Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole. Volume 149. 1000 girls per year forcibly converted to Islam.


Pakistan, as regular readers of this blog will by now know, is an appalling, hate-filled, intolerant, misogynist, retarded shithole. The primary reason why it is the way that it is, does not lie in the geography or the resources that the country does or does not have, aspects that have crippled many other small nations, but because it is a country that is run by some of the worst forms of Islam on the planet. If you can think of an Islam related depravity, whether it be ‘honour’ killing, keeping women as second or third class citizens or treating religious minorities with violent contempt, then you will find such depravities in abundance in Pakistan.

Sadly, much of the Western mainstream media tends to ignore what goes on in Pakistan. I believe that this lack of coverage is partly down to Pakistan being, in the words of Neville Chamberlain ‘a faraway country of which we know little’ and care about even less as well as being that to expose Pakistan’s peculiarly Islamic depravities would bust wide open the lie that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ and no different from any other major faith.

However, just occasionally, the mainstream media does turn its attention to Pakistan and the disgusting mess that has accumulated in this appalling Islamic shithole and the article from the US news outlet ABC News is one of those occasions when a light is shone on the unwashed toilet that is Pakistan. In the ABC article (h/t ROP), Cathy Gannon of the Associated Press, speaks of the massive number of girls from minority religions who are kidnapped by Muslims and forcibly converted to Islam. Ms Gannon puts a number on the number of forced conversion tragedies per year at 1000.

Cathy Gannon said:

Neha loved the hymns that filled her church with music. But she lost the chance to sing them last year when, at the age of 14, she was forcibly converted from Christianity to Islam and married to a 45-year-old man with children twice her age.

She tells her story in a voice so low it occasionally fades away. She all but disappears as she wraps a blue scarf tightly around her face and head. Neha’s husband is in jail now facing charges of rape for the underage marriage, but she is in hiding, afraid after security guards confiscated a pistol from his brother in court.

He brought the gun to shoot me,” said Neha, whose last name The Associated Press is not using for her safety.

Neha is one of nearly 1,000 girls from religious minorities who are forced to convert to Islam in Pakistan each year, largely to pave the way for marriages that are under the legal age and non-consensual. Human rights activists say the practice has accelerated during lockdowns against the coronavirus, when girls are out of school and more visible, bride traffickers are more active on the Internet and families are more in debt.

Ms Gannon then went on to describe how the US government’s State Department has described Pakistan as a country severely lacking in religious freedom and that the vast majority of girls who are kidnapped and forcibly converted are from Pakistan’s Hindu minority. Ms Gannon also spoke of the threat to Christian girls which appears to be increasing.

The article then continued to explain just how these kidnappings and forced conversions happen. In some cases girls, who are destined to be sold to old Muslim men as ‘virginal brides’ are just snatched off of the street whilst in other cases powerful Muslim landlords take minority girls, often under the legal age for marriage, as payment for debts that the minority family may have incurred.

There appears to be an almost unrestricted slave trade with young girls as the commodity going on in Pakistan but the Pakistan government, afflicted and brain addled as it is with the diseased ideology ideology of Islam just like a tertiary syphilis sufferer, does not seem to want to tackle this problem. On and on it goes with girls being snatched or kidnapped or treated as property with little or nothing being done about it. I would strongly counsel readers to read the entirety of Cathy Gannon’s article as it shows in stark detail what is going on with regards the slave trade in young girls in Pakistan.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Pakistan is a monstrous hell hole and I also have few doubts that it is Islam that is the primary cause of Pakistan being the cesspit that it is.