Another Muslim troublemaker down.


Although the Day for Freedom that happened on the 6th May 2018 was a resounding success with a wide range of speakers and one of the biggest attendances I’ve seen for a freedom of speech rally, it was marred by one incident that I have hitherto avoided commenting on, mostly because I felt I did not have enough information to comment. The incident in question, which was one that I did not witness, apparently related to the removal of the platform for an Islamic activist called Ali Dawah. I can understand why some commentators, such as Sargon of Akkad, were concerned that Dawah was not allowed to speak, but later information that came out regarding Ali Dawah and his alleged behaviour caused me to realise that maybe removing Dawah from the speakers list was probably the right thing to do in the end.

However it is not Ali Dawah that this piece is concerned with but with Dawah’s companion at the Day of Freedom demonstration a guy called Mohammed Hijab. Hijab allegedly turned up to all intents and purposes looking for a fight, and was said to be wearing a boxer’s gum shield, which shows at the very least that Hijab was expecting trouble. Wearing a gum shield does seem to suggest that Mohammed Hijab was preparing to either thump people or get thumped.

This behaviour by Mohammed Hijab has come to the attention of his employers, a school in Rainham, Essex, where Hijab was employed as a ‘trainee history teacher’. Following much publicity about Hijab saying to people at the free speech demo that he was willing to ‘fight and die’ for Islam, Hijab has been sacked or rather ‘let go’ from his position. In my view this is a damn good thing that he has been removed from the school. Would you really want this person teaching your child history or anything else? I know I wouldn’t want this man within a hundred miles of my child.

Here’s part of the report of Hijab’s sacking from the Romford Recorder, a local newspaper that covers the Rainham area. t.

The Recorder said:

A teacher from a Rainham school who was seen on social media stating he was ready to fight and die for Islam has left his job.

Mohammed Hegab was a trainee history teacher at Harris Academy in Rainham, and the headteacher of the school issued a letter to parents a few days ago to say his placement terminated.

Headteacher Gareth Stananought said that the suspension was unrelated to allegations made on social media.

Mohammed has a YouTube channel with over 60,000 followers where he speaks about Islam, and in videos compares feminism and Islam, and also speaks about issues such as bullying.

There are also videos circulating on YouTube and social media of Mohammed attending a Freedom of Speech event in Whitehall, where he is allegedly punched by members of the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DLA).

In these videos Mohammed is stood close to a group of DLA members and police officers and shouts that he will “fight” and “die” for Islam and his freedom of speech.

I get the impression from reading the Romford Recorder story that Mohammed Hijab has been a concern for a while for the school and the publicity surrounding his alleged actions at the Day for Freedom demo seem to have been the final straw for the school. Although Hijab is going because of ‘performance reasons’, I have little doubt in my own mind that Hijab’s actions at the Day for Freedom may have also played a part in his contract not being renewed. I can well imagine that there must be many parents who have children at Harris Academy, who on suddenly becoming aware of who and what Hijab is, voiced their objections to his presence in the school.

What should both worry and galvanise parents in to action is that there must be hundreds of other ‘Mohammed Hijab’s out there working in our schools and teaching our children. How many other individuals similar to Hijab with similar levels of alleged incompetence and aggression are being put by schools in front of our children? If it’s just one then that is too many. At least in this case we can say that this is another Muslim troublemaker who is down and that is something that we should feel thankful for.