A shout out for Safe Schools Alliance


I came across this organisation, The Safe Schools Alliance, recently and they seem to be attacking the madness of trans ideology in schools by a very interesting route. They are pointing out, quite rightly in my view,that trans inclusion should not trump the safeguarding of children. From various things that I’ve read and heard and watched, it seems that all too many British schools are sidelining safeguarding in order to promote transgenderism to their pupils, often children at a very young and impressionable age.

The Safe Schools Alliance is campaigning to put the safeguarding of children in schools back where it should be, which is above any other consideration. They’ve pointed out how school ‘trans inclusion kits’ that have been introduced to some schools drive a coach and horses through any considerations of safeguarding. A teenage girl for example who objects to a genetic boy who claims to be a girl being put in girls dormatory on a school trip will find that her objections will be ignored and that the school will berate her as ‘transphobic’. It is a basic safeguarding principle that on things like school trips, the sexes should be separated so that nobody is endangered or made to feel uncomfortatable, trans ideology discounts and ignores that safeguarding principle.

I’ve been pretty impressed by what Safe Schools Alliance have done so far and their use of the legal and campaigning route to try to see of the trans madness in our schools deserves the applause of parents who want to keep their children safe from those who may well mean them harm.

You can find Safe Schools Alliance via the link below.
