A victimhood chaser whines and whines himself into becoming a figure of fun.


Some geezer called Jamie Wareham from an organistion called QueerAF has decided to come over all whiny and whingy, over the fact that a group of Lesbians have decided to organise stuff for themselves. These Lesbians are organising for themselves as the long standing traditional organisations that have generally served LGB people have gone all ‘troony’ and now cater primarily for adherents of the gender identity cult rather than lesbians, gays and bisexuals.

This Wareham character, as well as moaning that Julie Bindel and a bunch of other Lesbians were concerned with such things as biological reality, started crying about the ‘plight’ of the asexuals and aromantics who apparently need money, resources and support far more than the Lesbians do.

This clown world thread, which can be found HERE, elicited a great number of responses many of them mocking Jamie Wareham, his whines and his claim that those who don’t feel sexual or romantic attraction to others are the next must help oppressed group. This whole gender identity thing is becoming completely hatstand, it’s like something out of a Monty Python sketch and Jamie Wareham’s appears to be even more so. Scrolling through this bilge I kept expecting a him to say of Lesbians, ‘this sexuality, like the proverbial parrot is dead, bereft of life, give all your monies to the assexuals’ Utter and complete madness and a world away from what many people marched for during the 70’s 80’s and 90’s. Just because someone’s different such as not feeling attracted to anyone doesn’t mean that they are oppressed.