The anger, the justified and burning anger, about Manchester is starting to come out.

Emergency services at Manchester Arena after bombing.


Following the murder of 22 people, including a number of children, by a suspected Islamic suicide bomber at Manchester Arena, the anger at this savagery is starting to come out. There are calls for vengeance against the followers of the ideology that motivated the savage suicide bomber to take the lives of innocent children and members of their families. Across social media and on bulletin boards people are talking about ‘sorting out’ the Muslim communities that have so often harboured, and in some cases actively sheltered, the sort of scum who kill children for their cruel deity Allah.

The sight of our children, our beautiful children, fleeing in terror from an explosion set off by a savage created and nurtured by the ideology of Islam, will not and should not leave our memories. The knowledge that parents are mourning their children and other children are now orphans because of the actions of the follower of the ideology of Islam, is causing a burning anger and it is a burning anger that is fully justifiable. I fear that this attack, because of the grotesque choice of target by the Islamic savage, will be the straw that broke the camel’s back with regards tolerance of Islam. People are starting to express their revulsion at this latest act of Islamic depravity and I’m noticing a marked up-tick in those who are threatening violence against Muslims and their supporters as revenge for this attack. The Government need to deal immediately and harshly with the nation’s Muslim and Islam related problems, before we end up with the horror that is mobs of angry people with flaming torches, attacking both the guilty and the innocent.  If the government wants to head off potential vigilantism then it must show a robust and indeed harsh hand to Britain’s Muslim communities from whence so many of these killers are being spawned.

Here’s a short selection of what people are saying out there about their feelings following this depraved Islamic attack on children in Manchester. I have not linked to the sources in order to protect those who have expressed their emotions so forcefully and who may be at risk of arrest under ‘hate speech’ laws because of that.

If you come across a progressive defending Islam, do them a favour and smash their face in.”

Drive Them Out. Drive them out of your places of worship.”
“Drive them out of your communities.
Drive them out of your holy land, and drive them out of his Earth!”

Yes all Muslims.
Islam is treason. Diversity is treason.
Deport them, or do something more permanent.
These people have no right to be in our countries
We do not have to put up with this.
They target our women and children. Why don’t we start targeting theirs?”

They should be bringing molotov cocktails to their local mosque.”

Set the rottweillers and pitbulls on this scum….insult them with an ‘impure’ animal at the same time as being ripped apart.”

I think the good men of Britain should “apologize” to all muslim men …..with lead pipes, 2x4s, rubber hoses, fists, bottom of their shoe….etc.

Bollocks to the Home Office. Bollocks to the Manchester Constabulary. Bollocks to the universities. Bollocks to the Marxists. Bollocks to the weak kneed men who stand by and watch their children get raped and blown up. Bollocks to the Muslims.


We can expect yet more teddy bears, mylar balloons, candles, bouquets of lovely flowers, songs of togetherness and unity, limp-wristed statements of shock and dismay, etc., etc., etc.

Enough of that shít. It’s way past time to unleash some fury on these primitive savages.”

God forgive me, if Sharia May comes on TV and says this is nothing to do with Islam, it is a religion of peace there will be an up rising in the country and her head will be on the stakes at the tower of London. It was a concert packed with lots of young teenage girls.”

Operation ‘Don’t blame Islam’ will be in full effect in the next few hours at the BBC headquarters and Downing street.”

Muslims are programmed to kill. We must eliminate Islam and each and every follower of this dangerous ideology.”

That the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving and detest this barbarism. If true, the ‘vast majority’ by their shear numbers can overthrow this strain of Islam. Where are they? Silence is deafening..”

Islam is straight from the pits of HELL!”

We are simply at war with islam.”

Deport them all”

The police are seeking to establish whether the bomber was on his own or part of a group. I can tell them now. He was part of a group. Islam”

Kill them”

Burn down their mosques”

I’m done with muslims now. I’m not buying anything from them ever again. I’m not getting in their taxis. I’m not having any of them as ‘friends’ on social media. I’ll only talk to them if I have to in a professional capacity (and will keep it professional).”

Do a ‘Cromwell’ on the Muslims.

And so on and so on goes the litany of disgust at the attack, despising of the ideology behind it and probably more open calls for vengeance than I’ve seen following past Islamic terror attacks. People are starting to voice feelings about Islam and the damage that it does to societies that they may not have made before this attack, such is the disgust that they feel about what has happened. These examples were only a small sample of similar comments from only a few places, I can well imagine that the anger is being equally if not more vehemently expressed elsewhere. This attack is different from others, it wasn’t an attack aimed at random people on a tube train or a bus, it wasn’t a solider walking to his barracks, it was aimed at children, OUR children, however it was, like these other attacks, an attack by Islam.

The choice of target that this Islamic savage made, children and teenagers on a night out, has spawned an anger that may not recede as quickly as the Islam-appeasing elements in the British Government, the leftist media or the various Islamic grievance mongers may like. This anger will certainly only increase, if the response to this horrific attack is more pandering to Islamic communities. If police officers witter on about engaging with Muslim ‘community leaders’, or ‘community cohesion’, or put on ‘reassurance patrols’ in ‘Islamic areas’, or if there are arrests of those Britons angry at yet another Islam-related atrocity, then this anger will only be fed.

If we have a repeat of what we’ve had following previous Islamic attacks, which consists of statements by politicians saying that this crime has ‘nothing to do with Islam’, then ordinary decent people, angry at being lied to and seeing their police and politicians pandering to the very same communities that have created the Manchester mass murderer, may start to take the law into their own hands. We may see the spectre of vigilantism rising, with gangs violently ‘dealing with’ the Muslims, because the government are perceived as either indifferent towards the problems caused by Islam or worse, are seen as collaborating with this accursed ideology. I hope this is not the case as vigilantism often ends up punishing the innocent as well as the guilty, but for this scenario to be avoided, the government need to take harsh action against Islam and its increasingly troublesome followers and take that action now. Leaving the Islam problems to fester, or allowing this foul ideology to hide behind the protective carapace of religion, will only make the problems of Islamic extremism and the reaction of non-Muslims to Islam and its followers, much worse. The murder of our children must surely be the turning point in our attitudes to this ideology? Surely we, as a people and the government, cannot and must not tolerate any more of these crime which are carried out by an ideology of child-killers and one that is perversely being allowed to operate without sanction.

Our prayers are with all those bereaved in this attack, may they be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Baruch Dayan Ha’emet. Blessed is the true Judge.  May that Judge also punish the perpetrators, their supporters and those who make excuses for the evil behind such appalling attacks.

21 Comments on "The anger, the justified and burning anger, about Manchester is starting to come out."

  1. Dillon Moreno | May 23, 2017 at 5:10 pm |


    • Fahrenheit211 | May 23, 2017 at 5:34 pm |

      Steady on there old chap. There are lot of insects that are useful parts of creation, bees for example. On the other hand I’ve yet to see any positive benefit to the planet coming from the ideology of Islam or from many of it’s followers. I think that the analogy you require for Islam is not ‘insects’ but ‘cancer’.

  2. Nicole Davidoff | May 23, 2017 at 11:33 pm |

    I support agree with people you quoted but not named – thousands times over! Does this horrific crime had to happen to finally wake people up to face the root of evil – that horrid cult of islam?! I am a peaceful person myself, but my feeling in response to that is : eye for an eye. Those who go to mosques and worship that murderous cult, those who pray for murdering those who are not part of it, and especially those in power who appease and cover up that evil – they are all guilty, they all have blood of innocent victims on their hands. That innocent blood calls to us…

    • profreedan | June 1, 2017 at 1:40 pm |

      So you support and agree with people who call for violent reprisals on Muslims? You got the guts to do it yourself you freak?

    • profreedan | June 1, 2017 at 1:44 pm |

      Who do you advocate violence against Nicole? Children? Women? Would you take up arms against Muslim kids going to the mosque?

  3. I do hope you are right and people will do something… but I feel, like with previous attacks, they will just light the candles and forget… but this will keep happening so let’s see how many victims it will take before people wake up. Now we have not only gang raped children, we have blown up children. How very, very sad… Thank you, appeasing politicians of all colours tangled up in your PC. You can’t even name the problem, how do you want to solve it?

  4. You say that you do not want vigilante attacks against Muslims to happen but you are indifferent to them if they do and see any attempts to act against such attacks as pandering to Muslims.
    You don’t want to see the police acting against persons that would physically or verbally assault Muslims in public..

    “This anger will certainly only increase, if the response to this horrific attack is more pandering to Islamic communities. If police officers witter on about engaging with Muslim ‘community leaders’, or ‘community cohesion’, or put on ‘reassurance patrols’ ”

    So you see measures to act against violent reprisals against Muslims as pandering to Islamic communities? If someone was to physically assault a Muslim as reprisal for this terrorist attack would you be against such person even being prosecuted for common assault?

    “or if there are arrests of those Britons angry at yet another Islam-related atrocity, then this anger will only be fed”

    Are you seriously suggesting anyone is being or will be arrested for expressing anger towards this latest Islamic terrorist attack? People have expressed their anger and have labelled the terrorist involved as the inhumane scum that he is, and nobody has been arrested for this and neither should they be.
    I put it to you that should someone act violently towards Muslims you would declare this as mere anger at another Islamic atrocity, even if it was a physical assault putting a Muslim in hospital.

    Tell me if I was to beat up a Muslim man in the street breaking his nose would you defend my actions as justified anger?

    You list of horrible things being said about Muslims which includes actually calls for physical reprisals but you label these as justified anger. So calls to take weapons against Muslims is justified anger?

    Finally you call for the government to be harsh with Muslims. Against all Muslims or just those that preach Jihad?

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2017 at 5:38 pm |

      As this blog has consistently stated before, vigilantism has a bad habit of rolling up both innocent and guilty together which is why the legitimate authorities need to put the fear of god into these savages and is not the job of the private citizen. I was giving a list an example of what people are sayign out there and it’s not nice and I fear that we are headed for conflict unless the State does somethign about the problem of Islamic savagery. If we don’t want things to get worse then the root cause of this anger, which is Islam and the violence of its followers, needs to be tackled and tackled by the State. If people see nothing done about the problem or they percieve that the authorities are engaging in yet more pandering to Islam, including diverting more resources into protecting the Islamic community that is producing so many heinous criminals, instead of the rest of us, then this will cause a drop in confidence in the legitimate authorites and this in turn may encourage hotheads to take the law into their own hands. As I said in this piece the anger is justified, these savages have killed our children, this community does need to be put ‘under manners’ so to speak, the followers of the death cult of Islam should be told that their ideology is disgusting. Vehemence in language is justifiable bearing in mind what these savages have done, but it’s not justifiable to attack random Muslims who may not even be all that ‘Islamic’. The last thing I want to see is vigilantism but this is what we might get if people start to feel abandoned by the very agencies that are supposed to protect them.

      As regards harsh action towards Muslims this should encompass as well as the extremists any Muslim who places Shariah over UK law or who advocates for Shariah complaint practises in the public and familial sphere. This is because Shariah compliant behaviour is often found alongside supremacist Islamic attitudes.

      Now it’s been lovely to chat and you are welcome to continue posting here but I have a number of other things to do, including cooking dinner, watching a couple of Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters and Ben Shapiro videos and dealing with some fan mail (yes I do get fan mail and not just death threats and no nothing left wingers. You now know my position on a number of things and I’m not going to suddenly convert back to being a Leftism any more than you would accompany me on a Pegida march. Good evening to you.

      • profreedan | May 25, 2017 at 7:17 pm |

        You have not answered my question. If someone randomly attacks Muslims should they or should they not be prosecuted?

        • Fahrenheit211 | May 25, 2017 at 7:42 pm |

          My apologies for not getting back to you earlier. I was doing a spot on Red Fox Radio a Canadian internet station talking about the latest Islamic atrocity in Manchester. I’m afraid that had to take priority.

          My view is that if someone, whether they are Muslim or not, gets randomly punched in the face, then the assailant should be done for assault or assault occasioning ABH. It should not be considered as a greater offence for a non Muslim to punch a Muslim than for a Muslim to punch a non Muslim. In both cases a person has been hurt by a random assailant whether the victim is Muslim or not should make no difference to either how the case is treated or ot the penalty.

          • profreedan | May 25, 2017 at 9:59 pm |

            Exactly my point but say this and I get called an Islamic terrorist apologist.

            • Fahrenheit211 | May 26, 2017 at 5:41 am |

              You are certainly an apologist for Islam and it’s apologists for Islam and those who promote failed ideologies such as Multiculturalism, who have helped to lead us to this dire point in time. A time where we see no go zones in major European cities and some form of Islamic terror attack roughly every two weeks not to mention rape gangs (which are at least 80% Islamic) . We’ve seen this in history before with supporters of other tyrannical ideologies such as the British Communists. They tried, without success thankfully to undermine the war effort in the early days of World War II when the Von Ribbentrop/Zinoviev pact was in force and they did this to protect Stalinism.

              • profreedan | May 26, 2017 at 10:52 am |

                Straw manning is your art form.
                I have mentioned Islam not once, I have stated I oppose attacks on Muslims. In your mind to oppose such attacks is apologising for Islam. As it is is I think Islam is retarded.
                If there was a spike in attacks on Jews would me speaking out against such attacks make me an apologist for Jewdaism. Nope.

                As for multiculturalism you cannot be against something you benefit from. I gather you are Jewish and in Britain you seek to preserve your cultural identity to practice your religion.
                To do so is to benefit from cultural freedom.
                If you are against multiculturalism why do you eat foreign foods?

                • Fahrenheit211 | May 26, 2017 at 11:15 am |

                  I don’t benefit from multiculturalism in anyway, I benefit from tolerance which is a completely different thing. If anything it is multiculturalism that has allowed the area I was born in to become Islamised to such a horrific degree, that I could not guarantee my safety if I wore a Kippah on my head in that area. This state of affairs has come about to a significant to a large extent because people in authority were so blinded by the ideology of multiculturalism they failed to tackle the vast amount of Islamic Jew-hatred that exists.

  5. Sorry is not good enough Islam is incompatible with UK society. There are plenty of countries where muslims wanting Sharia can move where they be more comfortable, Saudi, Pakistan , Yeman. Burn all of their Mosques, criticize their ideology and do not accept any more of their justification. To be a Muslim Terrorist you must first be MUslim. Time to shut their horrible ideology down.

    • profreedan | May 25, 2017 at 7:18 pm |

      You sack of shit inciting violence from your laptop.

      • Fahrenheit211 | May 25, 2017 at 7:48 pm |

        I see the shouty Lefty is being shouty again. If you will read any of the pieces that you seem to be perturbed about then you will see that I condemn vigilantism. I do however think that it’s now time to become harsh with the community that has produced such a large number of terrorists, criminals, gang rapists along with those who are preaching sedition. But, this harshness must be provided by and administered by the elected government of the day and the appropriate security services. I’d rather it was a warranted police officer or a soldier of the Crown kicking in the doors of an extremist mosque or the homes of those favourable to Jihad, than that job be done by an enraged mob equipped with flaming torches and fuelled by blood-lust. If the State metes out the necessary harshness to the followers of the ‘religion of rape and murder’ then there is at least some protection for the innocent, some authority in command and some level of accountability for those doing the door kicking or ordering it. None of these protections are in place when you are dealing with an enraged mob. Yes the savagery or Islam needs sorting out,but it needs uniformed forces to do that anything else is just chaos and disorder.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 25, 2017 at 8:39 pm |

      The army should be sent into our Islamised areas to round up the troublemakers and forcibly close down the numerous terror mosques

  6. This heinous Manchester attack has left us all reeling, and struggling to come up with a coherent, considered, meaningful or forceful response. The sheer savagery and mercilessness of the attack is without precedent in the UK. But it’s not just the savagery of the attack itself, or who carried it out, against whom, or the ghastly ideology masquerading as a ‘religion’ that inspired it that constitutes a uniquely challenging threat.
    Unfortunately, we have many societal and legal arrangements in place that conspire to nobble both public and state responses against this attack. The extreme asymmetry of opposing forces (heedless, non-negotiable Islamic barbarism vs. the softly-softly democratic state) guarantees there can be no negotiated or reasoned solution. No redress can be sought. The terrorist doesn’t even have any demands, and he doesn’t even see the need to issue a martyr’s message behind. The British populace at large are irrelevant to him. He cares only about appeasing his evil deity. There is no conversation to be had.
    All Muslims (and native Brits) who look the other way when they see Islamic youth fomenting strife, or those who deceive patriotic Bris by dint of apologist behaviour, are enabling attacks like this. Anyone who normalises overt Islamic behaviours in England (the wearing of hijabs and other Islamic attire, etc) is contributing to the steady drip, drip of the Islamisation of Britain. None of this is tolerable because all of it – the alien cultural attitudes and behaviours – is inimical to the social fabric of British life. Enough of this overly-polite British accommodation of alien practices!

    Polite British society is a beautiful thing – but it can only take place when all members of that society agree to the social norms that underpin it. When the amity of the society is rent asunder by large and hostile population blocs, there can no longer be peace.

    The trouble is, no-one has yet devised a strategy or a system to deal with such disparate groups within the UK. The twin assumptions of ‘equality’ and ‘equity’ inherent in British governance demand that all viewpoints are ‘equal’ – even the alien, subverting, supplanting ideology of political Islam.

    Thus the government is in a paralysed state of stasis whereby they want to minimise strife, sure, but they feel constrained from naming/shaming any particular group, regardless of how severe are their transgressions. We are now living in a world of cowardice masquerading as ‘social responsibility’ – a corporatized, take-no-risks, see-no-evil ‘who are we to say anything is wrong’ approach of absolute moral equivalency.
    This refusal to take sides, or express any preference, or to criticise the transgressing other, would be societally imperilling even in a homogenous population. If all cultures are seen to be equal, then no behaviours can be deemed unacceptable. It’s a Pollyanna La-La-Land utopia that can never exist. It’s the sort of silly idealistic world a couple of four-year-old girls would create.
    There is not, and can never be, any kind of ‘Moral Esperanto.’
    The problem we all have is twofold. Firstly, the particular form of ‘small d’ democratic system that rules over us is hopelessly unequipped to deal with anti-British elements in our midst. The right to free speech and criticism of government that is provided for by our system has been subverted by hostile Muslims who not only openly defy the government, but also the country as a whole; the whole of Western civilisation; all of British history, social norms and culture and all it has ever stood for.
    Our political and social systems are wholly unprepared for this sort of scenario. The rule of law has always generally assumed to be a mechanism to protect the wider population against the transgressions of the individual or the mob – and the rules of war are understood to encompass specific circumstances whereby the state may act against another state.
    But no mechanism has yet been devised to deal with vast swathes of enemy souls dwelling deep within our societies. No geographic battle lines can be drawn, since Muslims and their sympathisers are spread throughout the UK. Theirs is not an easily identifiable open revolt. Rather, it’s a wait-and-see long game of undermining the host society. They can and will stay fast to their anti-infidel enclaves for generations upon generations, biding their time until they are strong enough to completely take over.
    This leaves the authorities with few (conventional) options. Leaders are too afraid of losing votes to act decisively against the enemy – given the wide currency of PC soft-headedness among the electorate.
    This extreme liberalisation of societal attitudes confounds all logic, prudence, wisdom, common-sense – everything that is sensible and reasonable goes out the window.
    It’s unfathomable how ordinary British people have acquired this extraordinary instinct for self-annihilation. It’s because of this and many other factors that the way is no clearer for private individuals in the UK to ‘rise up’ and drive out the aliens. To do so, they would not only have to act against the Muslims, but also their maddeningly illogical apologists.
    The government, moreover, has disarmed the population, and has assumed the monopoly on force, which leaves the populace dependent on the state for all redress, enforcement, everything. Such a state-run system of law (designed as it was to administer a largely homogenous population) could never have envisaged the Muslim crisis we face today.
    Muslims are not, inherently, European – and neither are their values. Saudis, Pakistanis, Iranians etc. can and never will be European. Their first allegiance will always be to their non-existent Allah.
    Muslims either come on board and embrace Western civilisation – or they fuck off. As it is, they have enough of a foot in the Western camp to conduct pisstakingly disingenuous ‘Muslim Rights’ sob-fest campaigns – all with the aim of securing special rights ONLY for Muslims – all with the aim of completely replacing UK sovereign law with their own barbaric Sharia. It doesn’t much matter what the state has to say about it (which is nothing in any case) because Muslims live a subterranean, ghettoised existence – never to befriend the infidel, and always to scheme their take-over plans.

    So, given that the state has abrogated its responsibility to protect by use of force the British people, and the state has further refused to acknowledge the clear and present state of war that Islam and its representatives – Muslims – have declared against the whole of the Western world, it would seem the people of the West need to assert their right to maintain their treasured way of life.
    This will be done in many ways, including:
    • Ordinary Brits in the street pointing out to Muslims what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour
    • Never letting the Muslims take so much of an inch, never mind them taking the piss
    • The whole of society rejecting all overt Islamic displays of behaviour, attire, attitude
    • Educating all Muslims, homegrown and imported, in the ways of the West – and making their responsibilities and duties clear to them
    • The destruction by civil vandalism of ALL Islamic edifices – mosques, book shops, Islamic organisations, and all and any Islamic symbols, signs, everything.
    • The insistence of the British people on not just a secular society, i.e. no religious symbolism of any kind, but ONLY the suppression of Islamic symbols. You know, like, actual discrimination – the negative kind for a change. The kind that is needed.
    • The absolute shit-kicked-out-of Muslims who resist in any way.
    Muslims have earned the right to special treatment … the type of treatment one gives to an excrement-soiled boot sole. Time and time again, Muslims have failed to get their house in order, despite several opportunities to do so. They continue to deny Islam is the problem; presumably in the hope we will all be fooled by their taqiyya for long enough for them to dominate.

    They do and say nothing to jihadis in their midst – even to jihadis in their own families. Their motivation(s) for doing nothing to counter the threat aren’t even important anymore – because whether they are in on the evil or just saying nothing about it, AMOUNTS TO THE SAME.

    Therefore, we can assume that most Muslims are our enemies. Their sordid scripture compels them to kill all non-believers; they are commanded to never fraternise with the infidel; their whole system of morality is derived from the creed of a paedophile butcher – their value systems, such as they are, are inimical to Western civilisation, and indeed inimical to any decent civilisation.

    Given that nation state-level governance today is essentially toothless, blind, and wholly unrepresentative of the will of and the interests of most Britons, and given that we are now in an existential crisis; a state of war against a foreign influence – it’s high time the people of Britain assert themselves vigorously in order to reclaim their customs and culture. Clearly, no mechanism for redress exists within the system. The state expects all Britons to just put up with an endless influx of alien Muslim scum and all their disgraceful behaviour. A great many native Brits, too, lack the spine to day or do anything about it – or feel constrained by PC to go along with the multiculti fantasy. These people too are the enemy of Britain.
    There is no pre-ordained requirement for Europeans to surrender their identity. The destiny of the West is not to be bulldozed by Islam. The magnificence of the West and its Enlightenment values; its discoveries, technology and reason are self-evident, yet these values do need defending.

    The trouble seems to be that if a society evolves to be altruistic; this is OK to a point. That point is the necessity of maintaining a homogenous population with broadly similar customs and culture – such that even newcomers have to be steeped in the traditions of the host society. If newcomers fail to adopt these social norms, they have to go.

    The job of the patriotic Brit or indeed the proponent of Western values, is to make life so damn uncomfortable for non-Western vermin that they must either join with the host society, or piss off to a nation where their savage practices are tolerated.
    Tolerance can be a very bad thing. It can overlook a multitude of atrocities. It can see far ahead into the future – far enough to be able to foresee a sure and certain ruination of a nation, a people, a whole set of hard-won values – and yet say and do nothing to prevent the apocalypse.

    The time for tolerance has long since passed.

  7. profreedan | May 26, 2017 at 11:22 am |

    Silly if multiculturalism was done away with your synagogue would be shut down and you would be forced to abandoned your culture and adopt ours.

    Yes Jew hatred is wrong, but to point that out would be to apologise for Jewdaism.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 26, 2017 at 11:29 am |

      Not necessarily. Jewish synagogues have existed in Britain since the days of Oliver Cromwell, who readmitted Jews to Britain which hundreds of years before the twisted ideology of multculturalism was even conceived.

      BTW If you are going to use the word ‘Judaism’ please spell it correctly – thanks.

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