From Elsewhere: The BBC and their ‘far right’ smears.

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If you have the misfortune to accidentally tune into the BBC’s news output or are visiting people who still treat the BBC as if it was telling the truth, then you may have noticed this entity’s propensity for smearing anybody or any group opposed to their leftist worldview as ‘far right’.

Any group or individual that isn’t 100% in favour of dangerous levels of immigration or which doesn’t parrot the dishonest phrase ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ normally gets the ‘far right’ smear treatment from the BBC.

One person who has also noticed this BBC habit is David Sedgewick, a university lecturer who has written essays from a libertarian perspective. Writing in the Comment Central publication Mr Sedgewick remarks about how the BBC classifies anybody who doesn’t want to see their culture destroyed by third world and Islamic immigration as being slightly to the right of Adolf Hitler. It appears that the BBC can’t mention the name of any patriotic or nationalist politician without screaming the words ‘far right’.

This excellent article by Mr Sedgewick really sums up all that is wrong with the BBC and with their appalling political bias.

Mr Sedgewick said:

Le Pen’s proposal to implement a manageable and moderate system of immigration while promoting France –  its culture, heritage and values – has certainly struck a chord with French voters. Whether such policies can be justified as ‘far right’ seems highly dubious at best, deliberately misleading and not to mention inflammatory at worst.

Only not according to the BBC who wilfully conflate the policy of extreme right wing ideologies with just about any party or any politician who dares question the sanctity of mass immigration.

The corporation has its own reasons for polarising the debate into this simple for / against dichotomy. Our politically neutral national broadcaster sees as a threat any political party that opposes its own unquestioning support for the neoliberal open borders agenda, and thus expends a considerable amount of its energy and resources attempting to nullify this threat.

But there’s a snag. To its horror and not to mention frustration, persuading people to abandon their cultural heritage has been a much trickier task than the corporation could ever have envisaged. For there exists a particularly stubborn section of the populace who appear to value cultural self-determinism much more than they do the open-border globalism so favoured by the BBC.

This predominantly white, working class, populace has always been maddeningly resilient to the so-called ‘progressive’ politics so beloved of the

BBC and their ilk. Certainly, convincing them to vote against their own interests has been no easy task. Brexit proved as much.

That any western European nation would have the temerity to even think they have a culture worth preserving would strike Broadcasting House editorial staff as quaint, indicative of some ghastly, thinly suppressed form of white supremacism.

Furthermore, selling the dubious tenets of social engineering to such people has proved to be an almost impossible task. Much to the BBC’s annoyance it appears that a significant majority of people are somewhat attached to their heritage, culture and antecedents, what in the parlance of the cultural Marxists would be disparagingly dismissed as mere nostalgia or sentimentality. Recall for example the corporation’s enthusiastic promotion and multi-platform dissemination of the ‘Little Englander’ meme, calculated to sway opinion during the European Union referendum.

Read the rest of this truly excellent piece by following the link below



1 Comment on "From Elsewhere: The BBC and their ‘far right’ smears."

  1. Philip Copson | May 1, 2017 at 7:57 pm |

    Good article by David Sedgewick, but it doesn’t take an academic to see the obvious…. (though mind you, in my experience, academics, consultants, media pundits etc seem to batten and grow rich on making a huge song-and-dance over telling us things that anybody sensible worked out for themselves years ago…)

    There is – in fact – no political aspect to wanting to live in a properly-run Parliamentary democracy that decides it’s own criteria for immigration, which would naturally include safe-guarding the indigenous population from those who wish us harm, those who wish to overturn our constitution and replace it with their own, those who do not intend to integrate but to form their own separate communities, those who do not intend to work but to live upon benefits, those who intend to out-breed the native population and become the majority etc etc.

    This is simple self-preservation and it is apolitical. For instance, I would rather that Jeremy Corbyn never becomes Prime Minister, but if the majority vote for him, then I will abide by the result. That is democracy. When our laws and dangerously high levels of immigration (both in numbers and by culture) are dictated by an unelected foreign bureaucracy, then it is not only my right – but it is my duty towards those who come after – to oppose it.

    When I see German, Dutch, Swedish etc citizens marching and calling for Merkel to go, I see only ordinary middle-aged house-owners and parents who are desperately worried for the future of their country and their children, and wish to rescue it from the mass-migration at-all-costs fanatics; the BBC however, sees the same people and sneers at them for being “right-wing” and “far-right”…..

    Today – Monday, May the 1st – the BBC was yet again describing Marine Le Pen as being “far right” for the dreadful crime of wishing to protect France from riots and murder, and was telling the world that the only option for French voters was “to hold their noses and vote for Macron” !

    The apogee of accolades was awarded a few weeks ago by BBC Radio 4 to Milo Yianniopoulos. For the apparently unspeakable crime of wishing to give a public talk to students followed by a Q & A session (Berkeley University, California) the BBC – ignoring the superior claims of the protestors (including two professors) who rioted, smashed property, set fires, and attacked people – described Yianniopoulos as being the “right-wing extremist” villain of the piece.

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