Despite the attempt at diversion, this incident was everything to do with Islam.

Ms Katie Hopkins the commentator who raised the ire of a group of Islamic grievance mongers.


There was in Blackstock Road in North London recently, a really bad incident of public disorder. Various commentators, including Katie Hopkins, drew a connection between this incident and the extremism linked Finsbury Park Mosque.

The incident involved a group of young men who had been gathering outside the library in Blackstock Road and who have, according to mainstream media press reports, been doing so since the start of Ramadan. The fact that this gathering of allegedly aggressive young men has only been occurring since the start of Ramadan firmly links this violent incident with the followers of the ideology of Islam.

The Islamic grievance mongers Tell Mama have been whining about people like Katie Hopkins linking the violence and the unwanted gatherings outside the library with the Finsbury Park Mosque. Basically they’ve been trying to treat this as street violence unconnected to Islam or any mosque, something that may not be the case.

Here’s Tell Mama’s Tweet on this matter:

If you only saw Tell Mama’s claim that this incident had nothing to do with people who might in normal circumstances be attendees at the Finsbury Park Mosque and you didn’t know the Finsbury Park area as those, like myself who have lived near there in the past do, then you might be tempted to believe them. You might think that this incident occurred miles away from the door of Finsbury Park mosque and think no more of it. But, this incident happened out side the Finsbury Park Library which is only approximately 700 feet (213 metres) away from the Finsbury Park mosque. You can see how close the library where the incident happened is from the Finsbury Park Mosque on the map pasted below.

It’s not that far is it? It’s a distance that a fit and healthy person could walk in a minute or two. It was a reasonable assumption by Ms Hopkins and others that these violent thugs might be connected to the Finsbury Park Mosque, especially as in normal times they would have been in the mosque for Ramadan activities instead of hanging around the library making a nuisance of themselves.

What Tell Mama appears to be trying to do here is to de-link this violent incident in which police officers were injured and where Muslim thugs were arrested, from the ideology of Islam. It’s another way of this group saying ‘nothing to do with Islam’ and ‘nothing to do with mosques’.

If this was an incident involving members of any other religion and it happened such a short distance from one of their places of worship that are currently shut down, wouldn’t you connect the two things? If for example this was a group of Haredi Jews (the closest thing that the Jewish community in Britain has to fundamentalists) and they were gathering 700 feet from a synagogue and there were no other synagogues in the immediate area and the synagogue was closed, then it would be reasonable to draw the conclusion that the mob and the synagogue were in some way connected. I think if you showed the map and the story to the hypothetical ‘man on the Clapham Omnibus’ that reasonable figure of the everyman, then it’s likely that they also would link the group of thugs from Blackstock Road to those who may well in normal times be attendees at the mosque.

The above whine by Tell Mama appears to be part of their long running campaign to force critics of Islam such as Katie Hopkins off of mainstream legacy social media and to censor critics of Islam in general. Tell Mama should, in a free society, be allowed to whine about stuff they don’t like as much as they want, but they should not be doing this on public money. Tell Mama has been in receipt of hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers cash by way of grant money, ostensibly to ‘protect’ Muslims from ‘Islamophobia’. However they’ve used that money not to protect innocent Muslims from physical attack, something that I would go along with as no innocent person should be subject to such attacks, but to engage in censorship campaigns. Tell Mama have woefully misspent the money that they have been given by us via the government and it’s long past time that we demanded that they give us our damned money back.