From elsewhere: Can a book be dangerous?


Another brilliant video below from Apostate Prophet whose asking the question ‘Is the Koran dangerous?’ Now my view is that books are not dangerous in themselves. A book is just words on a page. A book cannot get up on its own and smack someone in the face or commit an act of murder or create an oppressive dictatorship. What really matters are what people do after they’ve read the words in the particular book. For example I could quite easily read The Communist Manifesto or Mein Kampf and although the words in either book might disturb me, I would not go out and harm anybody else because of the words that they contain.

However in the past as with Nazism and historically and presently with the Left, the words in these two books have caused harm and continue to cause harm because some have cast aside critical thinking and followed the words in the books and turned words into actions. Mein Kampf might have ended up as the almost forgotten badly written rantings of a madman and The Communist Manifesto might merely be a historical curiosity from an age when different ideas about running a society were being debated. The fact that they are not and are seen as the touchpapers that set off mass murdering, oppressive political movements are because people followed the words in these books.

The words in the Koran might just be a historical oddity, the tale of a small desert spawned personality cult centred around the life of a seventh century warlord were it not for the willingness of those who believe that the words in the Koran are divinely inspired, to go out and kill because of the words in the Koran. The words in the Koran that command Muslims to kill and oppress those who believe differently would mean nothing of importance without those who read it being willing to put those words into practise.

Apostate Prophet believes that the words in the Koran are dangerous and to a large extent he’s correct, but they are dangerous because people believe that they are an answer to life’s big questions and a plan of action for humanity. We don’t fear the Greek or Roman myths in the modern world because it is highly unlikely that anyone will treat these words so seriously that they would go out and harm others to either promote the stories or to stop debate around the stories. However we do fear the Koran because some Muslims, not a majority by any means, but a significant minority, choose to take words such as ‘We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers( Quran 3:151) not as strange words from the long distant past,but as instructions for the present day.  Apostate Prophet says it is for this reason, the willingness of some extreme Muslims to do violence because the Koran says so, which makes this book dangerous.  It is something that is difficult to disagree with.