From Elsewhere: This……..


When Covid first hit the world it was like a massive and powerful smack in the mouth for many.

This wasn’t only to those who had contracted, suffered from or died because of it, but also to the rest of us as well.

A lot of people scrambled for information on a new disease that we didn’t understand and a lot of us were looking for information that made sense of the whole situation. Sadly a lot of people, for a while including myself, fell into a rabbit hole of covid bullshittery. Plausible sounding but ultimately wrong medics like Simone Gold pushed worthless ‘treatments’ for covid that included at first the anti-Malarial drug Hydroxychloroquine and latterly a horse dewormer called Ivermectin. Scientists such as Delores Cahill, who had left the path of sanity a long while ago, made wild and disturbingly wrong claims about covid vaccines and non medically qualified diet gurus like Ivor Cummings made laughably wrong claims about covid death rates and infection rates.

A lot of people have been on a similar journey to that taken by the Twitter user Free Market Feline and for a while thought that the abovementioned charlatans and grifters had something valuable or useful to say about Covid. It was only after I started to read scientific papers for myself and converse with and consume the output of real microbiologists and medics that I started to realise that the likes of Gold, Cahill and Ivor Cummings were talking from the deep recesses of their arseholes.

As I said the more that those of us who can critically think compared that outpourings of the named arse-speakers with the real science, the more we could see that the arse-speakers were wrong. For me the turning point was realising that a lot of these covid grifters were being promoted by those who have a theological rather than a scientific position that is against vaccines, not just covid vaccines but vaccines in general. Those with such a non-scientific position with regards vaccines would not be promoting the horse dewormer salespeople or non-medically qualified diet gurus unless there was something that was in it for them. What the anti vaxxers wanted was to sow fear uncertainty and doubt about covid vaccines and the covid grifters helped them to do that.

There are a whole raft of people who, like Free Market Feline, are looking at the recent past and thanking their lucky stars that they didn’t fall that far down the rabbit hole and end up blowing their trumpets for a bunch of medical charlatans.