November ‘British Neville Chamberlain of the month award’ – The appeaser embedded in the school

November Neville illustration with speech-page001


There really can be no question about which person should be made this month’s champion appeaser of Islam. The sheer audacity of her desire to appease Islam was so obvious and apparent, that sadly there can be no other choice. That person is Ms Lynn Small, the headteacher of Littleton Green Community School, in Huntingdon, Staffordshire.

For those who do not know, Ms Small threatened her primary school students in year 4 and year 8 with being smeared as ‘racists’ if they didn’t attend a compulsory outside lecture on Islam. To add insult to treason, Ms Small’s communications with parents demanded the sum of £5 to pay for the trip. The parents were being asked to contribute their own hard-earned money to provide propaganda about an ideology that promotes ‘values’ that are completely counter to our British and Western ones. It is the educational analogue of having to buy the bullet for your own execution.

Thankfully, the parents of children who were threatened in this way didn’t take this sort of blatant and worrying appeasement of Islam lying down. Quite rightly, they protested and Ms Small’s action was subsequently disowned by the local education authority and denounced as ‘heavy handed’ and ‘bonkers’ by the Conservative MP for South Staffordshire, Gavin Williams.

The fact that Ms Small thought it morally, ethically and politically acceptable to threaten children and their parents with the smear of ‘racist’ for not wanting their child to be indoctrinated with pro-Islamic propaganda is chilling. This was not an action by a headteacher concerned about the children under her care, it was the action of a blinkered ideologue, and we should not be allowing those with such an obvious political agenda to have anything to do with education. Ms Small’s action’s ran roughshod over the rights of parents to bring up and socialise their children as they see fit.

This threat by Ms Small was offensive, to Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and many others who are either currently or historically the victims of the ideology of Islam. Think for one moment how this policy appears to a Mizrachi Jew, whose family in the late 1940s probably escaped to the sanctuary of Britain from the horror and violence of living under Islamic rule in Iran or North Africa? Think how this appears to the family of a Sikh child whose people lost approximately 1/3rd of their men, women and children to the swords, fire and wooden mallets of the Islamic ruler of Lahore during the Vaḍḍā Ghallūghārā or Greater Sikh Genocide. However, this is not just a matter for religious minorities to be concerned about, it is a matter of concern for all of us, whether we or our people are the past or possible future victims of Islam. Appeasement like this is deeply offensive to all.

Ms Small is the headteacher of a school judged as ‘requiring improvement’ and where only 67% of the parents would recommend the school to another parent and where a mere 47% strongly agree that the school is well managed. Surely she should be concentrating on improving the school itself and the outcomes for the children. She should ditch the appeasement and political correctness that is, if possible, bringing her school into even more disrepute than it already appears to be.

Ms Small has become, unwittingly on her part I’m sure, a very persuasive advertisment for the home-schooling of children, because there are many other teachers out there just like Ms Small who are obsessed with issues of ‘diversity’ to the extent that it has clouded their judgement. Who, out there, would willingly put their child in the care of someone with the sickeningly bad judgement of Ms Small?

I’ll end by saying well done to all those who protested about this misguided policy, and also to the local authority, who saw this for the abuse of power and infringement of the rights of parents that it is.


Original story

Ms Small’s policy on Islam propaganda called ‘bonkers’ by MP

The views of parents of children attending Ms Small’s school.

The Ofsted reports on Littleton Green School. They do not make encouraging reading.

Persecution of the Sikhs

The Jews of the Islamic world who were ethnically cleansed from their countries by Muslims, are championed by the ‘Point of No Return’ blog which can be found at:

From March 2013 – Another head teacher this time in Chingford, North East London being caught out pandering to Islam

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