I told you this would happen – Angry Britons edition

A stereotypical angry mob from one of the Frankenstein movies


The spate of Islamic atrocities that Britain has suffered from over the last few months, coupled with other Islamic attacks on Britons overseas, such as the Tunisia beach attack and the ongoing ‘rape jihad’ in many British towns and cities, has pushed some people over the edge. We now have a situation where people feel abandoned by their government, abandoned to the depredations of the ideology of Islam and its followers. This should never have happened.

Trust in police and trust in government to deal with Britain’s Islam related problems is rapidly diminishing and with that vertiginous drop in trust, comes hotheads claiming to be the answer to these problems or who are allegedly kicking off violently towards Muslims. I fear that the spectre of vigilantism, that I have consistently warned about over several years, occurring because people lose trust in the legitimate security forces is starting to raise its ugly head. The State has buried its head in the sand whilst Britain and its citizens have been subjected to all manner of vile and violent crime from Muslims and people are starting to express, sometimes violently or in inflammatory language, their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.

I grieve that we are coming to this, to violence and vigilantism. I’m also angry that this is a situation that could have been avoided and it could have been avoided by the simple expedient of having recent governments recognise that the ideology of Islam is problematical in free societies and to take appropriate actions against both this ideology and its followers.

This blog will now bring you a few examples of the sort of anger that is being expressed and the manner in which this anger is being expressed. Some of it is nasty and violent, as it often is when people have been pushed to the limit and are expressing anger. Although I do not condone or encourage or promote violence against Muslims or Islamic property by the individual citizen, I can understand where this anger and hostility towards Islam comes from. It is born from a combination of the sort of savagery that Islam has brought to the United Kingdom and a political and policing class that seems determined to not let up on the appeasement of this ideology or its followers. This sort of behaviour by the politicians and our overly politicised and Islamopandering police forces looks to many like abandonment and betrayal in the face of a dire threat, the threat from Islam and some people are kicking off because of the lack of proper State action against that threat.

Here’s the first example. It comes from You Tube but is liable to be taken down soon so this blog has grabbed this clip which is available underneath the You Tube version. The video allegedly shows a man being arrested by a large number of police officers for swinging a bladed weapon around outside a mosque. This video should be treated with some degree of caution as to its bone fides as at this time has not yet been fully verified as being genuine, however it is included for completeness and so that people can see it and make their own mind up about it. The video, uploaded on the 30th May 2017, purports to be showing an arrest of a man for trying to enter a mosque in Stamford Hill North London with a bladed weapon.

If this video is genuine and to be believed then it may well be showing a vulnerable person losing it over Islam. There are a growing number of people who are working hard to keep their temper and their anger about Islam in check to a certain extent, but not everyone is able to do this and the video may be showing one of those who have boiled over.

The second video is one that has garnered a significant amount of notoriety since it was uploaded to Facebook a few days ago. It shows an angry man wearing what is obviously a fake ‘pineapple’ hand grenade around his neck and a rather real looking machete-like blade in his hand, boiling with anger about the murder of children in Manchester by Islamic savages. Although I do not condone or agree with the threats of violence made in the video, I completely understand this man’s hatred of the child-murdering ideology of Islam. However, I am shocked by the blood-curdling threats, including threats to flay Muslims as punishment for their savagery.

What’s interesting about this video is not the content but the fact that it was made and published at all. This man must have known that he was likely to be arrested for going so public with his vehemence but he still went ahead and did it anyway such was his anger at the Islamic savagery that hit Manchester. He must have know that the police would get him, if not for the threat of violence, which may not even be credible, but for the ‘Islamophobia’ which has become a catch all ‘offence’ to shut down criticism of Islam. This man has according to a Merseyside Police press release published by the mendacious Islamic grievance mongers of Tell Mama since been arrested.

The fact that people are, despite the threat of legal sanction that includes prison, starting to voice their views, even the pungent and violent views as featured in the second video, should give us pause for thought and cause to worry. If people are knowingly willing to risk arrest for saying ‘kill the Muslim bastards’, then we have a serious problem as a nation. It means that we have a lot of angry people out there, as I doubt that ‘machete man’ is alone in his anger at the Islamic savagery that has been foisted upon us, it’s just some are more quieter and less public about it than others. I would imagine that there are a large number of men in Britain who have similar levels of anger about Islamic savagery and who have similar desires to do Muslims serious damage as this man has expressed. Although Merseyside Police have arrested the person allegedly behind this video (an arrest that seems to have been encouraged by the Tell Mama group) it will not assuage the anger that a large number of Britons feel about both Islam and the politicians and police who have done sod all to protect us all from it.

Yet again I find myself looking at people pushed beyond endurance by Islamic savagery and seeing my own people abandoned by the State that is supposed to protect them from such savagery and I become depressed at what has happened. These angry people are starting to kick off and the hotheads are coming out of the woodwork and therefore sadly I find myself yet again having to say ‘I told you this would happen’, something that it gives me no pleasure to have to say.

8 Comments on "I told you this would happen – Angry Britons edition"

  1. Hilltop Watchman | June 5, 2017 at 3:08 pm |

    This is very worrying and something I warned about awhile ago.

    I stated to our local police commander that if they didn’t sort out these criminals, ordinary people would.

    I was treated to the usual “you can’t take the law into your own hands” and brought him to a screeching halt when I asked him just whose law it is, considering that the police have only been around for about 170years while the Common Law is about 800 years old with its roots going back to Kong Alfred the great.

    I told him that if, as a constable of Her Majesty, he wasn’t going to do something, then don’t be surprised if someone else does. It wouldn’t be me, but I would fully understand the provocation.

    Much shuffling of feet when I stated that the Common Law belongs to all of us within the UK and is not exclusively the property of government, police and officials, it is all of ours.

    If the authorities don’t start putting Islam back in its box and isolating, despatching (if committing a terror offence), or deporting these people, there will be a backlash of we feel that it’s being swept under the carpet with us patronised and sidelined.

    The JDL stopped the fascists and similar in London, Leeds, Leicester and other cities because even then the police, albeit overstretched, refused to act. I’d rather that didn’t happen again, but if needs must……..

    And should this happen, I will lay the entire blame on the politicians, police and officials who mote afraid of being called racist or you-know-what-o-phobic, preferred to let it fester in the hope that it would go away or that we’d adapt or get fed up and put up with it.

    On Thursday I am giving the Tories the benefit of the doubt, as the alternative is too ghastly and dangerous to contemplate. If there was the chance of their winning in my area, there isn’t, it would be UKIP every time.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 5, 2017 at 3:12 pm |

      I agree the situation is getting more and more worrying. These problems are much better dealt with by the democratic government than by mobs with flaming torches

      As regarding voting intention I was prepared to give the Tories the benefit of the doubt primarily in order to secure Brexit but now I’m not so sure.

      May’s performance over the terror attacks has been pretty poor and the Tories taking another Cameroon turn to the Left puts me off. I don’t think that Labour stand a chance in the safe Tory seat where I vote and UKIP have done well there so I’m considering voting UKIP even though it may bring with it the risk that the seat falls to ao particulary incompetent and untrustworthy Lib Dem due to the unpopularity of the tories and a split in the right wing / patriot vote between UKIP and the Tories. I want to stop Corbynite wreckers but I can’t in all conscience vote for the Tories now

  2. profreedan | June 5, 2017 at 3:25 pm |

    You apologise for their threats.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 5, 2017 at 3:43 pm |

      No I condemn them. I may understand both intellectually and emotionally from what point that they are coming from, but I condemn them. The North London mosque attacker really does look like someone with a pre existing problem losing it, but the question you need to ask is would this person have lost it without the provocation of Islamic murder sprees? I think possibly not.

      As for the machete waver, of course people should be arrested for credible threats to commit murder but whether this threat is credible is debatable. However, as he has not been arrested under any Offences Against the Person legislation but instead has been arrested on a bullshit ‘hate speech’ charge then this, at least at this time, points to the posibility that the threat of violence may not have been seen by police as credible or liable to be put into practice. Here’s a thought for you. Maybe this guy would not have issued his blood-curdling statements had it not been for the actions of child-murdering jihadist savages?

  3. profreedan | June 5, 2017 at 3:28 pm |

    You call the person who tried to enter a mosque vulnerable. It’s petty clear that when white people carry out acts of violence you make excuses.

    I would guess you wouldn’t want these people arrested for incitement. You’d probably stage a protest for them outside court.

  4. profreedan | June 5, 2017 at 3:30 pm |

    “He must have know that the police would get him, if not for the threat of violence, which may not even be credible, but for the ‘Islamophobia’ which has become a catch all ‘offence’ to shut down criticism of Islam. ”

    Violent threats are criticism of religion now. You are hilarious

  5. profreedan | June 5, 2017 at 4:14 pm |

    Not really, he mentioned pxxs and people like him would have a general hatred against them be they Muslims or not.
    Anyway he’s now backing out and did a video in a Muslim corner shop saying he was joking. Big man eh?

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 5, 2017 at 4:20 pm |

      As the population of Pakistan is mostly Muslim ‘Paki’ and ‘Muslim’ are often synonymous. Anyway I’ve had enough of you now with your constant nit picking about this and that and screaming insults at myself and others. You can go back on block and scurry away now your time here is over. Goodbye.

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