterix has been sent a letter from an autistic man in his thirties who wants to remain anonymous and what she read from the letter makes me and should make you boil with anger.

Following an incident of Muslims burning churches, a phenomenon that appears to be becoming all too common in Europe, this man made an injudicious comment on Facebook that maybe the Muslims should get some nasty return for all the damage that they’ve done. Now these are not words that I would use but then I’m not suffering from autism, those with this condition tend to use words differently from the rest of us.

Fast forward a few months after this man made the post, police officers burst into his house whilst he was asleep and naked and handcuffed him. I’m not sure whether or not the police allowed him to put clothes on or not but he was dragged off to a police station. This man was convinced that he had not done anything wrong and waived his right to a duty solicitor and made the mistake of answering questions put to him by the police. The police tried to smear this man, who I believe is mixed race, as a ‘white supremacist’ for his comment online. I’m not sure where this case is at present or whether or not he has been charged but for the police to target anyone, let alone a person with autism, for a throwaway injudicious comment that would not constitute a clear and credible threat of violence or destruction, is utterly disgusting.

Here’s the video by Grannyopterix

This case as well as being appalling because of the police bullying a vulnerable man also shows why you should never ever talk to the police if you are picked up for one of these bullshit ‘hate speech’ offences. The police are not interested in your justifications or your reasoning, they just want to to speak in order to incriminate yourself. You also must have a lawyer even a Duty Solicitor will do but you should never be alone with any police officer without legal representation. The impetus for these arrests are coming not from the ordinary beat officer, but from senior officers and also most likely from various Islamic pressure groups who seem to be giving orders to these senior officers these days. This is why if you are arrested, don’t think that the police will be in any way on your side or want to hear anything that you believe will prove your innocence. Any doubt that many may have had that the British police have become pro-Islam thugs and bullies should be dispelled by this video by Grannyopterix.

My own view is this sort of bullying is one day going to bite the police firm and hard on the arse. The police rely on the cooperation of the public in order to police the nation and this sort of bullying as experienced by this autistic man makes it all the more likely that the police will increasingly be faced with a situation where members of the public will not cooperate with the police even when faced with real crime. Many in the public may start to think that it will be dangerous to themselves to act as witnesses when the police ask them to. A growing number of members of the public may start to worry that by acting as a witness the police may find some excuse to start trawling through their lives to find some ‘political’ or ‘thought’ crime that they can be prosecuted for. This is no way to get either respect for the police nor is it any way to get people to trust the police. I fear that what we are going to end up with is not a police force that police’s by consent as per the Peelian Principles of policing, but instead a politically correct militia that the public both fears and avoids.