Happy St George’s Day to all this blog’s English readers


I’d like to take this opportunity to wish this blog’s very many readers in England a very happy St George’s Day. I hope that my English readers will be able to celebrate the day marking the life of the man who has been England’s patron saint since the year 1388, when St George replaced St Edmund, England’s original patron saint, in that role.

I hope my readers will fly the St George’s flag where ever they can not just because St George has been part of English culture since the 14th century but also because it is a day that really winds up the anti-patriotic political Left. St George’s day is something that the Left, and particularly the middle class Left, completely despise because many of them despise England and the English with a demented passion. Remember every time you fly the cross of St George from your car or your house or your kid’s pushchair or even wear the St George symbol on a T shirt, you wind up a left winger, and that is always a worthwhile thing to do.

It must especially upset the pro Islam left to know that the cult of St George in England has its roots in a visit made by King Richard I to St George’s tomb whilst taking part in the Third Crusade to rid that land, which is now called Israel, from the depredations of the invading Muslims. With England today facing many and varied problems caused by the ideology of Islam and its followers, the St George’s cross is a symbol of resistance to the Islamic ideology and pride in a nation that along with the other constituent nations of the UK gave the world so much in terms of culture and technology.

So however you are celebrating St George’s Day, celebrate it enthusiastically and in style. Remember, just like the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish who celebrate their own patron saints days, the English also have a right to celebrate and the English should never let anyone tell them otherwise.

Happy St George’s Day everyone

1 Comment on "Happy St George’s Day to all this blog’s English readers"

  1. Had the Cross of St. George flying high on my front lawn. Had some imbecile knock on my door to tell me that the flag was “offensive”. I said only two words, one of which was “off!” The complainant did just that. No other bother during this great day.

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