From elsewhere: A report on the problem of Islamic Grooming Gangs


Although I have not yet had the chance to read through carefully this report, from what I have seen of it, it shows just how bad the problem of Islamic Grooming Gangs are in the United Kingdom.  A problem that has gone on for decades, yes decades was swept under the carpet by the very police and social service agencies who we should have expected to play their part in protecting our daughters.

Read this weep and get angry.


5 Comments on "From elsewhere: A report on the problem of Islamic Grooming Gangs"

  1. Paris Claims | March 7, 2014 at 9:44 pm |

    Gavin Boby is a hero. I cannot understand how the authorities have left him unmolested for so long. I fear that will change before long.

    • Fahrenheit211 | March 9, 2014 at 8:08 am |

      It is utter madness what is going on. There is hardly a town or city in Britain that hasn’t felt the effects of Islamic rapists, child sex groomers, sexual torturers and other sex offenders. I’m not surprised that there have been high tensions in Peterborough because what you have is a normal English town, that suddenly has imposed on it the followers of an ideology that do not want to integrate, or follow our ways, but who only see the locals and other British people as ‘prey’.

      To add: I believe from reports that there are more Islamononces being uncovered in Ipswich.

      • the fruits of the multiculti paradise our politicians imposed on the people but themselves try to avoid…it will get them one day too, no matter how high walls they have around their palaces.

        • Fahrenheit211 | March 10, 2014 at 7:58 am |

          Agree there. One day the multicultis will find that the crocodile of Islam will not be able to be appeased any more and it will be them that the Islamic ideology comes to oppress. I cannot forgive the multicultis for opening up the doors for the highly oppressive Shariah Law.

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