How to respond to requests by HM Government to take part in ‘test and trace’


Only four words are needed when confronted with requests to download the government’s latest spyware, social control and liberty trashing phone application and those words are as follows: ‘Fuck Off And Die’.

Longrider hits the nail on the head when he said that the number trumpeted by the government as some sort of success, 1 million downloads, represents a very small proportion of the population. In fact by my calculations 1 million idiots wanting the government to monitor and control their every move represents just 1/66th of the population.

This app is a travesty, an assault on freedom of movement and of association and the more Britons refuse to use it and thereby make it unworkable would in my view be all for the good.

To all intents and purposes the major threat of Covid is now over. We are now in a situation where the number of those who the government claims to have died daily, which is approximately 30, is now only just under twice that of the number of Britons who commit suicide per diem, which is 17. There is no need for ‘track and trace’, lockdowns or any of the rest of the disgusting paraphernalia of the oppressive state. What we need and need very very soon, are our liberties back. I shall be watching very carefully whether those Tory MP’s who we elected such a very short time ago will stand up for our liberties and remove Boris the authoritarian, or whether they will be useless meat-sacks and allow Johnson to continue to destroy Britain’s economy, society and just about everything else.