If you thought the ‘Gays against Islamophobia’ groups were suicidaly mad, then prepare to meet…….

This fine straight jacket is what well dressed members of 'Jews for Jeremy' should be wearing this season.

……….’Jews for Jeremy’.

I thought that seeing a bunch of Leftist LGB’s carrying a banner saying ‘LGBT Against Islamophobia’, would be the very last word in stupidity. But, as with so many things to do with the idiot Left, I was wrong. There is something more stupid, more naïve, more denialist of truth, than these ‘LGBT’ who support the very people who would kill them if they could.

Foolish tossers.

Foolish tossers.

The stupid is so strong in the Jews For Jeremy group that it burns. It’s beyond me how anybody of Jewish heritage or Jewish belief could support someone like Jeremy Corbyn whose counts among his friends and associates the exterminationist Hamas organisation? Jews for Jeremy are about as much to do with Judaism as a pork chop is. They are Leftists nothing more nothing less.

So what’s wrong with Jews for Jeremy? Firstly they take as a primary source the pro-Palestinian activists of Electronic Intifada, and they link to heavily SWP and Islam dominated groups like the Stop the War Coalition. There’s also more tin foil hatters on there than a ‘chemtrails’ site. They seem convinced that there is a ‘right wing’ conspiracy behind those who oppose Jeremy Corbyn. This point of view completely ignores genuine concerns about Corbyn’s politics and his history. Another thing that puts Jews For Jeremy into the ‘meshuganah‘ basket is apparent when you look down the list of signatories of those who have signed letters supporting Jews for Jeremy.

The list reads like a roll call of some of the most out there, naïve, extreme Leftists that either exist in or claim allegience with the Jewish community in the UK. There’s the likes of Tony Greenstein for instance who has equated Zionism, the desire for a Jewish homeland and Nazism which is an expansionist exterminationist ideology. David Rosenberg is also dangerous Lefty present as a signatory and has written on the Jews for Jeremy website about how Jewish Britons should vote for pro-immigration candidates. Rosenberg makes the lazy and disturbing assumption that all Jews take their voting cues from the Jewish Chronicle newspaper, an assumption that is in no way supported by any evidence.

Roland Rance is another signatory and he’s another socialist propagandist and virulent opponent of Jews having an independent nation, I also see the likes of Sue Lukes on the list and I’ve been informed by research that as well as being a supporter of open door migration policies, she also is a long term far Left supporter of Jeremy Corbyn.

Some of the names on the lists I know of, and some I had to search for but the lists are a reasonable cross section of the hate-filled rancid Left, Jewish self haters and the naïve that make up this organisation. Jews for Jeremy are a revolting organisation. If Jews for Jeremy were an organisation on the Right of politics then there would be very little hesitation in the likes of UAF classifying them as a ‘hate group.’

Jews for Jeremy are a collection of fools and the malevolent, there is no other way to describe them. They ignore genuine verifiable facts about the State of Israel and also insist, wrongly in my view, that the products of their malignant leftism are connected in some way with the religion of Judaism. Jews for Jeremy should be treated with the by all decent people, whether Jewish or not, with the contempt that they truly deserve.


You might want a vomit bag handy when viewing the website of Jews for Jeremy.


8 Comments on "If you thought the ‘Gays against Islamophobia’ groups were suicidaly mad, then prepare to meet……."

  1. penseiveat | May 1, 2016 at 10:49 am |

    I can’t wait for the “Muslims against gay bashing” group to start demonstrating!

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 1, 2016 at 10:59 am |

      I fear that you will wait a very long time before such a group emerges from the Islamic mainstream.

  2. thylacosmilus | May 2, 2016 at 5:56 am |

    A bunch of #DarwinAwardcontenders if ever I saw any!

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 2, 2016 at 7:48 am |

      Without a doubt they are Darwin award types. They are not going to realise their idiocy until it’s too late.

  3. Ever thought that these pro-Islam groups are an example of people wanting to ‘look’ intelligent but actually aren’t? Like a lot of the current ‘intellectual’ Left they are interested in looking compassionate and reasonable but the reality cannot be further from the truth.

    There was a paper which stated that Left Wingers have more compassion. What the paper actually found out was it was people who wished to create an illusion of compassion stated that they held Left Wing beliefs while amassing private wealth. It also held that these people were more intelligent as they amassed their personal wealth and avoided castigation.

    So what we have is reasonably bright, but ultimately false people presenting a position for purposes of establishing their own moral and intellectual credentials. We really need to increase educational standards to back to where they were so we can safely ignore these idiots because they don’t have any influence.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 2, 2016 at 8:31 am |

      Hi Bunny. I both agree and disagree with you on this. I agree with you about the Lefties sometimes being thick as two short planks but who try to give the impression of intelligence. I agree about the hypocrisy of holding Leftie beliefs while amassing vast fortunes in private wealth (sometimes gained in an exploitative or otherwise shifty way).

      Wealthy Lefties do manage to shield themselves from criticism by way of Leftie views. You can see that in the Leftie attitudes to Rupert Murdoch when compared to their attitudes to Steve Jobs or Zuckerberg or any number of Left leaning business people. Murdoch is castigated daily for his newspaper’s editorial policies, but few Lefties take a stand against Zukerberg and his editorial policies on Facebook.

      I like the term ‘illusion of compassion’ and if you agree I may borrow it at some time. I’ve been looking for a nice descriptive phrase to tag onto the Luvvies who say ‘refugees welcome’ whilst doing bugger all for said ‘refugees’ themselves.

      I think you are correct in saying that we need to increase educational standards to make more people intellectually capable of challenging the SJW (social justice warrior) types. At the moment we have an intellectual echo chamber where SJW types become lecturers and professors in higher education and they then miseducate another generation to become SJW’s and so the damaging cycle continues.

      Where I will disagree is about ignoring the idiots. That can only come about in the future when people feel confident about standing up to them and challenging them. At present they must not be ignored as they are a danger.

      BTW have you seen or heard anything of the ‘Trigglypuff’ controversy? I’ll be hopefully doing a piece on this later (if childcare allows) but it centres around a lecture given by the Freedom Feminist Christina Hoff Sommers, Steven Crowder the comedian and radio broadcaster, and Milo Yianoppolis the writer and polemicist. One audience member was so outraged by having to listen to opinions that she disagree with that she kicked off big time and had a toddler tantrum. the SJW’s behaviour is not only what frightens people off tackling them but also showed how empty and destructuive the SJW ideology is.

  4. Yes I am watching the Trigglypuff situation with amusement. Universities liberal arts departments seem to be stuffed full of morons. I have a former colleague with an ONC in Building Studies who earns more than most graduates with BAs.

    Of course you can use the ‘illusion of compassion’ I am working on a fictional piece which centres around the ‘illusion of wealth’ which was something I came up with towards the end of the Brown era.

    Getting back to the subject in hand, real feminism is to be found in the Engineering, Science and Mathematical schools of universities. If you compare the incomes of women in construction or engineering I doubt if they are different to that of men.

    On the subject of education I think there is a fight back, looking at the popularity of say Game of Thrones, which is comparable to I Cladius in the 70s. That that was one of the most popular TV shows of its era says a lot about the people watching it.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 2, 2016 at 3:06 pm |

      Couldn’t agree more with this comment of yours

      Getting back to the subject in hand, real feminism is to be found in the Engineering, Science and Mathematical schools of universities. If you compare the incomes of women in construction or engineering I doubt if they are different to that of men.

      Some of the problems with the gender wage gap is down to women choosing specialisms that have lower rewards.

      BTW time for a funny. One of the most amusing ways I ever say a group of male chauvanists silenced was when I was working on the the multidrop delivery circuit for a while. A lady who had just passed her HGV1 (as it was at the time) had to do a three point turn in a most difficult place. Many of the men who worked at the site were going ‘nah she won’t be able to do that’, ‘a woman driving an HGV – never’ were some of the comments. This lady perfectly reversed this 38tonner into the required space leaving a couple of inches between the vehicles parked either side. She then oversaw the unloading, secured the vehicle and did a safety check before removing the truck from the site. The blokes who said ‘women hgv drivers – never’ shut their mouths and all the time I worked there I never heard another criticism of women driving 38 tonne trucks.

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